900字范文 > 边际税负 marginal burden of tax英语短句 例句大全

边际税负 marginal burden of tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-05 17:50:42


边际税负 marginal burden of tax英语短句 例句大全

边际税负,marginal burden of tax

1)marginal burden of tax边际税负

2)marginal burden of agricultural tax边际农业税负

3)the actual tax burden实际税负


1.Calculation on Effective Tax Burden of Income Tax Taken by Enterprise’s Capital in Our Country;我国企业资本承担所得税实际税负的测算

2.Mathematical model of impact of value-added tax s transition on real burden of taxation of enterprises;增值税转型对企业实际税负影响的数理模型

3.Empirical Study on Influencing Factors upon the Actual Tax Burden of China"s Listed Companies我国上市公司实际税负影响因素的实证研究

4.Evolvements of Main Methodologies for Measuring Effective Tax Burden of Enterprises And Analyses on Their Applicability in China;西方企业实际税负估测方法的演进及其在中国的适用性分析

5.An International Comparison of Macro - taxation and Adjustment of Taxation in China;宏观税负的国际比较与我国税负调整

6.Measurement on the Effective Average Tax Burden of Dweller-Enterprises in China When Implementing the New Enterprise Income Tax System;新企业所得税制度下我国居民企业实际平均税负的估测

7.A Calculation for Tax Elasticity of Real Effective Tax Burden of Consumption Expenditure,Income of Capital and Income through Work in Guangdong广东省消费支出、资本收入、劳动收入实际有效税负税收弹性系数测算

8.An Empirical Research on the Relevance Between Capital Structure and Income Tax Burden;资本结构和所得税税负关系实证研究

9.Fair Tax Burden:The Realistic Think About The Reform of The Personal Income Tax;公平税负:个人所得税改革的现实思考

10.An Empirical Study of Value-added Tax & Income Tax Burden on Enterprise;企业增值税和所得税负担的实证研究

11.The Empirical Study on Micro Tax Burden--The Application of Peer Tax Burden微观税收负担的实证研究——同业税负模型的应用

12.International Tax Competition,Capital Control and Adjustment of Enterprise Income Tax Burden;国际税收竞争、资本管制与企业所得税负担调整

13.effective duty rate on imports对进口品的实际征税率

14.Local income tax to be paid 19-20实际应缴地方所得税额

15.Enterprise income tax to be paid实际应缴企业所得税额

16.An Empirical Study of Farmers" Burden Reducing from Canceling Agricultural Tax--GMM estimation of interprovincial panel data in China取消农业税对我国农民减负的实证研究——基于中国省际面板数据的广义矩估计

17.The Reflection on Realizing the Fair Tax Burden;实现公平税负的现实意义和有效途径

18.Analysis on the current situation on the tax burden of the small-scale taxpayer;对小规模纳税人税收负担现状的实证分析


marginal burden of agricultural tax边际农业税负

3)the actual tax burden实际税负

4)marginal tax rate边际税率

1.The personal income tax after the reform should be the tax on the total income according to the combination of both the incremental average tax rate and the degressivemarginal tax rate.改革后的个人所得税制应该是按照递增的平均税率但又是递减的边际税率对全部所得课税这两方面的结合。

5)marginal tax band边际税阶

6)marginal tax rate differential边际税率差

1.On the basis of the specific tax planning formation mechanism,design a model ofmarginal tax rate differential,we found that the company has motive to choose tax planning to increase the after-tax income and achieve the goal of maximizing the value of enterprise.在税收筹划特定的形成机理下,构建边际税率差模型,发现企业存在内在驱动因素使其选择税收筹划来增大企业的税后收益,实现企业价值最大化的动机。

2.we design a model ofmarginal tax rate differential,and find that the company has motive to choose tax planning to increase the after-tax income and achieve the goal of maximizing the value of enterprise.通过构建边际税率差模型,我们发现企业存在内在驱动因素使其选择税收筹划来增大企业的税后收益,从而实现企业价值最大化目标,这一内在驱动因素就是边际税率差最小化。


