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蒙汉大学生 Mongolian and Chinese college students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 09:50:45


蒙汉大学生 Mongolian and Chinese college students英语短句 例句大全

蒙汉大学生,Mongolian and Chinese college students

1)Mongolian and Chinese college students蒙汉大学生


1.The College-adaptation of the Mongolian and Han Students in Inner Mongolia: Comparative Perspective内蒙古蒙汉大学生学校适应水平的差异研究

parative Study of the Physical Fitness of Mongolian Students and Han Students in Inner Mongolia.;内蒙古自治区蒙汉大学生身体素质的比较研究

3.The Comparing Research on the Effect to University Students Sport Interest of the Mongols and the Hans by Mongolian Traditional Sport;内蒙古民族传统体育对蒙汉大学生体育兴趣的影响之比较研究

4.Relationship among Personality Traits and Different Degree Internet Use of Mongol and Han Nationality Undergraduates;蒙汉大学生人格特质与网络使用依赖程度的关系研究

5.The Differences of Parental Rearing Patterns among Mongolia and Han Nationality Undergraduates in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古地区蒙汉族大学生父母教养方式研究

6.Investigation on mental health status of 1996 Han and Mongolia university students;1996名蒙汉族大学生心理健康状况调查

7.A Comparative Research between the College Students of the Han Nationality and the Mongolian Nationality on Their Learning Strategies and Learning Burnout;蒙古族大学生和汉族大学生学习策略与学习倦怠的比较研究

8.Researching on the Relationship of Life Stress, Social Support and Mental Health between Mongolian and Han Impoverished Undergraduates;蒙汉贫困大学生生活压力、社会支持与心理健康的相关研究

9.A Research into Creative Thinking and its Correlated Factors of Undergraduates in Qinghai Province;汉、藏、蒙古族大学生创造性思维与推理能力比较研究

10.A Preliminary Study of the Traits of Mongolian Students Learning Chinese and Some Suggestions;蒙古留学生学习汉语特点及对策初探

11.35944 students were investigated including 9084 mongolian students and 26860 Han national students.共调查学生35944名,蒙族学生9084名,汉族学生26860名。

12.Polymorphisms of CYp1a1 genes in Mongolian and Han students蒙古族与汉族学生CYP1A1基因多态性比较

13.Problems in Mongolian-Chinese Dictionaries viewed from lexical errors of Mongolian students;从蒙古学生汉语词语误用现象看《蒙汉辞典》存在的若干问题

14.Mongolian and Chinese Word Formation Contrast Analysis and It"s Application in Chinese Glossary Teaching for Mongolian Students蒙汉语构词法对比分析及其在对蒙生汉语词汇教学中的应用

15.Research and Teaching of Mathematics Learning Strategy among Mongolian and Han Students of Junior Middle School;蒙汉族初中生数学学习策略及其教学研究

16.On the Mongolian Students studying Chinese at the Mongolian Negative Role in migration浅谈蒙古族学生学习汉语时蒙古语的负迁移作用

17.Investigation of Mental Health Status in Students of Han and Mongolian of Baotou包头市蒙汉族中学生心理卫生状况调查

18.The Experimental Analysis on the Pronunciation of the Mongolian National Minority Students in Their Learning Process of the Chinese Falling Tone;蒙古族学生学习汉语去声声调的语音实验分析


Mongolian and Han impoverished undergraduates蒙汉贫困大学生

1.The aim of this paper is to provide some theoretic guide for the education of mental health of impoverished undergraduates through the deep understanding of the life stress, social support and mental health ofMongolian and Han impoverished undergraduates, and the relationship among them.本研究的目的是为了了解蒙汉贫困大学生所面临的日常生活压力和获得的社会支持情况,在此基础上,进一步探讨日常生活压力、社会支持与贫困大学生的心理健康之间的相互关系。

3)Mongolian and Han middle school students蒙汉中学生

4)Han Nationality university student汉族大学生

1.A comparative study of the physical health of the university students of Han Nationality and of minority nationalities in eight universities in Hubei Province showed that the Han nationality university students were better than the university students of other minority nationalites in height and wight,while they were weaker in respiratory function,blood vascular function and physical stamina.汉族大学生在身高和体重上都要高于少数民族大学生,而后者的呼吸机能水平、心血管功能和机体耐力均明显好于前者。

5)sina-Tibetan college students汉藏大学生

6)college students in Wuhan武汉大学生


