900字范文 > 热积温 hot accumulated temperature英语短句 例句大全

热积温 hot accumulated temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-14 05:33:12


热积温 hot accumulated temperature英语短句 例句大全

热积温,hot accumulated temperature

1)hot accumulated temperature热积温

1.Based on the daily temperature data from January 1951 to February ,the change trends and characteristics of summer average temperature,yearly highest temperature,hot accumulated temperature and high temperature days in Nanjing in the recent 56 years have been analyzed and studied.利用南京市1951年1月~2月逐日温度观测资料,分析讨论了南京56年夏季平均气温、极端最高气温、热积温和高温日数的变化趋势和特征,利用候温法研究了南京夏季候平均气温≥22℃的候数变化和南京夏季时间尺度的演变,探讨了南京夏季各温度指标的年代变化和凉夏、酷暑的分布。

2.Based on the daily temperature data during January 1951 to April in Nanjing,the change trends and characteristics of mean temperature,yearly maximum temperature,yearly minimum temperature,cold accumulated temperature andhot accumulated temperature in Nanjing are analyzed.利用南京市1951年1月—4月逐日温度观测资料,分析了南京市平均气温、极端气温、冷积温和热积温的变化趋势和特征。

2)Heat-to-teperature ratio热温比积分

3)low-temperature hydrothermal sedimentation低温热水沉积

4)integral mean tempereture difference of heat transfer积分平均传热温差

5)Accumulated temperature积温

1.Study on methodology for rasterizing accumulated temperature data;积温数据栅格化方法的实验

2.Methodology for rasterizing accumulated temperature data in the Yellow River Basion黄河流域积温数据栅格化方法优选

3.Changes of the accumulated temperature obove 10℃ in recent 30 years in Inner Mongolia内蒙古近30年10℃积温变化特征分析


1.Change of Accumulated Temperature and Evolution Trends of Accumulated Temperature Zone over Last 45 Years in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省近45年积温变化及积温带的演变趋势

2.The threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae刺槐叶瘿蚊发育起点温度和有效积温

3.The threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Algedonia coclesalis竹织叶野螟发育起点温度和有效积温

4.Influence of Deposition Temperature on the Structure and Properties of PbS Thin Films Prepared by Electrodeposition沉积温度对电沉积PbS薄膜结构和性能的影响

5.Research on Operation Heat Accumulation and Spray Cooling Feasibility in Chongming Tunnel;崇明隧道运营累积温升及喷雾降温可行性研究

6.Measurement of the Developmental Threshold Temperature and Effective Accumulated Temperature for Camphor Silkworm Eggs栗蚕卵发育起点温度和有效积温的测定

7.Threshold Temperature and Effective Accumulated Temperature of Tetrastichus nigricoxae白蛾黑基啮小蜂的发育起点温度和有效积温

8.Studies on Threshold Temperature and Effective Accumulate Temperature of Pieris rapae L.菜粉蝶发育起点温度和有效积温的研究

9.The Changing Characteristics of Winter Temperature and Negative Accumulated Temperature in Kuerle during 1959-库尔勒1959-冬季气温及负积温变化特征

10.Change of the Accumulated Temperature on 0℃ Critical Temperature in Xinjiang in Last 50 years新疆近45年0℃界限温度积温变化特征分析

11.Studies on the developmental threshold temperature and thermal constant of Neomargarodes gossypii花生新珠蚧发育起点温度和有效积温研究

12.Study on the developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature for the pupa of Cephus fumipennis Eversmann灰翅麦茎蜂蛹的发育起点温度和有效积温研究

13.Threshold temperature and effective temperature summation of Philosamia cynthia Walker et Felder at defferent development stages樗蚕的发育起点温度和有效积温初步研究

14.insulated capacity保温能力隔离舱容积

15.pressure-volume-temperature relation压力-体积-温度关系

16.pressure-volume-temperature relations压力-容积-温度关系

17.low temperature deposition test engine低温沉积试验发动机

18.HT-CVD(high temperature chemical vapour deposition)高温化学蒸汽沉积法


Heat-to-teperature ratio热温比积分

3)low-temperature hydrothermal sedimentation低温热水沉积

4)integral mean tempereture difference of heat transfer积分平均传热温差

5)Accumulated temperature积温

1.Study on methodology for rasterizing accumulated temperature data;积温数据栅格化方法的实验

2.Methodology for rasterizing accumulated temperature data in the Yellow River Basion黄河流域积温数据栅格化方法优选

3.Changes of the accumulated temperature obove 10℃ in recent 30 years in Inner Mongolia内蒙古近30年10℃积温变化特征分析

6)cumulative temperature积温

1.On the light of the theory ofcumulative temperature,seeds of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platyladus orientalis were germinated under 15℃,20℃,25℃ temperature respectively .应用积温理论,使油松、侧柏种子在15℃、20℃和25℃条件下恒温萌发,测定其萌发率及萌发天数。

2.Using analysis of correlation between meteorological output index of cotton and factor series of 9 types ofcumulative temperature (or temperature sum) formed by continuously temperature limits at the interval of 0.1℃为间隔的连续变动温度界限值所形成的 9种积温(或温度和 )的因子序列的相关性分析 ,得到以下几点结论 :(1 )相关性以日最高温度的温度和为最好 ,日平均温度积温次之 ,日最低温度的温度和最差。


活动积温活动积温active accumulated temperaturehuodong jiwen活动积温(aetive aeeumulated tempera-ture)作物某生育时期内日活动温度限p高于或等于生物学零度的日平均温度)的总和,以八。表示。Aa二习万(兀)B;当西2800 ││谷子 │1700一1800 │ │2200一2400│2500一2600││大豆 │1000│ │2500 │>2900 ││马铃薯││ │1400 │ 1800│└───┴──────┴─────┴─────┴─────┘(陶炳炎)
