900字范文 > 法律修改 Law Revision英语短句 例句大全

法律修改 Law Revision英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-20 02:20:11


法律修改 Law Revision英语短句 例句大全

法律修改,Law Revision

1)Law Revision法律修改

2)the revision of Lawyers Law律师法修改


1.On the Future of Attorney Management System;我国律师管理体制的未来——谈谈对我国律师法修改的看法

2.Challenges And Measures Brought About By Law Revision for Lawyers To Procuratorial Organ;刍议律师法修改对检察机关的挑战与应对

3.On the Influnence of Enforcing the New Lawyer Law to Amending the Criminal Procedure Law论《律师法》的修改对刑事诉讼法再修改的影响

4.Discuss the Influence of the Amendments to the Law of the People"s Republic of China on Lawyers on the Detection Work论《律师法》的修改对侦查工作的影响

5.The lawyer reasoned against any changes being made in the law.那位律师摆出道理, 反对对法律的任何修改。

6.The Government Control Law or the Lawyers Rights Law--View on the New Lawyers Law;政府管理法还是律师权利法——对新修改《律师法》的解读

7.On the amendment to Lawyer Law and the impact on the idea of criminal litigation;论律师法的修改及对刑事诉讼理念的影响

8.Law of PRC on Lawyers:Logical Structure and Partial Contents;关于律师法的逻辑结构与部分内容的修改语境

9.Legislators will amend the Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law and the Lawyers Law, which sets qualifications for lawyers, according to the plan.根据该计划,立法者将修改民事诉讼法、事诉讼法和规定律师资格律师法。

10.amend a document, proposal, law修改文件、 建议、 法律.

11.The Challenges,Opportunities and Countermeasures to the Procuratorial Institutions After the Revision of the Lawyers Law;律师法的修改对检察机关的挑战、机遇及应对措施

12.Spontaneouslly answer the new challenges in criminal investigation created by the modification of the Lawyers Act;主动应对律师法的修改对刑事侦查工作造成的新挑战

13.Equilibrium and Harmony between Defendant and Accused in Criminal Procedure:Under the Background of Smendment to Lawyer Law论刑事诉讼中控辩的均衡与和谐——以《律师法》的修改为背景

14.Balance of Contradiction--discussion on the influence and countermeasure to anti-corruption investigation by the new Lawyers Law矛盾下的权衡——论《律师法》的修改对反贪侦查的影响及对策

15.No matter how much you amend the laws, there are always loopholes to exploit. Ask any good lawyer, and they" ll tell you so.无论法律如何修改,总有空子可钻。问问任何称职的律师,他准会告诉你就是这么回事。

16.Impact of the Revision of the New Lawyers Act on Procuratorial Organs and the Countermeasures Thereof《律师法》修订对检察机关的影响和对策

17.Perplexities and Thoughts about Acting as Agent in Criminal Defense Cases--also on the Amendment of Criminal Procedure Law and Law of Advocates;关于代理刑事辩护案件的困惑与思考——兼谈《刑事诉讼法》和《律师法》的修改

18.Meeting of Legal Experts on Revision of Guidelines for Maritime Legislation修改海事立法指导方针法律专家会议


the revision of Lawyers Law律师法修改

3)alteration of law法律的修改

4)the power to amend basic laws基本法律修改权

1.During the past twenty years, by usingthe power to amend basic laws, legislation in china has played an important role in perfecting legal system and coordinating law and the societ.基本法律修改权是宪法和《立法法》赋予全国人大常委会一项重要立法权,也是国家立法权的重要组成部分,而且已经成为全国人大常委会经常行使的一项立法权。

5)propose a change in the law.提议修改法律

6)He recommended that the law should be changed.他建议修改法律。


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