900字范文 > 生存率分析 survival analysis英语短句 例句大全

生存率分析 survival analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-18 01:01:48


生存率分析 survival analysis英语短句 例句大全

生存率分析,survival analysis

1)survival analysis生存率分析


1.The Advancement of Life Quality and Survival Rate in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients腹膜透析患者生存质量及生存率分析的研究进展

2.Clinical Related Factors and Survival Rate in Glioma;脑胶质瘤临床相关因素与术后生存率分析

3.Survival analysis of 89 cases of liver transplantation for primary hepatic carcinoma肝移植治疗原发性肝癌89例生存率分析

4.Survival analysis of employees with malignant tumors between 1998 and in West Nanhai Oil Company1998-南海油田职工恶性肿瘤生存率分析

5.Survival Analysis on Patients with Malignant Cancers in Nanhui District of Shanghai from 2002 to 2002—上海市南汇区恶性肿瘤患者生存率分析

6.Analysis of curative effect and survival rate of operation in breast carcinoma乳腺癌手术治疗的临床疗效及生存率分析

7.Discrete time survival analysis was used to estimate depressive events risk.生存分离率用于分析抑郁症发病风险。

8.Bayesian Analysis for EMP Survival Probability of Solid State Relay固态继电器EMP生存概率Bayes分析

9.Evaluation of 5-year Survival Rate and Survival Factors in Post-operative Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer;影响非小细胞肺癌患者术后5年生存率及生存因素分析

10.The effects of light intensities on survival rate and growth of Betula luminifera seedlings;遮光对光皮桦苗木存活率及生长效应分析

11.Survival probability analysis of aircraft under single shot飞机在单个射弹打击下的生存概率分析

12.The 3-year overall survival (OS) and disease free survival ( DFS) was 66. 3% and 59. 5% , respectively.3年总生存率和无病生存率分别为66.3%和59.5%。

13.The five-year survival rate (SR),disease free survival rate (DFSR) were 65 6% and 54 5%,respectively.总的5年生存率、无瘤生存率分别为65.6%和54.5%。

14.The 5 -year overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) were 89% and 73%,respectively.全组5年总生存率和无病生存率分别为89%和73%。

15.10-year survival rate and 10-year NED rate were 62.4% and 60.2%.生存率、健在率分别为62.4%及60.2%。

16.The estimation for survival rate of cancer patients is often used for assessing the effect of treatment or analyzing the prognostic factors in clinical work.在癌症临床研究中经常用生存率以评价疗效或分析病人预后。

parison and Analysis of 5-year Survival Rate between Stapling Device Application on Sphincter-saving Operation and Miles Operation in the Treatment of Low Rectal Carcinoma;低位直肠癌应用吻合器保肛手术与Miles手术5年生存率比较分析

18.Again Knowledge of Total Factor Productivity;全要素生产率的再认识——用TFP分析经济增长质量存在的若干局限


survival analysis生存分析

1.The Application of BP neural network in thesurvival analysis;BP神经网络在生存分析中的应用

2.Expression of Atrogin-1 mRNA in lung cancer tissues andsurvival analysis;肺癌组织中Atrogin-1 mRNA的表达及患者生存分析

3.Application ofsurvival analysis in evaluation of therapeutic effect of fluconazole and clotrimazole for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis;生存分析法在复发性念珠菌性阴道炎中的应用


1.[Results] The uni- variate analysis showed that patients’ performance status(PS score), pathological type, the time of brain metastasis and short-term response correlated to survival (P<0.生存分析采用Kaplan-Meier法并进行Log-Rank检验,通过比例风险模型(Cox模型)进行多因素分析。

2.In this paper,the successive rises and falls of Shanghai stock index returns are analyzed by survival analysis and change point theory.本文运用生存分析与变点理论对上证指数进行了研究,发现连涨和连跌的股指服从伽玛分布,表明股市是有记忆的并且不服从随机游动假说。

4)Survival analysis存活率分析

5)survivability analysis生存性分析

1.Design ofsurvivability analysis system on leak scanning technology;基于漏洞扫描技术的生存性分析系统的设计

2.This paper described thesurvivability analysis technology development,described the application of CVE database on the system of leak scanning,and analyzed the design of the model of thesurvivability analysis database and the quantum algorithm.分析了信息系统生存性分析技术的发展现状,介绍了CVE漏洞库在网络漏洞扫描系统中的应用,深入分析了基于CVE漏洞库的生存性量化分析数据库和量化算法的设计,并结合实验数据说明算法的性能。

3.Although telecommunication networksurvivability analysis techniques have developed for years, the effective techniques to quantitatively evaluate survivability of various distributed application systems, like network security management systems(NSMS), which are built over telecommunication networks are urgently demanded.虽然通信网络生存性分析技术已经发展多年,但对大量的通信网络之上的各种分布式应用系统,如网络安全管理系统(NSMS)的生存性评估技术尚无有效的方法。

6)COX survival analysisCOX生存分析

1.This paper constructs a new customer lifetime value calculating model based onCOX survival analysis,containing two parts: customer survival analysis based on COX and telecom customer lifetime calculating,and tests its validity based on empirical analysis.构建了一种新的基于比例风险函数COX生存分析的电信客户终生价值计算模型,包括COX生存分析模型及电信客户终生价值计算公式两个组成部分,并基于实证分析验证了模型的有效性。


