900字范文 > 文革语言 Chinese used during the Cultural Revolution英语短句 例句大全

文革语言 Chinese used during the Cultural Revolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-12 13:42:20


文革语言 Chinese used during the Cultural Revolution英语短句 例句大全

文革语言,Chinese used during the Cultural Revolution

1)Chinese used during the Cultural Revolution文革语言

1.Few essays were aboutChinese used during the Cultural Revolution and even less focused on the grammar used during that special period.在文革语言的研究中,语法方面的研究极少。

2.In the frame of the history of modern Chinese,this paper focuses on the several special usages of Chinese nouns to explain the grammatical features ofChinese used during the Cultural Revolution.在现代汉语史的框架下,以名词的几种特殊用法为切入点,对文革语言的语法特点进行考察和说明。


1.Violation of the Fundamental Language Communication Principles by Language Used during the Time of the Cultural Revolution ;论“文革语言”对言语交际基本原则的违背

2.On the Apostrophe in the Great Culture Revolutionary Language文革语言中的“呼告”辞格及其使用

3.Linguistics Revolution and A Diversion of Linguistics in Literature Study;语言学“革命”与文学研究的“语言学转向”

4.On the Language of the Literature During Great Cultural Revolution;高度理性化的独语——“文革”文学语言论

5.Study on the generalization of military words used in the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”语言中军事词语的泛化现象

6.On Three Concepts of "Chinese Language Modernization","Language Planning" and "Reform of Writing System";“语文现代化”、“语言规划”和“文字改革”含义辨

7.On the Citation of Rhetorical Figures in the Great Culture Revolutionary Language;“文革”语言中的引用辞格及其使用

8.Research on Usages of Modal Verbs in Chinese Used during the Cultural Revolution;“文革”语言中能愿动词使用情况考察

9.The "Cultural Revolution" Narrations: Body Mirror Image and Language Association;“文革”叙事:身体镜像与语言指渉

10.Words in "Cultural Revolution" of the NegativeDeviation to Rhetoric of "the Four Worlds;“文革”言语对修辞“四个世界”的负偏离

11.Revolution in Literary Criticism Brought About by the Linguistic Turn;“语言学转向”给文学批评带来的革命

12.A Comparison Between the Reform of Turkish andThat of Uygur and Kazakh Writing Systems in China;土耳其语言文字改革与中国维、哈语文字改革的比较

13.On Embedding Language Teaching in Culture Teaching;寓语言教学于文化教学——外语教学改革之我见

14.Formula<Language<Thinking--Thought of Chinese Teaching Roforms;程式<语言<思维——语文教学改革的理性思考

15.A Talk about the Academic Characteristic of the Movement about the Written Form of Modern Chinese: On the Relation Between New Academic Tradition and the Innovation of Language;语言革新与新学统的建立——论五四白话文运动的学术语言特性

parative philology比较语言[语文]学

17.The Aspiration to be Immortal by Writing and the Rising to Edit & Press in the Song Dynasty;语言与文籍的凸显——宋代立言不朽观念的革新与文集编刻的繁盛

18.The Language Transformation in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China and the Formation of Modern Literary Ideas on Refinement and Vulgarity;清末民初的语言变革与现代文学雅俗观的生成


language used during the period of Cultural Revolution"文革"语言

3)words in Cultural Revolution文革言语

4)language of narration叙述语言(文革语言)

5)language reform语言文字改革

6)revolution in language and literature语言文学革命


