900字范文 > 热力分析 thermal analysis英语短句 例句大全

热力分析 thermal analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 15:58:07


热力分析 thermal analysis英语短句 例句大全

热力分析,thermal analysis

1)thermal analysis热力分析

1.This paper describes work carried out on the design of a new converter hood with particular reference to thethermal analysis and hood performance aspects.本文阐述了有关新烟罩的设计尤其是热力分析和烟罩性能方面所做的工作。

2.According to processing Conditions of Roller in working, Through thethermal analysis on the internal screw roller heated,the parameters of the thermal system of the roller are calculated,such as the temperature and the flow rate of the fluid and the number of spiral flute,and the design method and the choice of main parameters are obtained.根据轧辊在工作过程中应满足的工艺条件 ,通过对内螺旋加热轧辊的热力分析 ,给出了轧辊热力系统设计中控温流体的温度、流量及螺旋槽的数量等一些重要参数的设计方法和选择原则。

3.On the basis ofthermal analysis for the coal mine,the calculation model of heat dissipating of various heat sources in coal mine has been established.在矿井热力分析的基础上,建立了井下各种热源散热量的计算模型。


1.Thermodynamic Analysis of CCCP System with Adjustable Regenerative Gas Turbine可调回热燃气轮机冷热电联产系统热力分析

2.Calculating of Heat Consumption Index and Analysis of Energy Saving on Substation;热力站耗热指标测算及节能潜力分析

3.Thermal Analysis and Optimal Design of 600MW Unit of Power Plant;600MW机组热力系统的热力学分析与优化

4.Thermal Analysis and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Polyester聚酯的热分析与热分解动力学的研究


6.The Analysis of Second Law of Thermodynamics about Surface Heat Exchanger间壁式换热器的热力学第二定律分析

7.Thermodynamic Analysis and Application of Convective Heat Transfer;对流换热过程的热力学分析及其应用

8.Theoretical Analysis about Interface Oxidation of Thermal Barrier Coatings with Thermodynamics;热障涂层界面氧化的热力学理论分析

9.Thermodynamic analysis and experiment of production of Sr by vacuum silicothermic reduction真空硅热法炼锶的热力学分析与实验

10.Research of thermal stress and analysis of thermal characteristic for plastic ball grid array packagePBGA封装热应力研究与热特性分析

11.Thermodynamic analysis of waste heat recovery in one-step phosphorous acid production by BEP一步法热法磷酸生产余热回收的热力学分析

12.Study on the Dynamical Thermal Stresses for the Semi-Infinite Body Under the Step Heating Flux Boundary阶跃热流冲击加热半无限体动态热应力分析

13.Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Studies on Thermodynamic Properties of Drugs;药物热力学性质的量热学与热分析研究

14.EEDM Equation of the Thermo-economic Analysis for Cogeneration Unit供热机组热力系统热经济性分析的EEDM方程

15.Acetylene Production from Coal in Plasma Pyrolysis and Analysis of Thermodynamics and Kinetics;等离子体热解煤制乙炔及热力学和动力学分析

16.Thermal analysis Kinetics and thermodynamics of calix arene;对—叔丁基杯[6]热力学及热分析动力学研究

17.Application of Network Thermodynamics to Analysis of Thermodynamics System in Power Plant网络热力学在电厂热力系统分析中的应用

18.Analysis and Comparison of Thermal Stress and Hygrothermal Stress of Lead-free Flip Chip Solder Joint无铅倒装焊点的热应力与湿热应力分析


thermodynamic analysis热力分析

1.Athermodynamic analysis of the cycle was conducted with R13/R22 as working fluid.本文采用精馏塔作为气液分离装置,以R13/R22为制冷剂, 对新循环进行了热力分析,建立了各换热器的能量平衡方程,分析了循环工质配比、压缩机回气温度及冷凝温度对压缩机压比及系统COP的影响。

3)thermomechanical analysis热-力分析

4)thermodynamics analysis热力学分析

1.Thermodynamics analysis of carbothermal reduction of TiB_2碳热还原法合成TiB_2的热力学分析与研究

2.Based on purifying automotive exhaust emission in cylinder by plasma technology, the influences of plasma modified gasoline on the content of NO in automobile exhaust emission were studied throughthermodynamics analysis for the reactions occuried in automobile cylinder.以等离子体技术机内净化汽车尾气为前提,通过对汽缸内反应体系的热力学分析,研究了等离子体改性汽车燃油的加入对汽车尾气中NO含量的影响。

3.Bythermodynamics analysis,the independent reactions of the system,the relationship between each reaction equilibrium constant and the temperature and the main products in equilibrium components of the system are carbon black and hydrogen,are demonstrated.对CH4-H2体系进行了热力学分析,并与大气压反常辉光放电条件下得到的实验结果相比较。

5)Thermodynamical analysis热力学分析

1.Thermodynamical analysis of CFB system for preliminary decomposition of phosphogypsum;磷石膏CFB预分解系统的热力学分析

2.In order to get more knowledge about the difficulty of conductivity-type inversion in ZnO, this paper performs the thermodynamical analysis of intrinsic point defects.为了更好了解ZnO在p型转化中存在的困难,文章对其进行了本征点缺陷的热力学分析,得到了热平衡状态时,ZnO中主要的点缺陷浓度与环境温度和氧气压的关系,并做出了其K V图。

6)Thermodynamic analysis热力学分析

1.Interface reaction and thermodynamic analysis on the magnesium alloy matrix composite reinforced with alumina silicate short fibers;硅酸铝短纤维增强镁基复合材料的界面反应及其热力学分析

2.Study on the thermodynamic analysis of zinc scale in the washing water system of blast furnace gas and its treatment technology;高炉煤气洗涤水锌垢的热力学分析及处理技术

3.Thermodynamic Analysis of Formation of In-situ Reinforced Phase TiB_2 and Al_3Ti;原位增强相(TiB_2+Al_3Ti)形成的热力学分析


热力学:热力学第零定律热力学第零定律:热力学中以热平衡概念为基础对温度作出定义的定律。通常表述为﹕与第三个系统处於热平衡状态的两个系统之间﹐必定处於热平衡状态。图中A 热力学第零定律示意图 ﹑B 热力学第零定律示意图 ﹑C 热力学第零定律示意图 为 3个质量和组成固定﹐且与外界完全隔绝的热力系统。将其中的B ﹑C 用绝热壁隔开﹐同时使它们分别与A 发生热接触。待A 与B 和A 与C 都达到热平衡时﹐再使B 与C 发生热接触。这时B 和C 的热力状态不再变化﹐这表明它们之间在热性质方面也已达到平衡。第零定律表明﹐一切互为热平衡的系统具有一个数值上相等的共同的宏观性质──温度。温度计所以能够测定物体温度正是依据这个原理。
