900字范文 > 华南 South China英语短句 例句大全

华南 South China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 19:57:14


华南 South China英语短句 例句大全

华南,South China

1)South China华南

1.Some problems concerning relationship between Mesozoic-Cenozoic lithospheric extension and uranium metallogenesis inSouth China;华南地区中生代以来岩石圈伸展及其与铀成矿关系研究的若干问题

2.Analysis on the Characters of Rare-Earth Element in the Late Permian Coal fromSouth China;华南地区晚二叠世煤的稀土元素特征


1.I brought back some fruit from South China.我从华南带回一些水果。

2.Anti-Japanese Guerrillas of the South China People华南人民抗日游击队

3.South China Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area华南抗日民主根据地

4.South China Film Industry Workers Union华南电影工作者联合会

5.South China (studying area) is composed of the Cathaysian block and the southeastern part of Yangtze block.华南(研究区)由杨子地块东南部和华夏地块组成。

6.resettle the returned overseas Chinese in South China帮助归国华侨在华南定居下来

7.The Research on Factors Impacting on Attracting FDI Flowing into East China & South China;华东华南地区FDI影响因素的比较研究

8.The Activities of American Southern Baptist Convention in South China (1836-1912);美南浸信会在华南传教活动研究(1836—1912)

9.The Early Cultural Factors from "South China Sea" in the Southern Coastal Region of China;华南沿海早期文化中的“南海”因素

10.A Study on Sub-Regional Cooperation of Southchina and Vietnam;华南——越南次区域经济合作问题研究

11.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.华北和华南的大部分地区的气候将寒冷而潮湿。

12.Jinan Hualu Food Co., Ltd.济南华鲁食品有限公司

13.Picture taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shengnan Li新华社记者李生南摄

14.Taken by Zhongnan Guo (via Xinhua News Agency)郭中南摄(新华社稿)

15.Washington, gateway to the south华盛顿---通往南方的门户

16.Journal of Hengyang Medical College南华大学学报(医学版)

17."No, from the South Seas.“不,他是南洋的华侨。”

18.Chinese Indentured Labor in Transvaal, 1904-1910: A Comparative Study between Chinese and Indian Labors;契约华工在南非(1904—1910)——兼论南非华、印侨工之比较


Southern China华南

1.Geochemistry of Ore-forming Fluid and Its Metallogenetic Significances of PGE-polymetallic Deposits in Lower Cambrian Black Rock Series,Southern China;华南黑色岩系铂多金属矿成矿流体地球化学及其矿床成因意义

2.Spatial and Temporal Variations of Large-scale Atmospheric Water Resources overSouthern China;华南大尺度空中水资源时空演变特征

3.Cluster analysis of Zygoptera (Odonata:Zygoptera) fauna in parts of southern China;华南部分地区束翅亚目(Odonata:Zygoptera)蜻蜓区系聚类分析


1.According to the historic documents the hometown of Linji is inNanhua,Caozhou.史籍皆载临济故里在曹州南华,但唐代曹州南华在今何处,需确指地望。

4)eastern and southern district华东华南区

5)East & South China华东与华南

6)North & South China华北与华南


