900字范文 > 独立化 independence英语短句 例句大全

独立化 independence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 10:55:44


独立化 independence英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper begins with the history of the modernization of hypothec right,introduces the process,its value and the special needed system of itsindependence and securitization using Germany as pioneer,at last the paper evaluates the regulation of hypothec right in the real law,analyzes whether we should ab.从抵押权现代化发展历史谈起,介绍了以德国为代表的抵押权独立化、证券化的过程、价值及所需的特殊制度设计,并对我国物权法第五稿中有关抵押权的立法作了评述,分析了我国是否适合引入这一制度。


1.Realistic Non-independent Options for the Independent Laborer;论“独立劳动者”非独立化的现实选择

2.system-independent characterizatio独立于系统的特征化

3.independent modularity programming独立模块化程序设计

4.An Analysis on Financial Independence:Consolidation and Heterization关于金融独立性分析:强化与异化

5.Intercultural Communication and the Independence of the National Culture;跨文化交际与坚持民族文化的独立性

6.A Stand-alone Evolvable System Based on DSP基于DSP的演化硬件独立演化系统设计

7.The relative independent character of national culture, show the relative independent character of the spiritual psychology of nationality.民族文化的相对独立性,表明民族精神心理的相对独立性。

8.Parti independent des travailleurs劳工独立党(独立党)

9.Independent Citizens Movement独立公民运动(独立民运)

10.Culture not only blend in,but also is independent each other.文化是可融的,又是相互独立的。

11.Congeal our heritage into a distinct Singapore identity of Culture凝聚传统建立独特新加坡文化

plete cultural independence still lay over the horizon.文化上的完全独立还遥遥无期。

13.an independent,integral and modern economic system一个独立的、完整的、现代化的经济体制

14.Economic Changes in Overseas Chinese in Burma after Its Independence (1948-1962)缅甸独立后华侨经济的变化(1948-1962年)

15.Optimum Design CAD System of Detached and Supple Foundation of Electricity Transmission Tower;输电塔独立柔性基础优化CAD系统

16.Research and Developing of Optimization Design CAD System of Detached Foundation of Transmitting Electricity Iron Tower;输电铁塔独立基础优化设计CAD系统

17.A Study on Maximum Independent Set Problem for the Evolution Algorithm;最大独立集问题的一类进化算法研究

18.Indian Parliament Democracy and Political Modernization Since Independence;独立后印度议会民主制与政治现代化



3)cultural independence文化独立

1.This paper analyzes how Morrison,in Song of Solomon,uses symbolism intelligently in the title,names,myth,song,and folklore to express her theme: only by identifying with their own racial status,facing up to the racial discrimination and interior conflicts,and retaining self-reflect and theircultural independence can the black promote their independence and development.对《所罗门之歌》中的象征手法,即篇名、人名、神话、歌谣、传说等象征意义进行解析,探讨作者莫瑞森的主题:美国黑人应该认同自己的民族身份,正视种族歧视和黑人内部矛盾,学会自我反省并保持自己的文化独立等,才能促进黑人自身的独立和发展。

4)independent polarization独立极化

5)Independent nitrification独立硝化

6)the function independence turns功能独立化


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
