900字范文 > 植物促生菌 plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria英语短句 例句大全

植物促生菌 plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 10:00:55


植物促生菌 plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria英语短句 例句大全

植物促生菌,plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria

1)plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria植物促生菌

1.Effects ofplant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on the growth of oat seedlings under salt stress;植物促生菌对燕麦初生苗盐分胁迫下的促生效应

2)plant growth promoting rhizobacteria(PGPR)植物促生根细菌


1.Application ofPGPR on Rice;水稻施用植物生长促进菌效果初探

4)plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria植物促生细菌


1.Effects of Plant-growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Growth of Tomato不同植物促生细菌对番茄生长的影响

2.Identification and Growth Promoting Effect of Eight Bacterium Isolated from Plant Rhizosphere;从植物根际分离到的8株细菌的促生作用及初步鉴定

3.Screening of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria and Cloning of the ACC Deaminase Gene;促进植物生长的根围细菌筛选及ACC脱氨基酶基因的克隆

4.Biological Control and Plant Growth Promoting Endophytic Bacillus sp.;防病、促生植物内生芽孢杆菌的研究

5.Botanic perfuming can guard against diseases, repel bacteria, prevent inflammation, spasm and promote cell metabolism and regeneration.植物香董,可防病抗细菌,可防发炎,防痉挛,具促进细胞新陈代谢及细胞再生功能.

6.A substance that when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an antibody. Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.抗原当被引入人体内可以促进抗体产生的物质。抗原包括毒素,细菌,异体血球和移植器官的细胞

7.The Inoculation Effect of Mycorrhiza Helper Pseudomonas Fluorescens and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Host Plant菌根促生荧光假单胞菌与菌根真菌对宿主植物的接种效应

8.Screening of Plant Growth-promoting Endophytic Bacteria and Their Effects on the Accumulation of Lead and Cadmium from Soil by Rape;植物促生内生细菌的筛选及其强化油菜富集土壤铅镉重金属的研究

9.Research Progress of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria and Its Environmental Effects植物根际促生菌的研究进展及其环境作用

10.the bacteria that produce crown gall disease in plants.在植物中能产生冠瘿病的细菌。

11.The Research on the Diversity of the Endophytic Bacteria in Three Medicinal Plants三种药用植物内生细菌的多样性研究

munity and diversity of endophytic bacteria inside eggplant茄子植物内生细菌群落结构与多样性

13.a plant hormone isolated from a fungus; used in promoting plant growth.一种从菌类中分离出来的植物荷尔蒙,用来促进植物生长。

14.GROWTH CURVE OF Lactobacillus plantarum STRAIN P158 AND ITS BACTERIOCIN CHARACTERIZATION植物乳杆菌P158的生长曲线及其细菌素的特性

15.Advance in Biological Effects and Application Prospect of Endophytic Bacteria;植物内生细菌生物学作用研究进展及应用前景

16.Cell degrading enzymes (CDEs) produced by phytopathogenic bacteria reduce plant cell components to compounds useful for pathogen nutrition.植物病原细菌产生的细胞降解酶降解植物细胞成分使之成为细菌可利用的营养物质。

17.Isolation and Identification of Soil Free Living Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria and Their Nitrogen-fixation and Plant Rowth-promotion Effect;土壤自生固氮菌的分离鉴定及生物固氮与促进植物生长效应研究

18.Greatly increases the available surface area for the essential Bacteria to live in. This greatly increases the level of biological filtration.增大硝化细菌居住空间,促进硝化细菌繁殖,使生物过滤能力倍增。


plant growth promoting rhizobacteria(PGPR)植物促生根细菌


1.Application ofPGPR on Rice;水稻施用植物生长促进菌效果初探

4)plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria植物促生细菌


1.PGPR can colonize in rhizosphere at high population density,inhibit plant pathogens and deleterious microorganisms there,and promote crop growth and its yield.植物土传病害难以防治 ,植物根际促生菌 (plantgrowth promotingrhizobacteria ,PGPR)的深入研究和发展为解决这一难题展现了诱人的前景 。

6)plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria植物根际促生菌

1.PGPR(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria)are microorganisms which can colonize in rhizosphere at high population density,inhibit plant pathogens and deleterious microorganisms,and promote crop growth and its yield.植物根际促生菌(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)是一类能够高密度定殖在植物根际的微生物,兼有抑制植物病原菌、根际有害微生物,以及促进植物生长并增加作物产量的作用,通过对植物根际促生菌的定义、种类、作用机制、研究手段以及应用的分析,表明了PGPR的应用研究对资源的综合利用和环境保护具有重要的理论和现实意义。


促菌生, 肠复康药物名称:促菌生英文名:Cerebiogen别名:促菌生, 肠复康 外文名:Cerebiogen 适应症: 主要用于婴幼儿腹泻、急慢性肠炎、急慢性痢疾及肠功能紊乱等,亦可用于减轻肝炎引起的腹胀,改善食欲和促进康复。 用量用法: [口服]成人每次4~8片,每日3次,儿童酌减。用本品治疗婴幼儿腹泻,其疗程一般不超过5日,大部分可在3日内(88.33%)治愈。 注意事项: 1.本品无毒副反应,是一个安全、有效的活菌制剂。 2.本品系活菌制剂,在用药过程中需停用抗生素,以免降低药效。 规格:片剂:60片和100片瓶装。 类别:泻药及止泻药
