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性话语 sex words英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-11 03:04:14


性话语 sex words英语短句 例句大全

性话语,sex words

1)sex words性话语

1.Foucault analyzedsex words and power mechanisms around sex.为此,福柯分析了性话语和围绕性的权力机制。


1.Female language in Phallocentric language;关于男性中心话语中的女性话语研究

2.Silence and Voice: An Analysis of Female Discourse in The Woman Warrior;沉默与话语——谈《女勇士》中的女性话语权

3.Rebulid The Words language of Composition--Look through the "Female Words language;写作话语重构——“女性话语”透视

4.What constitute the content of spoken language teaching are discourses of coherence, illocution and narration and their combination and adjusting.口语教学内容最重要的是承接性话语、为性话语和叙述性话语,以及这几种话语的配搭和协调。

5.A Cognitive-pragmatic Analysis of Contrastive Discourse Markers;对比性话语标记语的认知—语用分析

6.The Male Tint of Words on Female Problems in Lun Yu;《论语》中女性问题的男性话语色彩

7.The Disunity and Rebellion to the Speech of Nationalism and the Male;对民族主义话语与男性话语的疏离与逆反

8.Overthrowing of Male Discourse and Establishment of Female Discourse System;也论男权话语的颠覆和女性话语系统的建立

9.On the Daily Discourse and the Poetic Discourse in the Novels by Fang Fang;试论方方小说中的日常话语和诗性话语

10.Human nature discourse passing through political discourse;人性话语对政治话语的穿越——《百合花》解读

11.A Pragmatic Analysis of Deceptions in a Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》人物非真实性话语语用分析

12.An Analysis of Male-Female Conversations in the TV Series of Struggle;汉语会话中的话语风格性别特征分析

13.Discourse Right and Discourse: the Role of Male and Female;话语权和话语:两性角色的“在场”姿态

14.On Topic Change Signals of Speech in English Conversation;论英语会话中的言语性话题转换信号

15.An Adaptation-based Approach to Discourse Markers in the Courtroom Discourse;法庭话语中话语标记语的顺应性动态研究

16.Textual Dialogicality and the Analysis of Print News Texts of English;语篇对话性与英语书面新闻语篇分析

17.Productive turn in Discourse Analysis-- From Critical Discourse Analysis to Positive Discourse Analysis;话语分析的建设性转向——从批评话语分析到积极话语分析

18.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Classic Fairy Tales: A Gender Study批评话语视角下经典童话的性别研究


female discourse女性话语

1.Though the female writing perspires, it doesn t change the fact that the female aphasia doesn t end because the sexism overflows wantonly in the male text; the phallocriticism and the commercial propagation distort and clear up the female text; and only some woman is carrying on the female writing consciously to structure thefemale discourse.只有部分妇女写作在自觉地进行女性创作,构建女性话语。

2.This paper reveals that thefemale discourse has experienced the process from flourish to declination,by analyzing Gaia’s authority in the creation and family,the goddesses’ position on Mount Olympus and Orestes’ killing his mother but finally being forgiven.文章通过对古希腊神话中女神盖亚在创世和家族中的权威,奥林波斯山上女神们的地位,和奥瑞斯提亚杀父然而最终被赦免这三个方面的分析,揭示了女性话语在希腊神话中由高亢走向衰弱的过程。

3.After the "turning left" of Ding Ling s thoughts and writings,herfemale discourse position has not been stopped by her revolutionary discourse position,and it has still been continued in Sun over Sangan River.丁玲的思想和创作“向左转”后,她曾有的女性话语立场并未被革命话语立场所遮断,在《太阳照在桑干河上》中仍有延续,从叙事学角度分析,这时的女性话语已不同于“莎菲时期”的女性话语,它以潜在的、变形的方式存在;丁玲塑造李子俊女人形象的过程就是在女性话语与革命话语之间摇摆的过程,两种话语交错出现使得李子俊女人形象更真实传神;丁玲此时的女性话语立场虽较“莎菲时期”逊色,却仍显其连续性。

3)intersexual discourse两性话语

1.To some different extent, textual discourse of The Ruined City has been erring from and colliding withintersexual discourse, moral discourse and literature aesthetic discourse.《废都》的文本话语与两性话语、道德话语、文学审美话语、政治话语都产生了不同程度的背离与冲突。

4)male discourse男性话语

1.The Reappearance and Return to Male Discourse --by Comparing the Dream of Red Mansions with Jane Eyre;对男性话语的再现和回归——评《红楼梦》和《简·爱》

2.From the intention of female body symbol in male point of view,the origin of the commercialization of woman s body and the accordingly re- written male body symbol,we can see her particular deconstruction way tomale discourse.从男性视角中的女性躯体符号的所指、女性躯体被商品化的根源,以及男性躯体符号相应地被改写等方面可见作家对男性话语的独特解构方式。

5)feminist discourse女性话语

1.The paper expounds Alice Walker s second novel"Meridian "which fully demonstrates viewpoints of the French feminists,and states that the feminist poetics are formed through three phrases:identity with mother,identity with father and creation offeminist discourse on the basis of semiotics and sociology.沃克的第二部小说,《梅丽迪安》集中体现了法国派女性主义的主张,即从符号学和社会学的层面探讨女性主义诗学建立的三步骤,认同母亲、认同父亲与建立女性话语。

6)male-dominant discourse男性话语

1.The paper analyzes how Richardson manifest and depict the innermost struggles through the epistolary style,aiming to find the female psychological world created by themale-dominant discourse and explore the long-term suppressed and distorted voices of females under the patriarchy.本文通过分析理查森如何通过书信体展现?刻画人物内心矛盾,寻找作者运用男性话语建构出的女性内心世界,进而发掘被父权制长期压制?扭曲的女性声音。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
