900字范文 > 国际分工 international division of labor英语短句 例句大全

国际分工 international division of labor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 19:00:56


国际分工 international division of labor英语短句 例句大全

国际分工,international division of labor

1)international division of labor国际分工

1.On the Formation of Global Production Networks of Multinational Corporations——A Theoretical Discussion Based on International Division of Labor跨国公司全球生产网络的形成——基于国际分工角度的理论探讨

2.Economic globalization has promoted theinternational division of labor in shipping by enlarging the market capacity and cutting the transaction costs.论述了经济全球化如何通过扩大市场规模和降低交易成本来深化航运业的国际分工。

3.A developmental trend of marine product processing industry is the participation ininternational division of labor in China actively.积极参与国际分工是我国海产品加工业今后的一个发展趋势。


1.Research on International Competitiveness of China Manufacturing Industry in New Mode of International Labor Division;新型国际分工下的中国制造业国际竞争力研究

2.Study on Intra-product Specialization Affects Manufacturing Industry International Competitiveness产品内国际分工对制造业国际竞争力的影响

3.Furthermore," commodified transnational marriages" manifest the international division of labor within interpersonal relationships, localizing the international division of labor as an unequal relation between people.再者,藉由跨国婚姻,国际分工具体化为不平等的人际关系,因此可称为国际分工的人际关系化。

4.Effect of International Intra-product Specialization on Productivity of Chinese Industry;产品内国际分工对中国工业生产率的影响分析

5.International Division, Technological Spillage and Economy Safety国际分工、技术溢出与我国经济安全

6.New Economy, International Re-division and the Opportunities for China;新经济、国际分工重构与中国的机遇

7.The Research of China"s Modularity Enterprise Clusters under the International Division of Labor国际分工下我国模块化企业集群研究

8.The International Division of Labor of Intra-product and "Made in China" Upgrading Inspection产品内国际分工与“中国制造”升级考察

9.Products within the International Division of Labor and the Development of Processing Trade in China产品内国际分工与我国加工贸易的发展

10.International division of labor continues to deepen and expand;国际分工不断深化和扩大;

11.A Research of Ecological Risk on International Division of Labor;关于国际分工引发的生态风险的研究

12.ISIC Major divisions国际工业分类标准大类

13.ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification)国际标准工业分类法

14.Empirical Analysis of the Affecting Factors of Chinese Industry"s Participation in International Vertical Specialization中国工业参与国际垂直专业化分工的实证分析

15.International Standard Industrial Classification [ISIC] [United Nations]国际标准工业分类〔联合国〕

16.Analysis of international competitive power of China s chemical product for export;我国化工出口产品的国际竞争力分析

17.An Analysis of the International Competitive Power of China s Petrochemical Enterprises;我国石油化工企业的国际竞争力分析

18.International Chamber of Commerce国际商会国际工农商会


international division国际分工

1.Chinese manufacturing and foreign investment introducing underinternational division;国际分工格局下的中国制造业与外资引入

2.Considering the Promotion of LDC’s (Less Development Countries) economic development and adjustment of their industrg straclure, a concept of Creative Intelligence is presented , the role played by the creative intelligence fostering in economic development is analyzed , and the relationship between the creative intelligence andinternational division in the two-country model is explained.以发展中国家如何在经济全球化趋势下促进经济发展和产业升级作为分析背景 ,提出了创造性智力的概念 ,分析了创造性智力培育在经济增长中的作用 ,在两国模型中分析了创造性智力培育对国际分工格局的影响 ,分析了创新性智力流失及其影响 ,并得出培育创造性智力优势是促进经济长期发展的根本出

3.This paper examines theinternational division using the dynamic analysis and emphasizes the importance of the technology factor in theinternational division.技术可以通过改变产出从而影响一国的国际分工地位。

3)international labor division国际分工

1.The Analysis of the Accesses of Middle & Small Sized Enterprises to Participate International Labor Division;中国中小型制造业企业参与国际分工的途径分析

2.With the further development of economical globalization,theinternational labor division and industry cluster would grow simultaneously.随着经济全球化的进一步推进,产业的国际分工与区域聚集会同时加强。

3.The paper analyzes the impact of the new trade barrier on theinternational labor division pattern,and based on the summary of relevant previous researches,it concludes that classicalinternational labor division theory may lead to falsehood when applied to explain the new economic facts.文中研究了新贸易壁垒对国际分工模式的影响,在对前人总结国际分工理论的相关成果的基础上,指出其在解释新的经济现象时可能出现的谬误。

4)international specialization国际分工

1.This paper provides an agent-based open economy model ASMEC-O to investigate the evolution process ofinternational specialization.文章提供了一个基于主体的开放经济模型———ASMEC-O,用于研究国际分工的演化过程。

2.China participates in theinternational specialization with its advantages in labor and market resources and lies at the lower end of the value chain, which leads to its lack of capability to invest in a whole production process.中国以自身的劳动力和市场资源优势参与国际分工,位于价值链的低端环节,缺乏投入整个生产链的能力。

3.This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the position of China s manufacturing industry in theinternational specialization system as well as its effects on the working of the global economy and international competition pattern as a "world factory".本文在分析中国制造业在国际分工体系中地位的基础上,探讨中国成为“世界工厂”对全球经济增长、世界范围内产业结构的互动与跃迁,国际分工体系的构成、国际竞争格局变动以及国际和地区经济秩序的影响。

5)worldwide division国际分工

1.Today’sworldwide division is transferring from vertical division to mixed division, showing multi-level’s division structure: division in different industry, division in same industry and division in same product are all in existence.当代的国际分工正由垂直型分工向混合型分工转变 ,呈现出产业间分工、产业内分工和产品内分工并存的格局。

2.Manufacturing industries in China, to a larger and more profound extend, have been increasingly becoming part ofworldwide division system while Chinese market becomes part of international market.中国经济以非常快的速度融入世界经济 ,特别是中国制造业正在越来越深刻、越来越广泛地融入国际分工体系之中 ,中国市场成为国际市场的组成部分。

3.It has been 200 more years since the establishment ofworldwide division Theory.国际分工理论创立至今已有200多年,国际分工经历了由产业间国际分工到产业内国际分工,再到按价值链增值环节进行国际分工这样一个不断深化的历程。

6)New International Division新国际分工


