900字范文 > 社区亚文化 sub-culture of the community英语短句 例句大全

社区亚文化 sub-culture of the community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-15 04:53:37


社区亚文化 sub-culture of the community英语短句 例句大全

社区亚文化,sub-culture of the community

1)sub-culture of the community社区亚文化

2)community culture社区文化

1.The countermeasure ctudy of dealing with the contradiction of community Party construction andcommunity culture;试论正确处理社区党建与社区文化矛盾关系的对策

2.On ways of building a harmoniouscommunity culture——A case study on Siming district of Xiamen;论和谐社区文化建设的途径与方法——以厦门思明区为例


1.Review on Community Culture and It s Influence inthe Building of Community;论社区文化及其在社区建设中的作用

2.Local Community Culture--The Root of Modern Community Culture of China乡土社区文化——中国现代社区文化建设之根

3.Impact of Web-culture and the Construction of University Community Culture;网络文化的冲击与高校社区文化建设

4.On Community Culture and Quality Education of Undergraduates in Our University;社区文化与我院大学生文化素质教育

5.Thoughts on the Development of a Cultural Province Enhanced by Guangdong Community Culture Promotion;广东社区文化促进建设文化大省构想

6.On the Function of Public Cultural Centers in the Construction of Community Cultural Environment;群艺(文化)馆在社区文化建设中的作用

7.Co-construction Between University Campus Culture and Community Culture社区文化与大学校园文化的融合共建

8.Developing Community Civilization and Promoting the Civic Civilization Trait--A conception of constructing community civilization in Shijiazhuang city;发展社区文化,提升城市文化品位——石家庄市社区文化建设构想

9.University Culture Business Culture and Community Cultural Interaction Mechanism;大学文化、企业文化、社区文化互动模式研究

10.Study of the Culture Construction of the Community in Society Transiton Period;社会转型期的城市社区文化建设研究

11.Thoughts on Cultural Construction in Communities of New Socialist Countryside;社会主义新农村社区文化建设的思考

12.Fostering Consortium to Improve the Cultural Level in Communities;培育社团组织,提高社区文化建设水平

13.On the Community Culture of Modern Cities;现代化大城市需要有繁荣的社区文化——谈谈社区文化建设

14.Animating Community Culture: the Basis of and the Key to Constructing Harmonious Communities in the Cities;活跃社区文化:建设城市和谐社区的基础和关键

15.The Cultivation of Master Consciousness in Juvenile Community and the Construction of the Community Culture;青少年社区主人翁意识的培养与社区文化建设

16.The foundation to develop community culture is to develop the community library发展社区文化的基础是发展社区图书馆

17.Music Art and Community Culture Construction;音乐艺术与社区文化建设——城镇需要社区文化艺术管理专业人才

18.The Cultural Identity Construction of Urban Communities and Rural Communities城市社区文化认同建设对农村社区文化认同建设的启示


community culture社区文化

1.The countermeasure ctudy of dealing with the contradiction of community Party construction andcommunity culture;试论正确处理社区党建与社区文化矛盾关系的对策

2.On ways of building a harmoniouscommunity culture——A case study on Siming district of Xiamen;论和谐社区文化建设的途径与方法——以厦门思明区为例

3)cultural sub-areas文化亚区

4)communities and culture社区和文化

5)Cultural Community文化型社区

1.Study on the UrbanCultural Community Construction;城市文化型社区建设研究

6)suburban community culture郊区社区文化


