900字范文 > 遇难者亲属 Relatives of victims英语短句 例句大全

遇难者亲属 Relatives of victims英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 17:47:55


遇难者亲属 Relatives of victims英语短句 例句大全

遇难者亲属,Relatives of victims

1)Relatives of victims遇难者亲属


1.It will not identify victims prior to notifying next of kin.但在通知遇难者亲属之前航空公司不会公布罹难者的身份。

2.Influence of Disastrous Incident to Somatic and Mental Health of the Relatives of the Victims and the Intervention Sstudy;灾难性事件对遇难者亲属躯体及心理健康的影响及其干预性研究

3.Methods and Clinical Effects of Early Intervention on Mental Crisis of Relatives of Victims in Wenchuan Earthquake.对汶川地震后遇难者亲属心理危机早期干预的方法及临床效应分析

4.The local Jewish community was trying to help the family members.当地的犹太人社区正努力救助这些遇难者的亲属。

5.Grief-stricken relatives gathered in this southern resort to identify bodies of their loved ones.悲痛欲绝的遇难者家属陆续赶到这座南部旅游城市辨认他们亲人的遗体。

6.They must unite to help those injured and comfort those who had lost their loved ones.他们也必须合力帮忙受伤者,安慰遇难者的家属。

7.It was not the victims" families who stirred this up."并非死难者的亲属再次挑起这一事端。”

8.Next year the victims" families will not have access to Ground Zero"s pit.明年911事件遇难者的家属将不能进入废墟中心。

9.The enactment of Civil Code affords a rare chance for the improvement of invalid marriage institution in China.民法典的制定为完善我国的婚姻家庭(亲属)制度提供了难得的机遇。

10.This has made many bristle, especially the families of the 1,100 victims who have never been identified.这招致不少人的愤恨,尤其是1100多名身份仍未确定的遇难者的家属。

11.About 100 family members of September 11 victims will be present for the cornerstone ceremony.大约有100个911事件遇难者家属将参加此次奠基仪式。

12.The Emergency of Establishing a System of National Relief for Judicial Victims and Their Families;我国急需建立针对涉法案件受害人及遇难者家属的国家救助制度

13.The bodies of people who died in Pompeii,庞培城中遇难者的尸体,

14.A study of clinical character and cognitive function in patients with refractory schizophrenia and their relatives难治性精神分裂症患者及亲属的临床特征和认知功能分析

15.He rans to his mother at every little difficulty.他每遇到一点困难就跑去找他母亲。

16.As I have met the heroes, hugged the families, and looked into the tired faces of rescuers, I have stood in awe of the American people.当我接见英雄、安抚遇难者家属、直面救援人员疲惫不堪的脸庞时,我对美国人民充满了崇敬。

17.Relatives of 18 youths who died of apparent suffocation by a gas leak arrive at the sports center of Todolella, 06 February .2月6日,西班牙煤气中毒事件遇难者的家属抵达托多莱利亚体育中心。

18.We deeply sympathize with the bereaved.我们对死者亲属表示亲切的慰问。


judicial victims and their families受害人及遇难者家属

1.Because of the huge handicap in court sentences performance,judicial victims and their families can hardly gain compensation,so the low income individuals among these judicial victims face a big difficulty.由于法院民事、行政案件判决难以执行、刑事案件无法破案,导致民事案件、行政案件、刑事案件等涉法案件的权利人、受害人及遇难者家属无法获得经济赔偿。

3)directory of the murdered遇难者名录

4)the patients relatives患者亲属

1.Meanwhile,the patients relatives are also the main undertaker for patient s medical expense.在医患关系中,患者亲属起着重要作用,是医疗行为及后果生理和心理的承担者,患者的疾病本身和康复情况会直接对家庭生活产生影响。

5)Drug abuser"s relative吸毒者亲属

6)relative donor亲属供血者


