900字范文 > 结构模块化 Structural module英语短句 例句大全

结构模块化 Structural module英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-07 11:44:26


结构模块化 Structural module英语短句 例句大全

结构模块化,Structural module

1)Structural module结构模块化

1.In terms of the feature of structural module the process of scheme design for snake-like belt conveyor was researched.根据结构模块化设计方法的特点,对蛇形输送机的方案设计过程进行了研究。


1.The Modular Theory of Organizational Structure Based on NK Model基于NK模型的组织结构模块化理论

2.On Designing of Modular Organizational Structure:Basic Principles and Model Building组织结构模块化设计:基本原理与模型构建

3.Research on Modular Design and Parametric Design of Elevator Car;电梯轿厢结构模块化和参数化设计研究

4.The Software Platform of Modularized Design of Typical Feed Structures of a Reflector Antenna;面天线典型馈源结构模块化设计软件平台

5.Application Research on Structural Modularization of Modern American Style Furniture;现代美式家具结构模块化及其应用研究

6.modular supercomputer architecture模块化巨型机体系结构

7.Market Structure , Conduct & Performance of Modulization Structure;模块化结构下的市场结构、行为及绩效

8.Bank of reengineering:modularization interpretation and analysis on income银行再造:模块化结构解释及收益分析

9.On Modular Design Based on Contract Structures and Its Evolution;基于契约结构的模块化设计及其演进

10.Model Teaching on Structurized Program Design in FoxBASE/FoxPro;FoxBASE/FoxPro结构化的模块式教学

11.The Improvement and Application of Multi Structure Cases Optimization Module of ESSOSⅡESSOSⅡ多结构工况优化模块完善及应用

12.Design of integrated modular for detailing reinforcement of reinforced concrete structure钢筋混凝土结构构造配筋模块化集成设计

13.Modularity:A New Pattern of Industrial Structure Development in the Informative Age;模块化:信息时代产业结构发展的新型模式

14.The private key module needs an instance of the environment structure to initialize correctly.私钥模块需要一个环境结构实例来正确初始化。

15.Design and Practice for a Picture Archiving and Communication System Based Structured Report Module;基于PACS的结构化报告(SR)模块的设计与实现研究

16.Modular Technology and Its Application in the Structure Design for Electronic Equipment;模块化技术在电子设备结构设计中的应用

17.Optimazition of H.264 Decoder and Architecture Research of Motion Estimation Module;H.264/AVC的解码器优化与运动估计模块结构研究

18.The Rising of Modularize Economy and the Evolution of Enterprise Organizational Structure;模块化经济的崛起与企业组织结构的演进


modular structure模块化结构

1.On the basis of basic project managementprinciples,the system utilizes the muliti-level PDM activity network as planning and controlmodel, applies the technology of management by measurement to tracking and evaluation ofproject executing status, follows amodular structure, and adopts implementation strategy ofcombination of development and integration.系统基于基本的项目管理原理,使用多级PDM活动网络作为计划与控制的模型,运用度量管理技术对项目执行状况进行跟踪与评价,并遵循模块化结构,采用开发与集成相结合的实现策略。

2.The software and hardwaremodular structures made this instrument realized the most rational combination in different applied fields and conditions and a higher ratio of performance to price.该仪表硬、软件的模块化结构,使其能够在不同的应用场合和应用条件下实现最合理的组合,从而实现较高的性能价格比。

3.It reduces the difficulty in software design because ofmodular structure programming and level design thought.软件编程采用模块化结构和层次设计思想,大大降低了编写程序的复杂度。

3)module structure模块化结构

1.It analyzes the shortage of the traditional distributiondesign progress, and gives themodule structure design to exchange data in differentsubsystems.分析了在当前实际供配电工程设计中存在的不足,提出模块化结构的设计思想,以便在不同子系统之间实现数据交换。

2.A new incorporate device of automatic arc-suppression coil and grounding fault line selection based onmodule structure is developed to improve its application flexibility and reliability.研制了基于模块化结构的消弧接地一体化装置,将消弧线圈和接地选线做成完全独立的两个模块,以提高应用的灵活性和可靠性,模块之间无需相互通信,以零序电压作为同步信号,消弧线圈配合接地选线协调动作,使选线的准确率得到大幅度的提高。

4)modular construction模块化结构

1.The hardware adoptsmodular construction with the characteristics of highly dependability and convenient operation.硬件采用模块化结构,组态灵活,可靠性高,操作方便。

5)modularized structure模块化结构

1.Contrastive analysis with conventional device indicates that themodularized structure has high reliability,high power density,simple connection, convenient extension,etc.与常规无功补偿产品的对比分析和实际测试结果表明,模块化结构可靠性好、功率密度高、接线简单、扩容方便,综合智能控制策略和补偿容量动态修正改善了性能指标,在各种配置完全相同的情况下该装置的补偿效果优于常规的无功补偿产品。

6)modularization structure模块化结构

1.The paper summarizes the allpurposemodularization structure of material M&C system software.简要介绍了材料试验机测控系统的组成和工作原理,分析了系统设计中的几个关键问题;对于如何满足系统的强实时性要求,如何进行测试数据的在线处理,如何实现程控自动测试,提出了有效的解决方案,总结出材料试验机测控系统软件的通用模块化结构;该系统在实际应用中取得了良好的效果。

2.Based on the input-parallel output-parallel (IPOP) structure, threemodularization structures are proposed for input-parallel output-series (IPOS), input-series output-parallel (ISOP), input-series output-series (ISOS), respectively, in this paper.其特点是不但单个变换器模块可以正常独立工作,而且还可以将多个变换器模块仅通过母线联接的方式进行串并联组合,不需要外加任何电路,就可以组成新的变换器系统,真正实现组合系统的模块化结构。


Xm8式轻型模块化卡宾枪Image:11719496420417865.jpg xm8式轻型模块化卡宾枪

据英国《防务系统日报》1月4日报道: 通用动力公司欧洲地面作战系统分公司与赫克勒.科赫(h&k)公司在美国建立了一家合资公司,负责为美国政府生产及交付xm8式5.56毫米轻型模块化卡宾枪。xm8轻型模块化武器将用于换装美国军队的m16式步枪和m4式卡宾枪。口径:5.56mm 空枪重: 原型 2.9 kg目标 2.6 kg全长: 845.8mm射速:750发/分 初速:20.0"枪管 916m/s12.5"枪管 815m/s9.0"枪管 720m/s弹匣容量:10、30、100发
