900字范文 > 助产员素质 member of the quality of midwifery英语短句 例句大全

助产员素质 member of the quality of midwifery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-18 06:56:53


助产员素质 member of the quality of midwifery英语短句 例句大全

助产员素质,member of the quality of midwifery

1)member of the quality of midwifery助产员素质

2)The party member"s quality共产党员的素质

3)Compentences of the Production department staff生产部门员工素质

4)personnel quality人员素质

1.The method of doing enterprise file work well was approached from leader consciousness, system coustruction, regulation management andpersonnel quality and so on.简述了企业发展与档案工作的重要关系,从领导意识、体系建设、制度管理、人员素质等方面探讨了做好企业档案工作的方法,对于做好档案工作具有一定的借鉴作用。

2.based on the introduction of hybrid library ,this article analyzes the present situation of library personnel troop and the requisition forpersonnel quality of hybrid library , it also proposes the essential methods of personnel troop construction of hybrid library .在介绍复合型图书馆的基础上,本文通过对图书馆人员队伍现状和复合型图书馆人员素质要求的分析,提出了复合型图书馆队伍建设的基本方法。

3.This article elaborates the standardized question,the intellectual property rights question and thepersonnel quality question between the construction of digital library and the traditional library.阐述了数字图书馆与传统图书馆建设中存在的标准化问题、知识产权问题和人员素质问题,应结合实际提出相应的对策。


1.To Raise Quality of Superviser,To Ensure Quality of Supervising works;提高监理人员素质 确保监理工作质量

2.Experimentally Discussion on Relationship Between QualityManagement of Enterprise and Staff Quality;试论企业质量管理与人员素质的关系

3.Analysing Quality Structure of Staff in Management of Human Resources;解析人力资源管理从业人员素质结构


5.On Basic Requirements for the Qualities of Current Public Management Personnel对现代公共管理人员素质的基本要求

6.it is the quality of the human resource that gives us the competitive edge人员素质赋予我们竞争优势

7.We need to raise the overall quality of law enforcement officers and improve their ability to enforce the law.提高执法人员素质和执法水平。

8.Quality & Competence of Secretaries at General Administrative Office试述高校办公室文秘人员素质与能力

9.Study on Developing the Working Performance for Marketing Staff in Power Grid Enterprise;电网企业营销一线人员素质开发研究

10.Improving the Quality of Employees and Making Efforts to Doing Well the Service Work;提高工作人员素质 努力做好服务工作

11.A Tentative Discussion of the Quality Structure of the Students Academic-status-archive-Managing Staff in College;高校学籍档案管理人员素质结构初探

12.Establishing the Legitimate Procedure Consciousness and Enhancing the Quality of the Judges;树立正当程序意识 提高审判人员素质

13.Human Factors and Quality Optimization of Air Traffic Controllers;人为因素与空中交通管制员素质优化

14.High diathesis Employees ensure the high quality products.高素质的人员保证了高质量的产品。

15.Quality of Accounting Staff and Accounting Information;会计人员的主体素质与会计信息质量

16.Basic Qualities for a High-Level Secretary in a Higher School;浅谈高素质的高校秘书人员应具备的基本素质

17.Study on the Talented Personnel s Quality in Hotel Management;酒店管理人员专业人才素质观的研究

18.What are the basic individual qualities of the archer?射箭运动员的个人基本素质是什么?


The party member"s quality共产党员的素质

3)Compentences of the Production department staff生产部门员工素质

4)personnel quality人员素质

1.The method of doing enterprise file work well was approached from leader consciousness, system coustruction, regulation management andpersonnel quality and so on.简述了企业发展与档案工作的重要关系,从领导意识、体系建设、制度管理、人员素质等方面探讨了做好企业档案工作的方法,对于做好档案工作具有一定的借鉴作用。

2.based on the introduction of hybrid library ,this article analyzes the present situation of library personnel troop and the requisition forpersonnel quality of hybrid library , it also proposes the essential methods of personnel troop construction of hybrid library .在介绍复合型图书馆的基础上,本文通过对图书馆人员队伍现状和复合型图书馆人员素质要求的分析,提出了复合型图书馆队伍建设的基本方法。

3.This article elaborates the standardized question,the intellectual property rights question and thepersonnel quality question between the construction of digital library and the traditional library.阐述了数字图书馆与传统图书馆建设中存在的标准化问题、知识产权问题和人员素质问题,应结合实际提出相应的对策。

5)staff quality员工素质

1.Improve Staff Quality Management System Development and Application;员工素质提升管理系统的开发与应用

2.Thestaff quality is the enterprise competition most primary factor.员工素质是企业竞争的最主要因素,企业对员工技能培训的投资,是入投入最小、回报最大的项目。

6)staff quality人员素质

1.Improvingstaff quality is the crux of doing well in highway quality superuision;提高人员素质是搞好公路质量监督的关键

2.This paper discusses the great changes brought about by information revolution in Chinese enterprise production pattern, organization system,staff quality, and how Chinese enterprises prepare to meet new challenges.讨论了信息革命在生产方式、组织体系以及人员素质方面给中国企业带来的巨大变化,以及中国企业如何在这些方面做好准备以迎接信息革命的挑战。

3.From the importance of strengthening the administration of personnel archives work in colleges and universities,the paper analyzed the existing problems in the aspects of consciousness about files;funds and equipments;standardized management andstaff quality.文章从加强高校人事档案管理的重要性谈起,具体分析了高校人事档案管理在档案意识、资金设备、规范性管理、人员素质几个方面存在的问题;详细阐述了加强高校人事档案管理工作应采取的对策。


