900字范文 > 动画造型语言 animation molding language英语短句 例句大全

动画造型语言 animation molding language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 10:44:54


动画造型语言 animation molding language英语短句 例句大全

动画造型语言,animation molding language

1)animation molding language动画造型语言

1.The animation language system may divide into three parts specifically,namelyanimation molding language,animation narrative language and animation performance language.动画导演的艺术语言体系具体可分为三个部分,即动画造型语言、动画叙事语言和动画表演语言。

2)modelling language of painting绘画造型语言

1.This article is mainly analyse some new characteristics of themodelling language of painting in the digital media art from among the characteristics of themodelling language of painting.绘画造型语言是一种使用色彩、线条、形体等艺术语言,通过构图、明暗等艺术手段在平面空间(即二维空间)中创造能够表现作者追求的静态视觉形象的艺术。


1.Brief Analysis of the Modelling Language of Painting in the Digital Media Art;浅析在数字媒体艺术下的绘画造型语言

2.Modern Folk Painting of Exaggerated Animation Style of Language the Effects现代民间绘画的夸张语言对动画造型的影响

3.Three Styles Of Colorful Technique Representations Of Western Modern Art;西方现代绘画色彩语言表现形式的三种类型

4.An Elementary Study on Painting Textures;绘画肌理浅析——如何解读现代绘画语言元素

5.Ultimate of Painting--Meaning of formal language and concepts in painting绘画的终极——绘画形式观念与语言的意义

6."The art of painting is the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language."绘画艺术利用两维视觉语言创造出美的特征,从而表达情感和观念。

7.The Comparison in Painting Languages between Chinese Landscape Painting and Western Landscape Oil Painting;中国山水画与西方风景油画绘画语言之比较

8.An Exploration into the Spatial Formal Language in Western Contemporary Painting;对西方现代绘画空间形式语言的思考

9.The Everlasting Mode of Painting Language--the Call of the Likeness and the Spirit in Traditional Chinese Painting永恒的绘画语言范式——召唤“形、神”的国画传统

10.Fusion and Boundary--A Restrited View of Chinese Modern Watercolor from the Paintings Language;融合与边界——从绘画语言管窥中国当代水彩画

11.A Study on Merging National Painting Language in Skills of Watercolor Painting;浅谈水彩画技法中民族绘画语言的融汇

12.Talk of Painting and Artistic Creation in the Language of Emotional Expression and the Screen论绘画艺术创作中的情感表达与画面语言

13.Trial Analysis on the Traits of Modelling Language of Painter Calligraphy--In Addition to Discuss the Relation between Calligraphy and Painting;试析画家书法造型语言的特色——兼谈“书与画”的关系

14.Painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. are collectively called the plastic arts.绘画、雕塑、建筑等统称为造型艺术。

15.Importance of Formal Language in Painting;“语境”与“意境”——浅谈绘画作品形式语言的重要性

16.His works synthesize photography, painting and linguistic devices他的作品综合了摄影、绘画及语言学的技巧

17.How to Understand and Use Conversion among Different Painting Languages;如何在实践中理解和运用绘画语言之间的转换

18.A Research on Ren Bo-nian and Wu Chang-shuo s Artistic Form Language;对任伯年、吴昌硕绘画形式语言的比较研究


modelling language of painting绘画造型语言

1.This article is mainly analyse some new characteristics of themodelling language of painting in the digital media art from among the characteristics of themodelling language of painting.绘画造型语言是一种使用色彩、线条、形体等艺术语言,通过构图、明暗等艺术手段在平面空间(即二维空间)中创造能够表现作者追求的静态视觉形象的艺术。

3)animation language动画语言

1.The uniqueness of theanimation language decides the regulation and the distincti.动画语言的独特性决定了动画电影转场的运用规律及特色。

4)Modeling language造型语言

1.The presentation of composition,lighting,tone and color is the modeling language interactive with photography and drawing,is the technique and skill expressing photographical vision.而构图、用光、影调和色彩的表现是摄影与绘画相互交融的造型语言,是摄影视觉表达的技术与技巧。

5)shape language造型语言

1.The Shape Language in Designing Sketch Teaching ideas in designing sketch course for art designing major;设计素描中的造型语言——兼议设计艺术专业设计素描课程的教学理念

2.The general law of concrete image drawing composition is revealed from the three systems ofshape language,color language and picture structure language.从具象绘画自身的本质特征切入将具象绘画语言分解为形体、结构、光影、空间、色调、调性、情绪气氛、厚薄干湿等基本语汇,以造型语言、色彩语言、画面结构语言3个系统为框架,揭示具象绘画构成的一般规律。

6)Animation Modeling动画造型


