900字范文 > 呼吸道肿瘤 Respiratory tract neoplasms英语短句 例句大全

呼吸道肿瘤 Respiratory tract neoplasms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-31 02:17:47


呼吸道肿瘤 Respiratory tract neoplasms英语短句 例句大全

呼吸道肿瘤,Respiratory tract neoplasms

1)Respiratory tract neoplasms呼吸道肿瘤

2)Tumor of the upper respiratory tract上呼吸道肿瘤

3)respiratory tract neoplasms/surgery呼吸道肿瘤/外科学

4)respiratory rtact neoplasms/epidemiology呼吸道肿瘤/流行病学

5)cancer patients with lower respiratory tract infection肿瘤患者下呼吸道感染

1.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of aztreonam in the treatment ofcancer patients with lower respiratory tract infection, promote rational use of the drugs and decrease treatment cost.目的:评价氨曲南治疗肿瘤患者下呼吸道感染的成本-效果,促进合理用药,降低医疗费用。


1.Analysis of etiology and drug resistance in patients with lower respiratory tract infection and tumor肿瘤患者下呼吸道感染病原学及耐药分析

2.Sputum Culture for Pathogens and Drug Resistance in Patients with Cancer肿瘤患者呼吸道感染的病原菌分布及药敏分析

3.Antibiotic Resistance of Pathogens Isolated from Lower Respiratory Tract of Patients in Respiratory Ward呼吸内科患者下呼吸道感染病原菌及药敏分析

4.Lower Respiratory Tract Nosocomial Infection A Clinical Analysis in Senile Patients老年患者下呼吸道医院感染临床分析

5.A Surveillance Study on Bacterial Distribution and Resistance in Patients with Lower Respiratory Infection;下呼吸道感染患者痰培养和药敏结果分析

6.Surveillance on Distribution and Resistance of Bacteria Isolated from Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI);下呼吸道感染患者致病菌分布及其耐药性监测

7.Etiological Analysis of Mechanical Ventilation Associated Lower Respiratory Tract Infection;机械通气患者下呼吸道感染病原学分析

8.Bacterial distribution and drug-sensitivity in lower respiratory tract disease among aged people老年患者下呼吸道感染病原菌分布及药敏分析

9.Drug Resistance Analysis of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Patients with Lower Respiratory Trace Infection下呼吸道感染患者铜绿假单胞菌耐药性分析

10.Antibiotics Usage in Inpatients with Lower Respiratory Infections住院患者下呼吸道感染抗菌药物应用调查

11.Investigation and analysis for patients with lower respiratory tract infection during oral and maxillofacial surgery口腔颌面外科手术患者下呼吸道感染调查分析

12.Pathogens Distribution and Antibacterial Resistance in Lower Respiratory Tract Infection from Department of Respiratory Medicine呼吸内科住院患者下呼吸道感染病原菌分布及体外耐药性监测

13.G - bacilli is the predominant in LRTI .长春地区下呼吸道感染患者感染细菌以 G-杆菌占首位。

14.Bacteriology and antimicrobial sensitivity in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAECOPD患者呼吸道感染病原菌及药敏分析

15.The Analysis of the Main Pathogenic Bacteria and Drug Resistance of Community Acquired Lower Respiratory Tract Infection;社区获得性下呼吸道感染患者主要致病菌的分布及耐药性分析

16.Plasma Copeptin、Procalcition Levels in Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections and Their Clinical Significance下呼吸道感染患者血浆copeptin、降钙素原水平及其临床意义的探讨

17.Analysis of lower respiratory tract infection in 187 patients with severe brain trauma after tracheotomy重型颅脑外伤气管切开患者下呼吸道感染187例分析

18.Analysis of pathogen distribution and drug resistance on patients with lower respiratory tract infection肺疾病患者下呼吸道感染病原菌分布及耐药性分析


Tumor of the upper respiratory tract上呼吸道肿瘤

3)respiratory tract neoplasms/surgery呼吸道肿瘤/外科学

4)respiratory rtact neoplasms/epidemiology呼吸道肿瘤/流行病学

5)cancer patients with lower respiratory tract infection肿瘤患者下呼吸道感染

1.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of aztreonam in the treatment ofcancer patients with lower respiratory tract infection, promote rational use of the drugs and decrease treatment cost.目的:评价氨曲南治疗肿瘤患者下呼吸道感染的成本-效果,促进合理用药,降低医疗费用。

6)endobronchial tumors呼吸道肿物



呼吸系统的进化鱼的呼吸器官及气体交换示意图 李瑞端绘[图]
