900字范文 > 秸秆覆盖量 straw mulching quantity英语短句 例句大全

秸秆覆盖量 straw mulching quantity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-08 08:40:39


秸秆覆盖量 straw mulching quantity英语短句 例句大全

秸秆覆盖量,straw mulching quantity

1)straw mulching quantity秸秆覆盖量

1.Effects of differentstraw mulching quantity on soil water and WUE in semiarid region半干旱区秸秆覆盖量对土壤水分保蓄及作物水分利用效率的影响


1.Effects of different straw mulching quantity on soil water and WUE in semiarid region半干旱区秸秆覆盖量对土壤水分保蓄及作物水分利用效率的影响

2.Effect of different amount of straw mulching on soil enzyme activities in dry land玉米旱作栽培条件下不同秸秆覆盖量对土壤酶活性的影响

3.The increasing in grain yield was about 10.3%, 8.9%, 23.2%respectively as compared with the plastic film mulch, the straw mulch and the unmulched cultivatiom.稻谷产量较地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖、露地旱作栽培分别增产10.3%,8.9%,23.2%。

4.The yield was bv increased to 10.7% with the normal wheat stalk-covering and 3.4%,with double-lay of the wheat stalk covering.小麦秸秆常量覆盖和加倍覆盖可使夏玉米分别增产10.7%和3.4%。

5.Effects of Straw Mulching on Soil Moisture and Wheat Growth秸秆覆盖对麦田土壤含水量及小麦生长状况的影响

6.Effects of sowing winter wheat under no-till with maize straw mulching on soil microbial biomass carbona玉米秸秆覆盖冬小麦免耕播种对土壤微生物量碳的影响

7.Effects of the Technique of Micro Water Harvesting by Straw Mulch on Corn Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Western Liaoning辽西地区秸秆覆盖微集水技术对玉米产量及光合特性的影响

8.Straw coverage technology in farmlands and its development trend;农田秸秆覆盖技术及其发展趋势分析

9.Micro-climate of Winter Wheat Field under the Conditions of Irrigation and Straw Mulching灌溉与秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦农田小气候特征

10.Nitrogen Nutrition of Rice Cultivated on Upland Soil Mulched With Half-Decomposed Rice Straw;半腐解秸秆覆盖下旱作水稻氮素营养调控研究

11.Effect of Water Saving for Storage Irrigation under No-till with Stubble Mulch in Hei River Basin;黑河流域秸秆覆盖免耕储水灌节水效应研究

12.Degree of Straw Stalk Coverage Image Processing and Recognition and Its Influence to Rate of Seedlings Burgeon;秸秆覆盖度图像处理识别及其对出苗率的影响

13.Effect of No-till with Straw Cover on Soil Organic Carbon in Dry Land;旱地秸秆覆盖免耕对土壤有机碳的影响

14.Changes in Soil Microorganisms under Bamboo Plantation Covered with Tobacco Straw;烟草秸秆覆盖下毛竹土壤微生物的变化规律

15.Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Wheat Growth under Straw Mulch in Dryland;水氮供应对旱地小麦秸秆覆盖效果的影响

16.Study on Transport and Transformation Test of Nitrogen in Unsaturated Soil with Straw Cover秸秆覆盖非饱和土壤中氮素迁移转化试验研究

17.Research on the Microorganism Characteristics of Tobacco Straw Overburden Covered on the Bamboo Forest毛竹林地覆盖烟草秸秆分解层微生物特征研究

18.Study on microclimate characters and yield-increasing mechanism in straw mulching field秸秆覆盖农田的小气候特征和增产机理研究


straw mulch秸秆覆盖

1.Effects ofstraw mulch on the growth of maize under insufficient irrigation;非充分灌溉条件下秸秆覆盖对玉米生长的影响

2.Requirements of water and nitrogenous fertilizer to increase winter wheat yield understraw mulch;农田秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦增产的水氮条件

3.Simulation study on influence ofstraw mulch on soil moisture and heat of summer corn farmland;秸秆覆盖对夏玉米农田土壤水分与热量影响的模拟研究

3)Straw cover秸秆覆盖

1.Straw cover not only has the obvious effect of water storage and moisture preservation,but also can improve the physical and chemical properties of soil,fertilization of arable land fertility,and reduce soil erosion,which is a measure that has very significant effect in dry farming production technology.玉米秸秆覆盖是利用作物秸秆覆盖地表,解决保土、培肥和控制水土流失的一项旱作农业耕作措施。

