900字范文 > 小麦/玉米间作 wheat/maize intercropping英语短句 例句大全

小麦/玉米间作 wheat/maize intercropping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-02 07:35:47


小麦/玉米间作 wheat/maize intercropping英语短句 例句大全

小麦/玉米间作,wheat/maize intercropping

1)wheat/maize intercropping小麦/玉米间作

1.Effect ofwheat/maize intercropping and nitrogen fertilizer on water use;小麦/玉米间作和氮肥对水分利用的影响

2.Effect ofwheat/maize intercropping on plant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrate nitrogen concentration;小麦/玉米间作根系相互作用对氮素吸收和土壤硝态氮含量的影响

3.Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application and irrigationlevel on soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation and water and nitrogen use efficiency forwheat/maize intercropping水氮量对小麦/玉米间作土壤硝态氮累积和水氮利用效率的影响


1.Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilization Rate and Irrigation Rate on Nitrate Nitrogen Concentration in Wheat-Maize Interplanting System施氮量和灌溉量对小麦/玉米间作土壤硝态氮含量的影响

2.Effects of Long-term Fertilization on Soil Enzyme Activity and Nutrient of Wheat-maize Intercropping System长期施肥对小麦/玉米间作体系土壤酶活性与养分的影响

3.Effect of Chemical Fertilizer and Organic Fertilizer Long-term Application on Soil Invertase Activity in Wheat/Maize Intercropping System长期不同施肥方式对小麦/玉米间作土壤蔗糖酶活性的影响

4.Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application and irrigationlevel on soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation and water and nitrogen use efficiency for wheat/maize intercropping水氮量对小麦/玉米间作土壤硝态氮累积和水氮利用效率的影响

5.Study on Crop Water Requirement under Winter Wheat-Spring Maize Intercropping System;冬小麦-春玉米间作条件下作物需水规律研究

6.rice, corn and wheat.大米,玉米和小麦。

7.Research the Different Bandwidth and Field Structure on the Wheat and Corn Multipe Intercropping Patternsin;小麦玉米套作带宽与田间配置结构研究

8.grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet.淀粉谷粒用作食物的草;小麦;水稻;黑麦;燕麦;玉米;荞麦;小米。

9.The best-known grain crops are wheat, barley, oats and maize.人们最熟知的粮食作物是小麦、大麦、燕麦和玉米。

10.In wheat-maize rotation, about60-75% of total P should be applied to wheat and about70% of total K to maize.小麦-玉米轮作中,总磷的60~5%施于小麦,总钾的70%于玉米。

11.Nitrate Accumulation in Soil and Nutrient Acquisition by Intercropped Wheat, Maize and Faba Bean;小麦/玉米/蚕豆间作系统中氮、磷吸收利用特点及其环境效应

12.Water Consumption Characteristics and Root Distribution of Wheat Corn Intercropping Systems in Oasis Area绿洲灌区小麦间作玉米的耗水特性及其与根系时空分布的关系

13.Effects of Root Barriers on Nodulation of Faba Bean in Maize/Faba Bean,Wheat/Faba Bean and Barley/Faba Bean Intercropping Systems玉米、小麦和大麦与蚕豆间作体系不同根系分隔方式对蚕豆结瘤的影响

14.I"m always confusing wheat with/and corn.我总分不清小麦和玉米。

15.They mainly grow wheat, corn, barley and oats.他们主要种植小麦、玉米、大麦和燕麦。


17.Mechanisms of Nitrogen Competition and Utilization in Relay Intercropping Systems of Wheat, Peanut and Maize and Its Effects on Yield and Quality;不同间套作模式的小麦花生玉米间的互补竞争效应及对产量品质的影响

18.The principal crops are corn (maize), wheat, cotton, tobacco and fruit.主要农作物为玉米、小麦、棉花、烟草和水果。


wheat-maize intercropping小麦/玉米间作

1.Intercropping advantage and contribution of above-ground and under-ground interactions inwheat-maize intercropping;小麦/玉米间作优势及地上部与地下部因素的相对贡献研究

2.Methods We employed a micro-plot experiment and root barriers in awheat-maize intercropping system with or without maize plastic sheet mulching.结果得出,玉米不覆膜时小麦/玉米间作具有明显的产量间作优势(籽粒产量和生物学产量土地当量比(Land equivalent ration,LER)分别为1。

3.hm~(-2)),wheat-maize intercropping soil NO3--N content and distribution with the increase in nitrogen application rate increased, and in different growth stages of different crops in different soil depth and bring a certain degree of regularity there.为了了解小麦/玉米间作土壤硝态氮含量的时空动态变化规律,本文通过河西绿洲灌耕区典型的小麦/玉米间作长期定位试验,分别研究了当地常规灌溉量W3 (5550m~3。

3)wheat/corn intercropping小麦玉米间套作

4)wheat/maize intercropping小麦玉米间作

1.Effect of long-term fertilizer application on yield, nitrogen uptake and soil NO~-_3-N accumulation inwheat/maize intercropping;长期施用不同肥料对小麦玉米间作产量、氮吸收利用和土壤硝态氮累积的影响

5)Wheat-corn intercropping agroecosystem小麦-玉米间作生态系统

6)Rotation of maize-winter wheat玉米-小麦轮作


玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白CAS:9010-66-6 中文名称: 玉米朊;玉米朊,玉米醇溶蛋白 英文名称: zein;zeins
