900字范文 > 危机后干预体系 post-crisis intervention system英语短句 例句大全

危机后干预体系 post-crisis intervention system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 16:48:54


危机后干预体系 post-crisis intervention system英语短句 例句大全

危机后干预体系,post-crisis intervention system

1)post-crisis intervention system危机后干预体系

1.An effective psychological crisis intervention in college includes a crisis prevention system,a crisis precaution system,an emergency handling system and apost-crisis intervention system.大学生心理危机预防体系、大学生心理危机预警体系、大学生心理危机应急处置体系、大学生心理危机后干预体系是有效进行心理危机干预、维护学校安全稳定、构建和谐社会的有效手段之一。

2)crisis intervention危机干预

1.The function ofcrisis intervention center in treating serious patients with mental disorders;危机干预中心在救治重症精神病病人中的作用

2.On constructing class-basedcrisis intervention system;构建高校班级层面的危机干预体系

3.Development of Crisis Intervention Curriculum Resources of College Students Management;高校学生管理危机干预性课程资源开发研究


1.The Revelation of Foreign Psychological Crisis Intervention to Children Psychological Intervention国外心理危机干预对我国儿童心理危机干预的启示

2.Exploring the System Crisis Intervention Model for Sports Team Consulting;运动队危机咨询的系统危机干预模型探析

3.Origin and Intervention of College Student Psychological Crisis;大学生心理危机成因分析与危机干预探索

4.Application of Emotional Interference Theory to Suicide Crisis Interference in Colleges and Universities;情绪干预理论在大学生自杀危机干预中的运用

5.The Study on Mental Health and Crisis Intervention of Impoverished Students;贫困大学生心理健康与危机干预研究

6.The Problems of Suicide of Soldiers of Chinese People s Armed Police Forces and the Relevant Research about Crisis Interposing.;武警官兵自杀问题与危机干预的研究

7.The Application of Telephone Consultation into Crisis Intervention;论电话咨询在心理危机干预中的应用

8.Analysis on the undergraduate suicide behaviors and their crisis psytocracy;大学生自杀行为分析及危机干预探究

9.Thoughts on Interference in College Students Psychological Crisis;关于大学生心理危机干预的几点思考

10.Research on the Mechanism of Prevention and Intervention of College Students Psychological Crisis;大学生心理危机预防与干预机制研究

11.Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预

12.Setting up on Psychological Crisis of College Students and Intervention Mechanism;大学生心理危机及其干预机制的建立

13.Study on the occupational mental crisis and its crisis intervention of the policemen警察职业心理危机及其干预机制研究

14.Burnout in psychological crisis intervenor and the interventions;危机心理干预者面临的过劳现象及其干预

15.Construction of prevention and intervention mechanism for psychological crisis of needy students in colleges and universities;高校贫困生心理危机调研与预防干预机制构建

16.University Forecast and Intervention Mechanism for the Psychology Individuality Crisis Aroused by Employment Pressure;就业压力引发心理危机 高校应建预警干预机制

17.On Establishing the System of Preventing and Intervening the Community Life Crisis试论建立社区生命危机预防与干预机制的意义

18.The central bank "s Intervention In the banking crisis中央银行对银行危机的干预


crisis intervention危机干预

1.The function ofcrisis intervention center in treating serious patients with mental disorders;危机干预中心在救治重症精神病病人中的作用

2.On constructing class-basedcrisis intervention system;构建高校班级层面的危机干预体系

3.Development of Crisis Intervention Curriculum Resources of College Students Management;高校学生管理危机干预性课程资源开发研究

3)crisis precaution system危机预警体系

1.An effective psychological crisis intervention in college includes a crisis prevention system,acrisis precaution system,an emergency handling system and a post-crisis intervention system.大学生心理危机预防体系、大学生心理危机预警体系、大学生心理危机应急处置体系、大学生心理危机后干预体系是有效进行心理危机干预、维护学校安全稳定、构建和谐社会的有效手段之一。

4)crisis early warning and intervention危机预警与干预

5)the banking risk alarming index system银行危机预警指标体系

6)Alarm index system危机预警指标体系


危机危机crisis危机(c risis)某些强大的刺激(包括生理性与心理性)作用于人身,超过了人们所能忍受的程度,从而使个体面临身体或精神崩溃的边缘,即称为危机。如果是生理性刺激(包括生理性、理化性),致人趋于躯体疾病的边缘,称为生理危机;如果是心理刺激,使人处于高度心理紧张状态,形将心理崩溃,称为心理危机。(赵拼派撰梁宝勇审)
