900字范文 > 传统旅游城市 traditional tourism cities英语短句 例句大全

传统旅游城市 traditional tourism cities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-03 20:00:48


传统旅游城市 traditional tourism cities英语短句 例句大全

传统旅游城市,traditional tourism cities

1)traditional tourism cities传统旅游城市

1.This paper puts forward the concept oftraditional tourism cities,then analyses its characteristic,points out its development problems,summarizes the transformation and upgrade pattern oftraditional tourism cities,and hopes that it can helptraditional tourism cities walking of out the development embarrassment.传统旅游城市是中国旅游业的最早的屈起者和支柱城市。



2.An Analysis on the Expectation-perceived Performance and Satisfaction of Inbound Tourists in Traditional Tourist Cities--A Case Study of Xi an Western Tourists;传统旅游城市入境游客满意度评价及其期望-感知特征差异分析——以西安欧美游客为例

3.City Tourism Information System on the Impact of City Tourism Image;“城市旅游信息系统”对树立城市旅游形象的作用

4.Perceptions and attitudes toward traditional festivals of residentswho live in urban tourism places城市旅游地居民对传统节事的感知及态度——以泰安市东岳庙会为例

5.A Study on Spatial Structure Evolvement and Optimization of Traditional Scenic Spots Based on Tourism Urbanization旅游城市化与传统风景区空间结构演变和优化研究

6.Analysis of the Function and Prospect of the Traditional Entertainment Culture in City Travel析论传统娱乐文化开发在城市旅游中的作用及其前景

7.Study on Tourism Cognitive Differences of Residents from Traditional and Emerging Tourism Cities--A Case Study on Chengde and Zhangjiajie;传统与新兴旅游城市居民的旅游认知差异研究——以承德和张家界为例

8.The Systemic Studies on the Theory of Urban Tourism Image;基于系统论的城市旅游形象理论研究

9.The statistical analysis of domestic tourism purchase capacity of urban residents in China;中国城市居民旅游购买能力统计分析


11.A Study of the Design of Yunyang"s Tourism Identification System云阳城市旅游形象识别系统构建研究

12.Metropolis Tourism:A Emerging Luxury Market after Develoment of City Tourism;都市旅游:城市旅游后发的豪华市场

13.An Initial Discussion about Aquatic Tourist Interpretation System of Cities-A CASE Study of Huangpu River城市水上旅游解说系统初探——以黄浦江游览为例

14.Tourist Cities and Urban Tourism--Viewing A City from Another Angle;旅游城市与城市旅游——另一种眼光看城市

15.Development of Synthetical Disposition of Shenyang Urban Tourist and Urban Leisure System沈阳城市旅游与城市游憩系统综合配置发展对策

16.Study on Tourist-resource Exploitation of Chinese Traditional Industrial Immigrant Cities--Case Study of Panzhihua City in Sichuan Province;中国传统工业移民城市旅游资源开发问题研究——以四川攀枝花市为例

17.Regional Tourism Integration Marketing for City Groups of Central Plains;中原城市群区域旅游整合营销传播策略研究

18.Integrated Marketing Communication Based on the SWOT Analysis of the Lhasa City Tourism Brand基于SWOT分析的拉萨旅游城市品牌整合营销传播


Urban tourism system城市旅游系统

1.Under the views of Modern System Theory, structure determines function, urban tourism space structure is an important character of urban tourism system.按照现代系统论的观点,结构决定功能,城市旅游空间结构是城市旅游系统的重要特征。

3)tour city旅游城市

1.Facing new century,building scenery and gardentour city;面向新世纪 建设山水园林旅游城市

2.This paper analyses environmental quality problems in many aspects, such as air environment, water environment, sound environment and landscape environment of famoustour city, Turpan.通过对新疆著名旅游城市吐鲁番的空气环境、水环境、声环境、景观生态环境等环境质量存在的问题进行分析,针对性地提出了相应的环保对策及建议,为吐鲁番市的环境保护工作提供参考。

3.According to the relationship between environmental protection and city construction and economical develipment, this article emphasizes the important position of environmental protection intour city construction and put forward some measures of synchronous development oftour city construction and environmental protection.根据环境保护与城市建设和经济发展的关系,阐述了环境保护在旅游城市建设发展中的重要地位。

4)Urban tourism城市旅游

1.Analysis of differences between urban tourism ofEastern and Western China;我国东西部城市旅游的差异分析

2.The transference of urban tourism driving force and its practical significance;城市旅游驱动力的转化及其实践意义

5)Tourism city旅游城市

1.To improve the tourism establishment in the cities and advance tourism greater development,National Tourism Bureau has set up the establishing standard of the finest tourism city of China,and finished assessment work of the three experimental cities Hangzhou,Dalian,Chengdu in term of the standard.为进一步提高城市的旅游设施和促进旅游大发展,国家旅游局建立了中国最佳旅游城市的创建标准,并以此为依据完成了杭州、大连、成都3个试点城市的考核工作,该标准为城市旅游的发展指明了方向,但标准本身仍有需完善之处,从总论、基础标准和专项标准三方面对"创佳"标准的完善进行了探讨。

2.The development of culture market and tourism city arc interactively promoted by each other.文化市场是城市旅游者的重要消费领域,它的发展和旅游城市的发展是互为推动的关系。

3.The article emphasizes the concept and connotation of leisure service in economic system of the tourism city, and then pursues the evolutionary process of leisure activities from space-time point of view.本文通过明晰休闲与旅游的关系 ,着重探讨了旅游城市经济产业中休闲服务部门的概念与内涵 ,并从时空角度追索了休闲活动的演化进程 ,分析了休闲服务业的部门构成和国内外发展现状 ,探讨了我国旅游城市休闲服务业协调发展的初步构

6)tourist city旅游城市

1.Strengthen urban public space design and improvetourist city s charm;加强城市公共空间设计 提升旅游城市魅力

2.Strategic Thought of the Spaning from Strong Tourist County to the Tourist City——Taking Xingzi County as an Example旅游强县向旅游城市跨越的战略构想——以星子县为例

3.Under thetourist city commerce and tourism relatively isolated circumstances,this paper takes Leshan city as an example on the traveling city how to avoid "roller shutter doors commerce" and "tickets travel" and how to coordinate the interaction between city commerce and tourism development were studied,to prompt the develop of the cities of tourist.在旅游城市商业与旅游业出现相对分离的情况下,以乐山市为例,就旅游城市如何通过商业网点规划避免"卷帘门商业"和"门票旅游",如何协调城市商业和旅游业的互动发展做了分析研究,以促进旅游城市的发展。


