900字范文 > 旅游功能区划 tourist function zoning英语短句 例句大全

旅游功能区划 tourist function zoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-13 18:43:24


旅游功能区划 tourist function zoning英语短句 例句大全

旅游功能区划,tourist function zoning

1)tourist function zoning旅游功能区划


1.The Waterfront Tourist Function Zoning and Development of the Mountainous City--a Case Study of Chongqing Main City山地城市滨水区旅游功能区划与开发探究——以重庆主城区为例

2.Ocean Tourism Resources and Functional Zoning in Qingdao City青岛市海洋旅游资源及其功能区划

3.On tourist functional distributionand program of Jinggangshan scenic resort;井冈山风景名胜区旅游功能分区与项目规划

4.A Study on Regional Tourism Spatial Structure:Time Sequence and Functional Regionalization区域旅游空间组织:时序演变与功能区划

5.On Functional Division of Eco-tourism in Nature Reserve;自然保护区生态旅游区功能区划探析——以高黎贡山百花岭——江苴生态旅游区为例

6.Discussion on the Planning and Developing of Tourism Functions of Sight Riverway of Longhe River, Langfang City浅谈廊坊市龙河景观河道旅游功能区规划与开发

7.Study on touring function areaof Nanwan Lake Scenic Area in Xinyang;信阳南湾湖风景区旅游功能分区初探

8.A Brief Discussion on Regional Tourism Division: An Example for Fujian Province;地方性旅游区划及福建旅游区划初探

9.Evaluation and Function Division of Ningxia Tourist Resources;宁夏旅游资源及其功能分区评价研究

10.Regulatory Detailed Planning for Specific Functional Zone in Tourism Area in Urban Fringe:A Case Study of the Hospitality Zone of Maofengshan Forest Park in Guangzhou City大城市边缘的旅游功能区控制性规划研究——以广州市帽峰山森林公园入口接待区为例

11.Regional Features of Tourist Resources and Tourist Divisions of Mianyang;绵阳旅游资源的区位特点及旅游区划

12.The City Planning Constructions with Artificial, Streng then Travel the Function;城市规划建设要以人为本,增强旅游功能

13.Tourism Resource Evaluation and Function Division in Mentougou Town;门头沟区旅游资源评价及功能分区研究

14.On function subarea of tourism environment of scenic and historic area of Zhongshan in Nanjing;南京钟山风景名胜区旅游环境功能分区研究

15.Ecotourist Resources and Its Districts in Luya Mountain;芦芽山生态旅游资源及生态旅游区划

16.Impact of the Evolution of Regional Tourism Function System on Regional Tourism Development:A Case Study of Shennongjia;论旅游功能系统演进对区域旅游发展的影响——以神农架为例

17.A Study of the Location the Tourist Function and the Development of the Tourist resources in the Ethnic Group Area in Southeast Chongqing;渝东南少数民族地区旅游功能定位与旅游资源开发探讨

18.On the Feature,Effect and Evolution of the Functional System of the Regional Tourism;试论区域旅游功能系统的性质、效应与演进机制


coastal tourism functional zoning海洋旅游功能区划

3)Tourism Functional Area旅游功能区

1.Research Towards the Optimization of theTourism Functional Area Planning Pattern;旅游功能区规划优化模式设计研究

4)tourism function districts de-signs旅游功能区设计

5)tourist functional distribution旅游功能分区

1.Ontourist functional distributionand program of Jinggangshan scenic resort;井冈山风景名胜区旅游功能分区与项目规划

6)tourism regionalization旅游区划

1.Study on thetourism regionalization and sustainabledevelopment in Ningxia;宁夏旅游区划与可持续发展研究


