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词形 Morphology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-05 22:58:11


词形 Morphology英语短句 例句大全



1.Owing to the anglicization for pronunciation and morphology,French loans have been provided with the English vocabulary features.法语借词通过英语读音和词形同化而具备了英语词汇的读音和词形特征。

2.This paper investigates the lexical features in Yulin dialect from the differences in morphology, meaning, structure and origin of a word.该文从词形差异、词义差异、词的结构差异、词源差异四方面探讨玉林话词汇与普通话词汇的差异。


1."to list or state the different grammatical forms of (a noun, PRONOUN, or adjective) "列出(名词、代名词或形容词的)词形变化

pound active participial复合主动分词形容词

3.(grammar)(of words or forms of words)expressing a cause(指词或词形)使役的

4.The form of such an inflected word变形词这样一个词形发生屈折变化的词的形式

5.a positive adjective(adverb)原级形容词(副词)

6.of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.名词、代名词、形容词。

7.Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives.词修饰动词和形容词。

8.relative adjective [ adverb, pronoun ]关系形容词[副词, 代词]

9.A verbal noun or adjective.动词性单词动词性名词或形容词

10.used fairly widely with vs,ns,adjs and advs与大量动词、名词、形容词、副词连用

11.Adjectives qualify nouns white adverbs qualify verbs.形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词。

12.Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.副词修饰动词、形容词和其它副词。

13.The adjectiveBsensitivebusually relates to meaning与这个词有关的形容词

14.The adjective "buoyant" is construed with the preposition "with" .形容词"buoyant"与介词"with"连用。

15.A demonstrative pronoun or adjective.指示代词或指示形容词

16.nouns are frequently used adjectively.名词经常用作形容词。

17.Adjectives sometimes act as noun.形容词有时可作名词用。

pound nouns,adjectives,etc复合名词、复合形容词.


word form词形

1.A comparative survey of the similarities and differences inword form of the lexicon in the Dream of Red Mansion and Modern lexicon;《红楼梦》词汇与现代汉语词汇的词形异同研究

2.On the algorithm forword form statistic model which is based on Chinese Text Segmentation , a fastword form algorithm is presented.在基于词形统计模型分词算法的基础上,通过对内存词表结构的有效组织及改进词的匹配算法和切分算法,并以最佳路径法实现了一种快速的基于词形的分词算法,在保证了较高准确率的同时,大大提高了分词速度。

3.pay attention to theword form and the sentence structure,is nesessary to translate is exactly Last but ont least.文章论述了俄译汉在习得过程中的三种方法:一是理解单词的深刻含义,推敲其在上下文的真实意义;二是利用语句中的词形,句型,做到准确翻译;三是利用母语知识灵活处理译文。

3)verB forms动词词形

4)adjective affix形容词词缀

5)adjective root形容词词根

6)adjective suffix形容词词尾

1.The auxiliary "dao" in Hanzhong dialect serves not only as an aspect marker but also as anadjective suffix.汉中方言中的助词"倒"既是体貌标记又俱形容词词尾功能。


