900字范文 > 细菌耐药监测 Bacterial resistance surveillance英语短句 例句大全

细菌耐药监测 Bacterial resistance surveillance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 07:36:52


细菌耐药监测 Bacterial resistance surveillance英语短句 例句大全

细菌耐药监测,Bacterial resistance surveillance

1)Bacterial resistance surveillance细菌耐药监测

1.2002—Bacterial resistance surveillance on Gram-positive cocci isolated from hospital acquired infections and community acquired infections in China;2002—中国医院和社区获得性感染革兰阳性细菌耐药监测研究


1.Antibiotic Usage and Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogens Isolated During from to -临床抗菌药物应用与细菌耐药监测分析

2.Surveillance of bacterial resistance of isolates in and in our hospital-两年临床分离菌的细菌耐药监测研究

3.Surveillance and Study of Antimicrobial Utilization and Bacterial Resistance in Geriatrics Department of the West China Hospital;华西医院老年病房抗生素使用与细菌耐药监测研究

4.Surveillance of Pathogenic Bacteria and Drug Resistance in Hemotology and Oncology Ward of Zhejiang Children"s Hospital during 2002-浙江省儿童医院血液病房2002-间细菌耐药监测


6.Surveillance of bacterial resistance from hospitals in Shanghai during 上海地区细菌耐药性监测

7.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Wuhan Tongji Hospital in 武汉同济医院细菌耐药性监测

8.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Chongqing Daping Hospital in 重庆大坪医院细菌耐药性监测

9.CHINET surveillance of bacterial resistance in China中国CHINET细菌耐药性监测

10.Surveillance of bacterial resistance in Tongling area during year of 铜陵地区细菌耐药性监测

11.Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates from Wuhan Tongji Hospital in 武汉同济医院细菌耐药性监测

12.Epidemiology and Antibiotic-resistance of Nosocomial Infection Strains in NSICU Survey神经外科重症监护病房的细菌耐药性监测

13.Distribution of bacteria and their drug resistance monitoring in 9 military hospitals of China in 9家军队医院细菌分布与耐药监测分析

14.Surveillance of antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates from Shandong Provincial hospital during 山东大学附属省立医院细菌耐药性监测

15.Discussion and Suggestion on the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring and Surveillance Program in Animals国家动物源细菌耐药性监测工作的探讨和建议

16.Application of Clinical Antimicrobial Agents and Surveillance of Bacterial Resistance of Hospital对医院抗生素的使用与细菌耐药性监测的分析

17.Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Enterobacteriaceae from Affiliated Hospital of Dali University in 大理学院附属医院肠杆菌科细菌耐药性监测

18.Surveillance of Bacterial Resistance in Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Water in Jiulongjiang River九龙江水中肠杆菌科细菌分布及耐药性监测结果


Bacterial resistance surveillance细菌耐药性监测

3)Surveillance of bacterial resistance细菌耐药性监测

1.Surveillance of bacterial resistance in Beijing Hospital during ;北京医院细菌耐药性监测

2.CHINET surveillance of bacterial resistance in China中国CHINET细菌耐药性监测

3.Surveillance of bacterial resistance was important and valuable for understanding the trend of antimicrobial resistance and rational antimicrobial therapy.结论我院细菌耐药状况较为严重,进行细菌耐药性监测有助于了解我院细菌耐药性变迁,为临床经验用药提供理论依据。


1.WHONET software was applied for analysis of the bacterial sensitive data from 84 tertiaryMohnarin member hospitals at different area in China from June 1, to May 31,.方法按照卫生部全国细菌耐药性监测网(Mohnarin)统一方案,对84所医院6月1日-5月31日,胆汁培养病原菌进行药敏测定,利用WHONET软件进行数据分析。

2.4 was applied for analysis of the bacterial sensitive data from 84 tertiaryMohnarin member hospitals at different area in China from June 1, to May 31,.4软件进行分析,对卫生部全国细菌耐药性监测网(Mohnarin)所属84所三级甲等医院6月1日-5月31日分离的脑脊液标本菌株进行分析。

3.4 was applied for analysis of the bacterial sensitive data from 84 tertiaryMohnarin(Ministry of Health National Antibacterial Resistance Investigation Net) member hospitals at different area in China from June 1, to May 31,.4软件进行分析,对卫生部全国细菌耐药性监测网(Mohnarin)所属84所三级甲等医院6月1日-5月31日上报数据中明确标明ICU来源的菌株进行分析。

5)Surveillance of fungal resistance真菌耐药性监测

6)Bacterial resistance细菌耐药

1.Survey on bacterial resistance and antibiotics usage among paediatrics;儿科抗生素使用现状及细菌耐药性监测

2.The problem of bacterial resistance is getting worse,causing great co ncern in the world due to its great threat to human health.细菌耐药问题日趋严重 ,对人类健康造成极大威胁 ,成为全球关注的热点 。

3.Objective To monitor the application of clinical antimicrobial agents and the bacterial resistance of in Shenzhen People’s hospital.结论抗生素管理与临床应用需进一步规范,细菌耐药监测应高度重视。


