900字范文 > 地域文化 regional culture英语短句 例句大全

地域文化 regional culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-16 11:15:29


地域文化 regional culture英语短句 例句大全

地域文化,regional culture

1)regional culture地域文化

1.The Southwest Regional Culture and Regional Architectural Design;西南地域文化与建筑创作的地域性

2.Creating Artistic Conception——Application of Regional Culture in Hotel Design;营造意境——中国地域文化在当代酒店设计中的运用

3.Analysis of the inhabitation mode influenced by theregional culture in towns of east Liaoning Province——Research on the reconstruction of Shangjiahe Town in XinBin Manchu autonomy county;浅析地域文化影响下的辽东村镇居住模式——新宾满族自治县上夹河镇民居的改建


1.Perspective on Regional Characteristics of Wushu Culture from View Angle of Regional Culture Science;从地域文化学视角透视武术文化的地域性特征

2.On Construction of Local Document Resources in Regional Culture;试论地域文化中的地方文献资源建设

3.The Relationship between the Spreading Regions of Literary Selections in Song Dynasties and Regional Cultural Differences;两宋《文选》流布地域与地域文化差异之关系

4.The pluralism in historical culture and the regional cultural denomination of Qinghai;青海历史文化多元性及地域文化命名

5.The regional culture and the immaterial cultural relics protection of Qinghai province;青海地域文化与非物质文化遗产保护

6.Exploiting Shaanxi s Advantages in Geography and Resources;地域文化与区域经济发展——以陕西为例

7.The Regional Culture Images of Northeast China in Contemporary Taiwan Literature;当代台湾文学中的东北地域文化影像

8.The geographical and cultural background of Jian an Literature soccurrence and reform;建安文学新变与发生的地域文化背景

9.Vanguard Literature,Local Culture and My Creative Novel-writing;先锋文学、地域文化与我的小说创作

10.A Summary to the Study of "Regional Culture & Literature" of Tang Dynasty during the Twentieth Century;20世纪唐代“地域文化与文学”研究综述

11.On the Reasons of Culture Difference in Regional Culture;地域文化相异的根因在地域生态—能量系统不同

12.The Regional Description with Village Complex;乡情下的地域书写──易光小说的地域文化表征

13.The Xinjiang Oil Painting under Influence of Regional Culture and Other Related Factors of Culture;地域文化及相关文化因素影响下的新疆油画

14.Dealing with the Relationship between Region and Culture Scientifically Promoting the Construction of Anhui as a Powerful Cultural Province科学处理地域文化关系 推动安徽文化强省建设

15.A Study of the Relationship between the Cultural Persona Described by Yu Qiuyu and Eastern Zhejiang"s Regional Culture余秋雨言说的文化人格与浙东地域文化

16.On the ways how to keep the diversity of the regional and cultural features in global strong culture在全球强势文化下如何保持地域文化的多样性

17.Research of the Principle and Practice of the Region Culture in Interior Design地域文化在室内设计领域中的应用研究

18.Globalization, Localization and Glocalization in Language and Culture;语言与文化的全球化、地域化和全球地域化(英文)


Local culture地域文化

1.Chinese Local Culture as Structure of Contradiction——The brief analysis of an attempted approach to Chinese local culture;作为矛盾结构体的中国地域文化——破译中国地域文化的一种尝试性方法简述

2.City Sign Identify System Design Based on Local Culture;基于地域文化的城市导向识别设计研究

3)region culture地域文化

1.Traditional cultureregion culture and modern design;传统文化和地域文化及现代设计

2.Brief discussion on the relationship betweenregion culture and garden;浅谈地域文化与园林的关系

3.This article will discuss theregion culture from natural,humanistic and social angles in landscape architecture,then will research the method how to inherit,continue and develop theregion culture during landscape design.结合场所精神和批判的地域主义等相关理论以及地域性景观设计的历史进程,探讨了景观设计中地域文化的自然、人文及社会的一个层面,并研究如何在景观设计中使地域文化得到继承、延续与发展。

4)geographical culture地域文化

1.Architectural typology and embody ofgeographical culture;建筑类型学与地域文化的体现

2.Group unconsciousness:new stage ofgeographical culture research ——The creative use of covert culture theory in Chinesegeographical culture research;集体潜意识:地域文化研究新层面——论隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

3.Based upon analysis of traditional porcelain production architecture and traditional residence in Jingdezhen-capital of porcelain,from the viewpoint of the impacts ofgeographical culture on architectural features discussion is made.通过对瓷都景德镇传统制瓷建筑与传统民居的分析,从城市地域文化影响建筑特征方面进行了论述,提出了当代景德镇建筑应结合陶瓷文化进行设计的方法,解决了当代城市建筑千篇一律、形式趋同的问题。

5)The regional culture地域文化

1.The merchants have exerted great effect not only on the economy in Yangzhou but also on the regional culture,gardening,education,catering culture and so on.明清徽商在给扬州经济带来繁荣的同时,也在地域文化、园林文化、教育事业以及饮食文化等方方面面给扬州文化带来了空前的发展。

2.From the concept, mode and value of the regional culture study of the Chinese modern literature, the theoretic level of study need to be improved.中国现代文学地域文化研究渐已模式化,并有着决定论的思维方式,这使得它对中国现代文学研究格局并未有实质性的突破。

3.Her works shows much inside information of the regional culture and much aesthetic value because she chose the matter for her stories from a unique point of view.苏青是 40年代上海沦陷区红极一时的女作家,她的作品以独特的取材角度,显示了浓厚的地域文化意蕴和审美价值。

6)regional culture地域性文化

1.This essay,dicusses the design of ASEAN consulate buildings in Nanning for instance and explores the harmonization between consulate building characters and theregional culture.本文以东盟驻南宁领事馆区设计为契机,结合东盟国家特殊的地域性建筑文化,对领事馆建筑性格与地域性文化的相容性作了初步的探讨。

2.This article is from the discovery of the practical problems existing in the urban landscape design, how to deal withregional culture, the premise works, the system\"s analysis of urban landscape of the origin and current social urban landscape of theregional culture and the strong demand and how to correct to grasp the essence ofregional culture.本文是从发现目前在城市景观设计中对于处理地域性文化的作品中存在的现实问题为前提出发,系统的分析城市景观的由来和目前社会对城市景观中对地域性文化强烈需求和如何正确的把握地域性文化的精髓。

3.The symbols contained in theregional culture and traditional art forms haven\"t been used widely,which result in cultural deficiencies in the modern illustrations and the great gap between modern illustration and traditional art forms.近年来,由于电脑、网络的普及,国内的现代插画创作得到了很大的发展,但是由于对地域性文化和传统艺术形式中蕴涵的符号应用不足等因素,造成了现代插画文化内涵的缺失,并使得现代插画与传统艺术形式之间产生了巨大的鸿沟。


