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生命理念 the Confucian seclusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-26 21:49:20


生命理念 the Confucian seclusion英语短句 例句大全

生命理念,the Confucian seclusion

1)the Confucian seclusion生命理念


1.Projecting of life ideas: Ji Kangand his sages and men of virtue Biography;生命理念的投射:嵇康与《圣贤高士传赞》

2.The Revelation of Life Principle and Multi-Meaning World--Values on Life Philosophy生命理念与多重意义世界的开显——生命哲学的价值观

3.On the Differences between Classical Confucianism Study in Initial Stages of Han Dynasty and the Life Concept of Taoism--the study of death trial story in Han Shi Wai Zhuan and Fairy Stories of Taoism;汉初经学与早期道教生命理念的异同——《韩诗外传》、《神仙传》生死考验故事研究

4.Respecting Life--On the Return of Students’Life Value Under New Curricula Concept;关注生命——论新课程理念下学生生命价值的回归

5.Talk University and Collage Athletics Reform in Education from the Person s Spiritual Life Activity;体育教学中教育生命机制的认识理念

6.On the Cultural Connotation of Chinese Paintings;生命之“象”——论“象”的基本内涵和文化理念

7.Discussion on the Enterprise Life Cycle and the Managers Concept Skills;论企业生命周期与管理者的概念技能

8.New Management Technologies for Manufacturing Industry--Product Lifecycle Management;制造业新的管理理念——产品全生命周期管理

9.The Study of Infiltrating Life Education in Biology Teaching in the Ideas of New Courses;新课程理念下生物教学中渗透生命教育的研究

10.Revering Studensts Life;敬畏学生的生命——一个首位性的教育伦理观念

11.The Design of Teaching Politics on the Conception of Living Classes;基于生命课堂理念的思想政治课教学设计

12.The Life Idea in Distortion Myth and It s Influence to Novel Idea;变形神话折射的生命观及对小说理念的影响

13.To Study the Origin of Ethic in the Perspective of Ethnic Mythology;从少数民族神话看生命伦理现念的起源

14.A Research on the Ideas of Modern P.E. Teaching from the Perspective of Life Philosophy生命哲学视野下的现代体育教学理念探析

15.Life-Cycle Design Concept for Urban Mass Transit Projects城市轨道交通项目全生命周期设计理念研究

16.Education is Service Student is Customer Quality is Life-- A Study on the Idea of Running Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences;教育即服务 学生即顾客 质量即生命——重庆文理学院办学理念探析

17.A Positive Study of the Relationship between External-Internal Harmony Belief in Life and Mental Health of Chinese College Students;天人和谐生命信念与大学生心理健康关系的实证研究

18.Glittering of Ecological Idea --Modern thinking over Hsun Tzu s philosophical proposition"distinguishing between heaven and man;生态理念的闪光——荀子“明于天人之分”哲学命题的现代思考


Life Education生命教育理念

1.Care for Teacher-the Roll Booster ofLife Education;关爱教师—生命教育理念的助推器

3)Probe of Life Education s Idea生命教育理念探

4)Belief in Life生命信念

1.A Positive Study of the Relationship between External-Internal HarmonyBelief in Life and Mental Health of Chinese College Students;天人和谐生命信念与大学生心理健康关系的实证研究

5)required principle命题理念

6)idea of revolution革命理念

1.Both theidea of revolution and the idea of administration are centered on such questions as "for whom","whom to rely on" and "how to do it".革命理念和执政理念都包含着"为谁"、"靠谁"和"怎么办"等几个方面,在"怎么办"的问题上,革命必须坚持"斗争"主导的理念,执政必须坚持"和谐"主导的理念。


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
