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分相 phase separation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 05:06:39


分相 phase separation英语短句 例句大全

分相,phase separation

1)phase separation分相

1.Study onphase separation of the niobosilicate glasses;铌硅酸盐玻璃分相的研究

2.The structure of borosilicate glass was analyzed by infrared spectra, the thermal expansion coefficient and expansion sof- tening temperature were measured by dilatometer, thephase separation of glass was investigated by scanning electron microscope and the component of silicon-rich phase was analyzed by X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy.通过红外光谱分析了Al2O3取代SiO2后硼硅酸盐玻璃结构的变化,测试了玻璃的热膨胀系数和膨胀软化温度,通过扫描电子显微镜分析硼硅酸盐玻璃的分相,并结合X射线能谱分析了富硅相的组成。


1.split-phase start single phase induction motor分相起动单相感应电动机

2.The two leading competitors have an equal number of points– it"s even Stephen.两个领先的竞争者得分相同——旗鼓相当。

3.The two leading competitors have an equal number of points?it’s even Stephen.两个领先的竞争者得分相同??旗鼓相当。

4.polyphase sorting多相分类 -磁带的

5.segregation gas chromatography分离气相色谱(法)

6.GPC (gas partition chromatography)气相分配色谱[法]

7.The Quantum Phase Distributing Properties of A Coherent State s Opposition State;相干态的相反态的量子相位分布(英文)

8.The Predict of Phase Composition and Pahse Amount and Sublattice Composition in Ni Base Superalloys;镍基合金相成分、相含量及γ’相亚点阵成分预测

9.He mistakenly assumes the score is even when it isn"t.分数分明不相等,他却误以为相等。

10.Viscoelastic Phase Separation Behavior in Multiphase Polymeric Systems多相高分子体系中的粘弹相分离行为

11.To divide into four equal or equivalent parts.分成四等分将…分成四个相同或相当部分

12.Analysis and Realization of Phase-Controlled Rectifier With Phase Sequence and Phase Self-Adaption相序相位自适应相控整流器原理分析及实现

13.Coherent Transient and Ultrahigh Resolution Transient Measurement with Incoherent Light;相干和非相干光高分辨率相干瞬态测量

14.Relative Separation Axioms in L-fuzzy Topological Spaces;L-fuzzy相对T_(-1),相对T_0与相对次T_0分离性

15.Application of Correlation Coefficient and Biased Correlation Coefficient in Related Analysis;相关系数与偏相关系数在相关分析中的应用

16.Three separate windings, with and without phases interconnected.三个分离绕组, 有互联相或没有互联相。

17.vapor fractometer汽相分离计(汽相色谱仪旧称)

18.She was only 17 years old and she and Charlie had fallen deeply in love.她才17岁却与查理相亲相爱,难舍难分。



1.The composition and preparation of fluoride-free opaque glasses such as phosphate and oxide glasses and opaque glasses based onphase-separation were reviewed.阐述了无氟乳浊玻璃如磷酸盐乳浊玻璃、氧化物乳浊玻璃、分相乳浊玻璃的成分和制备工艺,并指出存在的问题和发展方向。

2.PbO-B2O3 glasses were melted and solidified through drop shaft experiment to explore thephase-separation of the glasses under different gravity conditions.研究了PbO—B2O3在不同重力条件下的分相现象,并分析了不同实验条件下试样的成分均匀性以及试样不同部位的显微结构。

3.Bright crystallization–phase-separation zircon-free opacified glazes composed of R_2O–RO–B_2O_3–SiO_2–Al_2O_3–P_2O_5–CaF_2 multi-components were prepared through the optimizing of the chemical composition of glazes and firing processing via the cross experimental design.通过正交试验方法优化釉料组成和烧成工艺,制备了R_2O–RO–B_2O_3–SiO_2–Al_2O_3–P_2O_5–CaF_2多元系光亮无锆的分相–析晶乳浊釉。

3)phase splitting分相

1.The scatterings of minute bubbles andphase splitting drops in Jun ware are computed respectively with Mie scattering and Rayleigh scattering in order to compare the difference of two methods by which generant mech- anism of Jun ware is analyzed.分别用米氏散射和瑞利散射对钧瓷内小气泡和分相液滴的散射进行模拟计算,以对比两种计算方法的差异。

2.The gasification andphase splitting combustion boiler has stability and advance of high-efficient environmental protection, It has overcome the pollution difficult problem that the traditional boiler can t be solved.煤气化分相燃烧锅炉具有高效环保的稳定性及先进性,克服了传统锅炉无法解决的污染难题。

3.The article introduces inhibiting methods such asphase splitting, TVP, resistive and capacitive absorbing, time delay and coupling removing.本文介绍了分相、TVP、阻容吸收、延时、去耦等抑制方

4)phase seperation分相

1.The relations between glass composition,heat treatment,phase seperation and the size and structure of silver halide phase as well as the effects of them on the photosensitivity have been discussed.探讨玻璃组成,热处理,分相和卤光银相的尺寸和结构之间的关系及它们对光色性的影

5)phase splitting分相,分相法

6)Extracting and Separating Method分流分相

1.Gas-liquid Two-phase Flowmeters withExtracting and Separating Method;分流分相式气液两相流体流量计


分相分相phase separationfenxiang分相(phase separation)硅酸盐熔体和玻璃中某些组分在一些区域内偏聚形成化学组成不同相的现象.20世纪90年代以来用电镜对二、三组分和多组分玻瑞进行的研究表明,所有玻璃都有微不均区(分相),例如AI:03一510:系在A120:含量10%~50%范围,在小于1600℃存在着分相区域,这对耐火纤维使用中的变化有重要意义。分相的根本原因是热力学自由烤的降低,其机理有成核生长与不稳分解两种,前者组成变化大,但是空间分布范围小;后者组成变化小而空间弥散范围大。分相造成亚微结构不均匀。(李晓明)
