900字范文 > 家族人口 population of the family英语短句 例句大全

家族人口 population of the family英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 06:42:35


家族人口 population of the family英语短句 例句大全

家族人口,population of the family

1)population of the family家族人口


1.A Nature"s Culture and Population Research of Ming and Qing Dynasties in North Hunan明清时期湘南家族文化与家族人口研究

2.Analysis Overview on Relevant Tujia in 20 Years Population Problem;近有关土家族人口问题分析综述

3.An Analysis of the Population of Families in the South of the Yangtze River in the Qing Period, with the Liu Family in Fenhu as an Example;清代江南家族人口的数量分析——以汾湖柳氏为例

4.China is a multi-ethnic country, the population of the national minorities making up about 8 percent of the country"s total.中国是一个多民族的国家,少数民族人口约占全国总人口的8%。

5.It has a population of more than30 million people, including the Han, Miao, Tujia, Tibetan, Yi, etc.它拥有人口超过三千万,包括汉族,苗族,土家族,藏族和彝族等少数民族。

6.As one of Chinese nation-alities, Tujia nationality, with a population of more than5,700,000 lives on growing rice.稻作民族土家族有570多万人口,是我国少数民族之一。

7.Because of the continual growth of Yi population, the clan of Yi nationality also become divided continually.由于彝族人口的不断发展 ,家支也在不断分化。

8.A Case Study on the Family Educational Resources Situation of the Miao Floating Population;苗族流动人口家庭教育资源状况的个案研究

9.Population and Living in Family:A Case Study of Yimen Zheng Family,Pujiang;家族内人口与生活:以浦江义门郑氏为例

10.Families Formed by Ethnic Intermarriage in Yunnan and Their Population Structure;云南民族间通婚的家庭类型与人口结构研究

11.Tell me, Godfather, is it possible for a Sicilian to be as dumb as the Bocchicchios pretend to be?"请问,教父,任何一个西西里人能像卜启丘家族的人那么守口如瓶吗?”

12.The 2000 figures showed that 35.8% of Chinese children aged between five and 14 use English as their main household language.2000年的人口普查显示,年龄介于5至14岁的华族少年,35.8%在家讲英语。

13.a sparsely populated borough in which all or most of the land is owned by a single family.一个稀少人口的地区,所有的土地或大部分土地被某个家族占有。

14.Thus China is a country with a very large population composed of many nationalities.中国是一个由多数民族结合而成的拥有广大人口的国家。

15.Field Research of Northwest Minority Floating Population Family s Parent-Children Interaction Process;西北少数民族流动人口家庭亲子互动过程的实地研究

16.The Marriage Situation of the Floating Population Among the Mongolian;蒙古族流动人口的婚姻家庭状况——以内蒙古呼和浩特市为例

17.The minority nationalities account for six per cent of the population.少数民族占人口的6%。

18.On Perfecting the Ethnic Policy Making System with the Participation of Experts;论民族政策制定专家参与制度的完善——以扶持人口较少民族发展政策为例


Tujia nation population土家族人口

1.This text,since 80s of 20 th century of our country s the relevantTujia nation population problem,analyzes the condition proceeded the summary,trying hard to reflect 20 years the concerning soil household population problem.对我国20世纪80年代以来有关土家族人口问题分析状况进行了总结,力求反映近有关土家族人口问题研究概况,旨在为今后进一步开展土家族人口问题研究提供参考和借鉴,全面推动土家族人口研究。

3)numerous times; the family was numerous.无数次;家族人口众多。

4)family man家族人

1.Analysis of governance structure of Chinese family business from the conception of "family man";“家族人”与中国家族企业治理结构

5)Family Characters家族人物

6)drama kindred伶人家族

1.For the nature of their job,the Chinesedrama kindred were isolated by Chinese traditional society,including limiting their personal freedom and distaining their dignity.中国伶人家族因为职业关系,而被中国传统社会"隔离",从人身自由和人格精神多个方面对伶人进行了全面的"隔离"包围,主要包括婚姻、科举、服饰、社会行为、公共舆论等"隔离"方式,前四种"隔离"都是一种强力制度,属于国家机器范畴,"是在政治社会中实现强制",后一种"隔离"则是属于一种意识形态国家机器,"是在市民社会中建立权威"。


