900字范文 > 震后救援 rescue after the great shock英语短句 例句大全

震后救援 rescue after the great shock英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 07:45:15


震后救援 rescue after the great shock英语短句 例句大全

震后救援,rescue after the great shock

1)rescue after the great shock震后救援

2)Earthquake Disasters Rescue System地震灾后救援系统


1.Swarm-Based Simulation for the System of Earthquake Disasters Rescue基于Swarm的地震灾后救援系统仿真

2.Research on Earthquake Disaster Scene Simulation and Rescue Virtual Simulation Training System地震灾场模拟及救援虚拟仿真训练系统研究

3.Application of microseismic monitoring system for mine dynamic disaster relief微震监测系统在矿山灾害救援中应用

4.Emergency Rescue Team of Earthquake Disasters地震灾害紧急救援队

5.The Construction of Database for Earthquake Disaster Emergency and Rescue Team Based on ArcSDE for Oracle;基于ArcSDE for Oracle的地震灾害紧急救援队数据库系统建设

6.A Model of Earthquake Rescue Based on the Theory of Complex Adaptive System基于复杂适应系统理论的地震灾害救援模型研究

bined Medical Support System of Army and Local Governments During Earthquake Disasters地震灾害军地一体化医疗救援体系探讨

8.Change of spectrum of disease regularity and the staging of medical rescue in Wenchuan earthquake area 3 months after disaster汶川地震灾区灾后3个月疾病谱的变化及医学救援分期

9.Thinking About Relief and Assistance Measures to Victims for Their Disaster Mental Health After Wenchuan Earthquake;汶川震后的灾难心理救援对策与思考

10.Minisize Implement of the Rescuing System Based on Sound Wave Which Can be Used after Disaster;用于灾后救援的微型声波生命探测系统

11.Disaster of Indonesian Earthquake Generated Tsunami and the Emergency Response印尼8.7级地震海啸灾害及应急救援

12.The Thinks on Firemen Participation of Earthquake Rescue;消防部队参加地震灾害救援工作思考

13.Pharmaceutical Care in Disaster Assistance in Large Earthquake特大地震灾害救援中的药学服务探索

14.A Study on Anti-Disaster Key Technology of Highway Transportation System Under Earthquake Disaster地震灾害下公路运输系统防救灾关键技术研究

15.A Mental Health Survey of Medical Staffs Who Took Part in Rescue in Disaster Area after Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震后一年参与灾区医疗救援医务人员的心理健康状况调查

16.Geographic Information System and the Position of GIS for Disaster Medical Rescue地理信息系统及其在灾害医学救援中的作用

17.Application of Satellite System in Rescue Information Security in Wenchuan Earthquake;汶川地震中卫星系统在救援信息保障中的应用

18.The life acquisition system of earthquake rescue team based on Zigbee technology基于Zigbee技术的地震救援队生命采集系统


Earthquake Disasters Rescue System地震灾后救援系统

3)earthquake rescue地震救援

4)Earthquake disaster bailout震灾救援

5)Earthquake relief地震救援

6)rescue after disaster灾后救援


豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)Image:1173451085646707.jpg 豹式坦克救援车(救援豹)(sd.kfz.179)

技术数据:名称:坦克救援车(救援豹)panzerbergewagen (bergepanther) (sd.kfz. 179)型号: vk.3002(man)制造商:man,henschel(亨舍尔),demag制造时间:1943-1945发动机:maybach "hl 230 p30"功率:600/700(ps)单位功率:14/16.3(ps/t)最高速度:55km/h(公路),45.7km/h(丘陵)正常速度:33km/h(公路),25km/h(丘陵)车长:8860mm车宽:3270mm车高:2700mm车重:43吨(战斗状态)燃料箱容量:1075l耗油量(l/100km):280(公路),700(丘陵)行程:320km(公路),160km(丘陵)最大爬坡:35度乘员:3装甲:前部:80mm 35度两侧:40mm 50度后部:40mm 90度底部:15mm 0度车载主武器:1门 2 cm kwk 38车载副武器:1挺7,92 mm mg 34
