900字范文 > 林区经济 Economy of forest region英语短句 例句大全

林区经济 Economy of forest region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-25 18:01:44


林区经济 Economy of forest region英语短句 例句大全

林区经济,Economy of forest region

1)Economy of forest region林区经济


1.The Forest Management and the Economic and Social Sustainable Development in Forest Regions;森林经营与林区经济社会可持续发展

2.It Is A Effective Way of Vitalizing National Forest Region to Change Forestry Economy into Forest Region Economy;推动林业经济向林区经济转型是国有林区解困振兴的有效途径

3.Selection of Economy-developing Project for Forest Regions by Applying the Method of Community Forestry;运用社区林业方法选择林区经济开发项目

4.The Study on the Natural Forest Conservation Project and Economic Development in National Forest Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古国有林区实施天然林保护工程与林区经济发展研究

5.Discussion About The Relationship Between Forest Resource Actuality And Forest Economy Development;林木资源现状与林区经济发展关系的探讨

6.Study on Strategies of Forest Conservation and Forest RegionEconomic Development in Coordination in Loess Plateau;黄土高原森林保护与林区经济协调发展策略

7.Environmental Protectim Ard Circulative Economy In Forestry Area;从林区的经济模式发展思考循环经济

8.Research on the recycle economy developing mode in Jilin economic development zone;吉林省经济开发区循环经济发展模式研究

9.On the Strategic Choice of Jilin Economic Development from the Regional Economic Cooperation of East Asia;东亚区域经济合作与吉林经济发展战略的选择

10.Circulating Economy and the Factors of Developing Circulating Economy in Forest Regions;循环经济及林区发展循环经济的条件要素分析

11.Exploiting Economic Forest Specialties and Economic Development of Qin-Ba Mountain Area in Qing Dynasty;清代秦巴山区的经济林特产开发与经济发展

12.Discussion on Improvement of Structure and Eco economy System of Forests in Simao Prefecture论思茅地区森林结构与森林生态经济系统优化

13.Investigation on Eco economic Benefit of Protection Forest in Rangland in Yulin Sand Zone榆林风沙区牧场防护林生态经济效益调查

14.Study on Patterns of Forsythia suspensa Water and soil conservation Stands in Limestone Region of Taihang Mt太行山石灰岩区连翘水保经济林林分模式研究

15.Method for Indirect Economic Values of Forest of Baihe in the Changbai Mountains;长白山白河林区森林资源间接经济价值评估

16.The Influences of Current Forestry Economic Reform on Public Order in Forestry Region;当前林业经济改革对林区社会治安的影响

17.The Strategy of Developing Forest-under-economy in Daxinganling Forest Region;大兴安岭林区发展林下经济的对策建议

18.Current Situation and Development Trend of Economic Forests in the Areas of the Project of Conversion of Cropland to Forest;退耕还林工程区经济林的现状与发展趋势


regional economy of forestry林业区域经济

3)Green economy in forest zones林区绿色经济

4)economic hauling area经济运材区(林)

5)Yulin Economic Development Zone榆林经济开发区

1.Talking about the Greening Design of Landscapes Forest Belt on Urban Through-traffic Highways——Taking the Design of Green Belt Landscape on Both Sides of Ping’an Avenue inYulin Economic Development Zone as an Example浅谈城市过境公路风景林带的绿化设计——以榆林经济开发区平安大道两侧绿化景观带设计为例

6)economic area economy经济区经济

1.The contradict between actuality and theories called “Wenzhou contrary theory,” which can be regressed by the analytical frame of “administrative area economy ”and “economic area economy.这种现实与理论的矛盾构成的“温州悖论”,其实可以通过“行政区经济”和“经济区经济”的分析框架而得到回归,由此也就说明了经济发展过程中块状经济对人口分布所具有的巨大效应。

2.Administration area economy andeconomic area economy are the two forms in existence in the process of China s regional economic development.行政区经济与经济区经济,是我国区域经济发展过程中的两种存在形态。


