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铸造钢网 Casting steel mesh英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-20 18:27:31


铸造钢网 Casting steel mesh英语短句 例句大全

铸造钢网,Casting steel mesh

1)Casting steel mesh铸造钢网


1.Clinical observation of casting steel mesh application in complete denture铸造钢网应用于全口义齿的临床观察

2.RealiZation of the Transformation of Billet Caster Matching-watersystem"s Net炼钢连铸机配水网络系统优化改造的实现

3.Study on the Cluster of LFC in Cast Iron&Cast Steel for Small to Medium Casting Process;铸铁铸钢中小件消失模铸造串铸工艺研究

4.cast gutter spout of iron or steel钢或铁制铸造水落管

5.cast bollard of iron or steel钢或铁制铸造系船柱

6.cable semicontinuous casting machine钢丝绳半连续铸造机

7.cast gutter of iron or steel铸造排水沟,钢或铁制

8.The Development of CAD System for Sand Casting of Steel;铸钢件砂型铸造模具参数CAD软件开发

9.Cast Technology of Cast-steel Shell Based on ProCAST基于ProCAST的铸钢件壳体铸造工艺研究

10.Founding of Heavy Steel Castings-The Blooming Mill Housing Used for Ma Steel 2250mm hot mill马钢热轧2250mm初轧机架大型铸钢件的铸造

11.Structure made of pearlitic stabilized cast-iron with parts in stabilized steel.珠光体铸铁机架,部分部件高强度钢铸造。

12.The Application of EPC in Steel Casting Production for the Positive Electrode Frame with Feet消失模铸造在阳极爪架铸钢件生产中的应用

13.Plane Casting Technology for High Chromium Cast/Carbon Steel Composite Plate高铬铸铁-碳钢复合板水平浇注铸造工艺

14.Study on The Gating System of Casting Steel by EPC Process铸钢件消失模铸造浇注系统的试验研究

15.CAE Optimal Design of Casting Process of Steel Casting for Welded-structure Part焊接结构用铸钢件的铸造工艺CAE优化设计

16.Application of Z-Cast Software on Casting Process Optimization of HubZ-Cast软件在轮毂铸钢件铸造工艺改进上的应用

17.Application of View Cast Software in Foundry Technique Optimization of Star WheelView Cast软件在星轮铸钢件铸造工艺优化上的应用

18.Simulation and Optimization of Casting Process for R2178 21-2A Large-scale Cast-steel Riding WheelR2178 21-2A型铸钢托轮铸造工艺模拟及优化


Cast Magnetic Steel铸造磁钢

3)foundry scrap铸造废钢

4)cast dies铸造钢模

5)Casting with copper mould钢模铸造

6)die-casting die steels铸造压铸模具钢