2.Therefore,the controlled traffic tillage with straw cover was adopted based on the ridge culture techniques,by changing flood irrigation to furrow irrigation to study the effect of soil water under controlled traffic tillage irrigation.针对传统灌溉方式下大水漫灌所造成的水资源浪费,采用固定道耕作结合垄作沟灌并进行秸秆覆盖的方法,改传统耕作的大水漫灌为小水沟内侧渗灌,设置垄沟比例为2。

3.The influence of permanent no-tillage with straw cover in long term on the change of soil total organic nitrogen had been studied in Dingxi county,one of the typical semi-arid areas in Gansu Province.通过在定西进行秸秆覆盖免耕试验,研究了长期连续定位使用秸秆覆盖免耕对土壤中酸解有机总氮变化的累积影响。

4)straw mulching秸秆覆盖

1.Effects ofstraw mulching quantities on the growth of root and canopy of maize under different water condition;不同水分状况下秸秆覆盖量对玉米根、冠生长的影响

2.Effect ofstraw mulching on soil temperature before the greening stage of winter wheat in dryland;旱地冬小麦返青前秸秆覆盖的土壤温度效应

3.Study on the soil evaporation of winter wheat under differentstraw mulching;秸秆覆盖条件下冬小麦棵间蒸发规律研究


1.Soil critical moisture for seeding under strawmulching was studied.通过室内外试验 ,对秸秆覆盖条件下播种的土壤临界含水率进行了试验研究。

2.Soil critical moisture for seeding undermulching was studied by indoor and outdoor experiments.通过室内外试验,对秸秆覆盖条件下播种的土壤临界含水率进行了试验研究。

3.Effect of Straw Mulching on Water Physiological Parameters of Pear;结果表明 ,秸秆覆盖后 ,能明显增加梨园不同土层的含水量 ,其中表层土含水量增加最多。

6)straw covering秸秆覆盖

1.Straw covering can increase soil temperature and moisture, improve physico-chemical character,inhibite weed growth,promote rape development and increase the yield and the oil content.秸秆覆盖能增加土壤温度和湿度,改善土壤理化性状,抑制杂草生长,从而促进油菜生长发育,提高产量和油分含量。


秸秆还田秸秆还田straw manure秸秆还田(straw manure)又称秸秆直接还田肥。指前茬作物收获后,把作物秸秆直接用作后茬作物的基肥或硬盖肥。农作物的秸秆是重要的有机肥源之一,秸秆还田是物质循环和再利用的良好形式.各个国家和地区利用秸秆的方法不相同,但传统的利用方式多是利用秸秆垫圈.制成厩肥、沤肥、堆肥、用作沼气肥原料,或直接烧成草木灰。自20世纪40年代以来,在美国出现免耕或少耕耕作法之后,秸秆搜盖地面或直接翻入土壤中以保持水土和培肥土壤的秸秆还田肥日益受到许多国家的重视。日本南方约62%的稻草直接还田,中国北方多利用大豆、玉米、高粱、麦子的根茬(或秸秆)直接还田,南方则以稻草直接还田为主.成分及肥效作物的秸秆及残体的有机组成成分主要是纤维素、半纤维素、木质素,而蛋白质、醉溶性物质及水溶性物质等的含量相对较少。一般作物秸秆中钾、钙、硅等矿物质含量较高,其次是氮、磷。但作物种类不同,其秸秆所含的养分及组成也有所不同,通常豆科作物和油菜的秸秆含氮较多,禾本科作物的秸秆含钾较多。几种作物秸秆的主要化学组成及养分含量见表1.物秸秆类型不同,作物增产的幅度也有差异,增产率多在10%~15%之间,几种直接还田秸秆类型对作物增产率见表2。英国洛桑试验站连续(1934~1951),对秸秆直接还田与等量桔秆经堆腐后还田的比较试验表明,直接还田的马铃拼产t比堆腐后还田的每公顷高3.5吨,糖用甜菜高O,52吨,大麦籽提高0 .41吨。表2几种直接还田桔杆类型及作物的增产率┌─────────────┬──────┬─────┐│还田材料及用t │平均增产幅度│平均增产率││ (kg/hmZ)│(%) │(%)│├─────────────┼──────┼─────┤│麦秸(或糠)类:1 500~4 500 │3 .2~60.3│14.8士1.6 ││玉米枯类:375~15 000│一2 .9~54.6 │13.0士1.6 ││稻草类:4 500~7 500│0 .3~75.1│13.2+2。
