900字范文 > 环鄱阳湖旅游圈 the tourism cycle of Poyang Lake英语短句 例句大全

环鄱阳湖旅游圈 the tourism cycle of Poyang Lake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-24 01:27:09


环鄱阳湖旅游圈 the tourism cycle of Poyang Lake英语短句 例句大全

环鄱阳湖旅游圈,the tourism cycle of Poyang Lake

1)the tourism cycle of Poyang Lake环鄱阳湖旅游圈


1.On Development Countermeasures of Tourism Circle Around Poyang Lake of Jiangxi Province;江西省环鄱阳湖旅游圈发展对策研究

2.To Construct Tourism Growth Pole in the Tourism Cycle of Poyang Lake构建环鄱阳湖旅游圈旅游业增长极的实证研究

3.Analysis on Link Poyang Lake District County Area Tourism Development Opportunity and Countermeasure环鄱阳湖县域旅游业发展的机遇与对策分析

4.Development question and countermeasure research of the economic circle of Poyang Lake;环鄱阳湖经济圈发展问题及对策研究

5.Ponder on the Implementation of the Lake Control Project and Poyang Lake Travel Development;实施控湖工程与鄱阳湖旅游发展的思考

6.A Study on Ecotourism and Harmonious Economic Development in Poyang Lakeside;鄱阳湖湖滨生态旅游与经济协调发展研究

7.Chapter five: Real example analysis of tourist market in Poyang Lake area;第五章:鄱阳湖区旅游客源市场实证分析。

8.A Tentative Study on Productive Forces Layout of Tourism and Products Exploitation in Poyang Lake Area鄱阳湖区旅游生产力布局与产品开发初探

prehensive Evaluation and Exploitation Research of Tourism Resources in Poyang Lake Area;鄱阳湖区旅游资源综合评价与开发研究

10.Research on Development and Innovation of Tourism Industry in Poyang Lake Based on ecology angle基于生态角度下鄱阳湖区旅游产业发展与创新

11.Construction of Eco-tourism in Jiangxi Eastern Poyang Lake National Wetland Park江西东鄱阳湖国家湿地公园生态旅游建设雏议

12.Characteristics of Water Level, Water Environment and Effects on Fish Communication and Migration in the Hukou Area of Poyang Lake鄱阳湖湖口水位、水环境特征分析及其对鱼类群落与洄游的影响

13.Primary Study on Eco-tourism Development in Jiangxi Poyanghu National Nature Reserve;鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区生态旅游开发初步研究

14.Analysis and Research about Loading Ability of the Water Environment of Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖湖泊水环境承载力分析与研究

15.On Anhui province Chao lake tourism economy circle "three in one"strategy论安徽省环巢湖旅游经济文化圈“三圈合一”战略

16.On Seeking for Environment Ethics in the Development and Governance of Poyang Lake;论鄱阳湖开发与治理的环境伦理诉求

17.Assessing on the Ecological Environment Vulnerability of Poyang Lake Typical Wetland;鄱阳湖典型湿地生态环境脆弱性评价

18.On Dividing and Evaluating the Development Stages of Urban Agglomeration around the Poyang Lake环鄱阳湖城市群发展阶段的判定分析


Poyang Lake travels鄱阳湖旅游

3)around Poyan Lake环鄱阳湖

1.The paper dicusses the necessity and feasibility of building Lujinglong toursim growth trangle for the regional economic developmentaround Poyan Lake with such strategic measures as network-based toursim,tourist product specialization and city clustering,etc.为促进环鄱阳湖旅游成长三角的区域经济发展,必须制定实施环鄱阳湖旅游成长三角的旅游网络化、旅游产品特色化和发展环鄱阳湖城市群等战略措施。

4)Poyang Lake环鄱阳湖区

1.The Signality and Feasibility of Fostering Agricultural CDM Project——TakingPoyang Lake as an Example培育农业CDM项目的意义及现实可行性——以环鄱阳湖区为例

5)The Chaohu-rim Tourism Circle环巢湖旅游圈

1.Acording to the historical and practical c onsiderations, and based on Anhui Province\"s foundation of economic, social and cultural development, this paper bring up an Overall strategy to integrate those three strategies which have been proposed before, such as:"the Anhui Provincial Capital Economic Circle","The Chaohu-rim Tourism Circle;"and"The Chaohu-rim Cultural Circle".基于历史和现实的考虑,从安徽省发展的经济社会和文化基础来看,本文提出了整合"安徽省会经济圈"、"环巢湖旅游圈"和"环巢湖文化圈"的"三圈合一"战略;并从意义、可行性和相互关系以及整合路径等方面作具体阐述。

6)Poyang Lake ring环鄱阳湖地区

1.Analysis on land use change and ecological services value inPoyang Lake ring环鄱阳湖地区土地利用与生态系统服务价值分析

2.This paper analyzes the deep causes restraining the movement of people and urbanization process in thePoyang Lake ring counties in the light of the specific conditions of the area and explores the possibility of coordinated,sustainable development of population,urbanization and the local economy.根据环鄱阳湖地区县域人口、城镇化的基本状况,通过分析制约县域人口迁移与城镇化进程的深层因素,探讨促进环鄱阳湖地区人口、城镇化与县域经济可持续发展的协同,从而得出处理好人口、城镇化与县域经济可持续发展的关系,是促进环鄱阳湖地区县域经济可持续发展的必然选择。


鄱阳1.地名。春秋楚番邑,秦置番县,汉改鄱阳县。今改波阳县,在江西省东北部。 2.指鄱阳湖。
