900字范文 > 非理性模仿行为 Non-rational imitation behavior英语短句 例句大全

非理性模仿行为 Non-rational imitation behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 05:03:21


非理性模仿行为 Non-rational imitation behavior英语短句 例句大全

非理性模仿行为,Non-rational imitation behavior

1)Non-rational imitation behavior非理性模仿行为

2)Rational imitation behavior理性模仿行为

3)irrational behavior非理性行为

1.The experiment ofirrational behavior in individual decision-making;个体决策非理性行为的实验验证

2.Heterogeneous Expectations,Irrational Behavior and Post Acquisition Performance:Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies异质预期、非理性行为与并购绩效——基于上市公司的实证研究

3.According to the behavioral finance theory,the broker could not be completely rational when he makes investing decisions,and hisirrational behavior will unavoidably affect the principal who involves the interests of brokers.在系统分析投资者进行决策时存在的诸多认知及行为偏差的基础上,将行为金融理论与委托代理理论相结合,建立基于经纪人非理性行为的委托代理模型。


1.Rational Analysis of “Non rational Behavior”in Transforming Debt to Equity;对债转股中“非理性行为”的理性思考

2.Irrational acts of verbal abuse or even aggression are totally unnecesary.实在无需诉诸谩骂和行为暴力等非理性行为。

3.An Exposition on the Unreasonable Behavior in the Education Investment of Family s Children;论家庭子女教育投资中的非理性行为

4.On the Ten Irrational Behaviors in State-owned Commercial Bank s Intensive Management;国有银行集约化经营中的十大非理性行为

5.Earnings Quality, Investors Reasonless Behavior and Earnings Momentum;盈利质量、投资者非理性行为与盈余惯性

6.The Non-rational Behavior Research of Financial Participant in Transition Period in China;转型时期我国金融市场主体非理性行为研究

7.A Theoretical Analysis of Underpricing in IPOs Based on the Irrational Behavior of Investors;非理性投资者行为的IPO抑价理论分析

8.Behavior Analysis of "Irrational" Decision in Real Estate Market;房地产市场“非理性”决策的行为分析

9.Non-Rational Trade Behavior,Stock Price Undulation and Stock Market in China;非理性交易行为、股价波动与中国股市

10.A Behavioral Analysis of the Transformation from Rational Choice to Irrational Choice;理性选择向非理性选择转化的行为分析

11.On Rational and Irrational Accounting of Enterprises.;对公司财务行为理性与非理性的认识和思考

12.A Comprehensive Research on Investor Behavior in Security Market;理性与非理性:证券市场投资者行为分析

13.non emotional behavior非情绪性行为 非情绪性行为

14.An irrational idea, expression, or act.不合理的事物非理性的想法,表达法,或行为

15.The Experimental Study on Mental Accounting and Irrational Decision-making in Economics;心理账户与非理性经济决策行为的实证研究

16.Analysis on Irrational of Chinese Stock Market Based on Behavioral Finance;中国股票市场非理性的行为金融理论分析

17.Irrational Market and Investment:A Survey of Behavioral Finance Theory;非理性的市场与投资:行为金融理论述评

18.On Irrational Investment Behavior of the Chinese Listed Corporations:Performance,Reasons and Ways of Governance;我国上市公司非理性投资行为:表现、成因及治理


Rational imitation behavior理性模仿行为

3)irrational behavior非理性行为

1.The experiment ofirrational behavior in individual decision-making;个体决策非理性行为的实验验证

2.Heterogeneous Expectations,Irrational Behavior and Post Acquisition Performance:Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies异质预期、非理性行为与并购绩效——基于上市公司的实证研究

3.According to the behavioral finance theory,the broker could not be completely rational when he makes investing decisions,and hisirrational behavior will unavoidably affect the principal who involves the interests of brokers.在系统分析投资者进行决策时存在的诸多认知及行为偏差的基础上,将行为金融理论与委托代理理论相结合,建立基于经纪人非理性行为的委托代理模型。

4)imitation of sextyped behavior性别行为的模仿

5)Imitative Behaviour模仿行为

1.An Evolutionary Game Analysis of Innovation andImitative Behaviour;创新与模仿行为的进化博弈分析

6)behavior imitation行为模仿

1.Goal contagion is not only different frombehavior imitation in the activated objects and the extent of complexity, but also different from observational learning in the conscious level.目标感染在激活对象、复杂程度等方面不同于单纯的行为模仿,在行为性质、意识水平等方面又区别于观察学习。


非理1.不合常理﹔违背情理。 2.谓不讲道理。
