900字范文 > 海洋石油平台 offshore platform英语短句 例句大全

海洋石油平台 offshore platform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-17 16:44:59


海洋石油平台 offshore platform英语短句 例句大全

海洋石油平台,offshore platform

1)offshore platform海洋石油平台

1.The calculation of relevant parameters of noncoplanar lines foroffshore platform jacket model;海洋石油平台模型导管架异面直线相关参数的计算

2.API RP2A-WSD code s inspiration to seismic design ofoffshore platform in China;美国API RP2A-WSD规范对我国海洋石油平台抗震设防的启示

3.Research on welding process of the American standard steel foroffshore platform structure海洋石油平台建造美标钢材国产焊材焊接工艺研究


1.China Offshore Platform Engineering Corporation中国海洋石油平台工程公司

2.Research on Underwater Skirt Pile Gripper of Offshore Oil Platform;海洋石油平台水下夹桩器研究与设计

3.Research and Design of the Seawater Injection Supervisory and Control System on the Oil Platform;海洋石油平台注海水监控系统的设计与研究

4.Development And Application of Cable Jacket Compound Used in Sea Petroleum Platform海洋石油平台用电线电缆护套料的开发应用

5.Design of Real-time Supervisory Control System for Admixing Water Flooding on Oil Platform;海洋石油平台混配注水实时监控系统设计

6.Ultra-Wideband Channel Modeling in Offshore Oil Platform Environment海洋石油平台环境下的超宽带信道建模

7.Research on Sealing Performance of Underwater Skirt Pile Gripper for Offshore Oil Platform海洋石油平台水下夹桩器密封性能研究

8.Development and evaluation on a new welding process for manufacturing pipe for offshore jacket platform海洋石油平台制管焊接新工艺的开发与评价

9.Underwater skirt pile gripper (USPG) was a hydraulic gripper widely applied in construction of offshore oil platform.水下夹桩器是一种广泛应用于海洋石油平台建设的液压夹具。

10.Research on welding process of the American standard steel for offshore platform structure海洋石油平台建造美标钢材国产焊材焊接工艺研究

11.Anticorrosive Coatings for HY281/282 Offshore Oil Platform海洋石油281/282平台防腐蚀涂装

12.Trial-manufacture of offshore-flat structure steel HYE36HYE36海洋石油钻井平台钢的试制

13.Jack-up system on 931 offshore drilling platform海洋石油931钻井平台升降系统的分析

14.Offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not dispose oil-polluted industrial wastes into the sea.海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台不得向海域处置含油的工业垃圾。

15.Oil-polluted water and oil mixtures from offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not be directly discharged into the sea.海洋石油钻井船、钻井平台和采油平台的含油污水和油性混合物,不得直接排放;

16.A Study on the Decommissioning and Abandonment Technology and Engineering of Offshore Oil Platform海上石油平台拆除技术和工程的研究

17.The oil company built a new platform on the ocean.石油公司在海上新建了一个钻井平台。

18.Security and stability control system for offshore platform power grid海上石油平台电网安全稳定控制系统


offshore oil platform海洋石油平台

1.Contact finite element analysis of the pressing block tooth in underwater skirt pile gripper ofoffshore oil platform;海洋石油平台水下夹桩器压块齿接触有限元分析

2.It was widely applied in the construction ofoffshore oil platform.水下夹桩器是一种广泛应用于海洋石油平台建设的液压夹具。

3.The factors influencing on low temperature transverse impact toughness of H-beam used foroffshore oil platform was analysed through industrial test.通过工业性试验 ,分析了影响海洋石油平台用热轧H型钢横向低温冲击韧性的各种因素 ,在此基础上对生产工艺进行了优化 ,使产品横向低温冲击韧性满足了海洋石油平台用钢的要求。

3)offshore oil drilling platform海洋石油平台

1.Experimental research on E36 grade Nb micro-alloyed steel foroffshore oil drilling platform;Nb微合金化E36级海洋石油平台用H型钢的研究

2.The V-N mieroalloying technology is applied in designing the chemical composition of E36 grade experimental steel foroffshore oil drilling platform.采用V-N微合金化技术思路成功设计出E36级海洋石油平台用钢的化学成分,采取第三代TMCP工艺进行试验钢轧制,其力学性能满足GB712—2000《船体结构钢》的要求。

4)ocean petroleum platform海洋石油平台

1.Discussion on air conditioning system ofocean petroleum platform;海洋石油平台空调系统的探讨

2.The paper introdues a Mornitoring & alarm system including field mornitoring vedio,GPRS remote mornitoring vedio,GSM alarm message,which can prevent the damage of auto observation equipment of hydrology and meteorology onocean petroleum platform.在海洋石油平台进行水文气象无人自动观测时,为了避免人为造成的设备损坏,采用现场实时监控、GPRS远程视频监控、GSM信息报警等组成的综合报警系统,减少或避免了设备破坏造成的损失,取得了良好的应用效果。

5)H beam using for offshore oil drilling platform海洋石油平台用H型钢

6)characteristics of offshore oil and gas engineering海洋石油平台特点


