900字范文 > 《字林西报》 Shanghai Courier and China Gazette英语短句 例句大全

《字林西报》 Shanghai Courier and China Gazette英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-14 11:39:30


《字林西报》 Shanghai Courier and China Gazette英语短句 例句大全

《字林西报》,Shanghai Courier and China Gazette

1)Shanghai Courier and China Gazette《字林西报》

1.Fortunately we can find 3 kinds of the most valuable daily newspaper in Shanghai;they are North China Daily News,Shanghai Courier and China Gazette,Shanghai Mercury.本文采用七十年代最有代表性的三份英文日报《字林西报》、《晋源西报》和《文汇西报》,通过分析这三份报纸从1876年初至1879年末的“读者之声”栏目所刊载的读者来信,以文本分析的方式辨别英美侨民最关心的华人问题,来衡量西侨对华人社会及其生活的认识程度。

2)Journal of Northwest Forestry University西北林学院学报

1.Analysis and Evaluation of Cited Papers Published in theJournal of Northwest Forestry University;《西北林学院学报》载文被引的分析与评价

2.An Analysis on the Theses Published in theJournal of Northwest Forestry University during 1984-《西北林学院学报》出版100期论文分析


1.An Analysis on the Theses Published in the Journal of Northwest Forestry University during 1984-《西北林学院学报》出版100期论文分析

2.Brief Phylogeny of the Journal of Northwest A&F University in 70 Years;《西北农林科技大学学报》70年发展史略

munity Analysis of Contributors to the Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural science Edition);《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》作者群分析

4.Analysis on Author Groups of 《Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(Social Science)》;《西北农林科技大学学报 (社会科学版 )》作者群分析

5.Citation Analysis of Journal of Northwest A&F University(Nat.Sci.Ed.)《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》引文分析

6.Journal of North China Coal Medical College华北煤炭医学院学报

7.Analysis on the Employment Problem of Female Students in Agricultural and Forestry Universities;农林院校女大学生就业实证分析——以西北农林科技大学为例

8.Study on the Historical Evolution of Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry (Natural Science Edition);《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》发展变迁研究

9.Statistics and Analysis to the Papers of the Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(Natural Science Edition);《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》刊文统计与分析

10.Study on Social Practice Mode of Agricultural and Forestry Universities;农林院校社会实践模式研究——以西北农林科技大学为例

11.Journal of Jilin Military Medical College Fourth Military Medical University第四军医大学吉林军医学院学报

12.Journal of Hubei Institute For Nationalities Medical Edition湖北民族学院学报(医学版)

13.Analysis of the Ideological Situation of Students in China s Agricultural and Forestry Universities--An Investigation on the Situation of Northwest A&F University;高等农林院校学生思想状况分析——西北农林科技大学学生思想状况调查

14.On December 11th, PKU 5th Model UN Conference was held at Qiu Lin Lecture Hall of School of International Studies.12月11日,北京大学第五届模拟联合国大会在北大国际关系学院秋林报告厅举行。

15.Study Of University Campus Landscape Ecology In Northwest China西北地区高校校园景观生态建设初探——以榆林学院为例

16.Journal of Hubei Medical Staffcollege湖北省卫生职工医学院学报


18.Survey Into the Management Status of Publishing Houses in Northwest--Expoundering on the Development Pattern of the PublishingHouse of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry;西北地区出版社经营管理调查报告——兼论西北农林科技大学出版社生存与发展管理模式


Journal of Northwest Forestry University西北林学院学报

1.Analysis and Evaluation of Cited Papers Published in theJournal of Northwest Forestry University;《西北林学院学报》载文被引的分析与评价

2.An Analysis on the Theses Published in theJournal of Northwest Forestry University during 1984-《西北林学院学报》出版100期论文分析

3)Journal of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry西北农林科技大学学报

1.Based on the analysis of the author groups of the 144 papers in the 6th edition in yera 2001 of theJournal of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(social science),the normal distribution graph of the age of the author groups was made.以《西北农林科技大学学报 (社会科学版 )》2 0 0 1年 6期 1 44篇作者为分析对象 ,得出作者群的年龄分布基本为正态分布 ,以 36~ 40岁年龄段者居多 ,其次为 31~ 35岁年龄段 ;作者群的职称分布为右偏态分布 ,以博士研究生和副高级职称者居多 ,其次为硕士研究生和中级职称 ;作者群的单位分布以本校为最多 ,占 1 44篇的 70 %以上 ,其次为包括台湾中兴大学、复旦大学在内的国内 31所大学 ,仅有 5篇作者的单位为科研院所、行政单位、集团公司和银行 ;课题资助析出的论文较少 ,仅占论文的 1 0 %以下 ;作者系数为 1 。


1.On the basis of regional geologic survey of West Ujimqin, the Carboniferous—Permian strata of the West Ujimqin—Linxi area are divided into six lithostratigraphic units, namely the Gegen aobao (CPg), the Benbatu (CPb), the Amushan (CPa), the Shoushangou (P1ss), the Dashizhai (P2ds) and the Zhesi Formations (P2z).通过区域地质调查,对西乌珠穆沁旗—林西北部地区的石炭二叠纪地层进行了岩石地层学研究与重新归并划分。

5)Zi Lin字林

1.About the Scholars of the Qing Dynasty Reviving Shuo Wen according toZi Lin;清人据《字林》改《说文》拾零


1.Zilin, authored by lvchen of Jin Dynasty, is a dictionary of great importance in China s reference book compilation history.晋吕忱所作的《字林》是我国辞书史上一部十分重要的字典,后人称之为“上承《说文》,下启《玉篇》”。

2.Zilin , written by Lvchen , is an important dictionary of Jin Dynasty .晋代吕忱的《字林》,是上承《说文》,下启《玉篇》的一部重要字书。


