900字范文 > 中小学科学教育 primary and secondary schools science education英语短句 例句大全

中小学科学教育 primary and secondary schools science education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-25 20:02:49


中小学科学教育 primary and secondary schools science education英语短句 例句大全

中小学科学教育,primary and secondary schools science education

1)primary and secondary schools science education中小学科学教育

1.The value ofprimary and secondary schools science education means the function and significance of primary and secondary schools for the development of the society, science and technology as well as human beings.中小学科学教育的价值是指中小学科学教育对于社会发展、科学技术发展和人的发展的作用与意义,中小学科学教育的价值取向是指中小学科学教育价值活动的方向。


1.The Science Education of Chinese Ordinary Elementary and Middle Schools in Modern Time (1922-1949);中国近代普通中小学科学教育(1922—1949)

2.The Science Education about General Middle School and Elementary School in Modern China (1878-1922);中国近代普通中小学科学教育(1878—1922)

3.The Study of Chinese Modern Science Education and Contemporary Elementary and Middle Schools Reforms in Science Education;中国近现代科学教育与当代中小学科学教育改革研究

4.Influence of the Development about Science Education Purposes on Its Contents in American Primary and Secondary Schools after Word War II;二战后美国中小学科学教育目的的演变对科学教育内容的影响

5.The function and application of the "exploring anddiscovering method" in the science education ofthe elementary and secondary schools;“探索发现法”在中小学科学教育中的作用及应用

6.Reformation and Development of Scientific Education in Middle and Primary Schools in Taiwan Area台湾地区中小学科学教育的改革与发展

7.On Principle of"Conducting a Systematic Research on Basic and Practical Work"in Fundamental Education;论中小学教育科研中的“小题大作”原则

8.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

9.An Investigation on the Current Situation of the EducationalScientific Research for the Middle and Primary SchoolTeachers in Zhaotong;昭通市中小学教师教育科研现状调查

10.Perspective of Scientific Research of Service Offered by Educational-Science Colleges in Recent Years;近年来教育科学学院服务中小学教育科研的透视

11.Raising PE Scientific Research Status in midlle andPrimary Schools, Promoting PE Teaching;提高中小学体育科研地位 促进体育教学

12.Training Primary and Middle School Teachers for Psychological Education Ability on Specific Subjects;中小学教师学科心理教育能力培养微探

13.On the Training of Ability for Psychology-health Education of Teachers in Primary School and Middle School;中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养

14.Research on Improving the Present Situations of Educational Researches in Primary and Middle Schools;关于改进中小学教育科研现状的研究

15.The Calm Thinking about the Present Education Scientific Research in Middle Schools and Primary Schools;对当前中小学教育科研工作的冷思考

16.Discussion on the reform of science education;对中小学理科教育改革的探讨和认识

17.An investigation on the current scientific research ofeducation in the primary and middle schools in Hebei Province;河北省中小学教育科研现状调查报告

18.Majors: Pre-School and Kindergarten Education, Primary Education and Special Education.科目:学前教育和幼儿教育,小学教育和特殊教育。


scientific education research中小学教育科研

1.The paper ,through the inquiry into and the study of the status ofscientific education research in the local area , tries to find out the management approach and the model of the education research so as to enhance its quality.中小学教育科研管理是当前基础教育改革和发展中的一个热点问题,本文通过对本地区中小学教育科研现状的调查和研究,试图总结出本地区教育科研管理的途径和模式,以期提高本地区基础教育科研的质量。

3)sci-tech education in primary and secondary中小学科技教育

1.Through analysis of the current situation of the sci - tech education in Chinas primary and secondary schools, the essay raises the basic way to strengthen the sci - tech education in primary and secondary schools, and proves that the sci - tech education in primary and secondary schools is the key to improving the scientific quality of the whole nation.本文通过对中小学科技教育现状的分析,提出了加强中小学科技教育的基本途径,论证了中小学 科技教育是提高国民科学素养的关键。

4)department of school中小学教育科

5)primary school science education小学科学教育

1.based upon the thinking for the status of theprimary school science education in Jiangxi Province and the theory of educational philosophy,scientific philosophy,pedagogy,psychology,advance a curriculnm provision of theprimary school science education specialty fitting in with the progress of the times and the needs of the regional development.依据江西省小学科学教育现状及教育哲学、科学哲学、教育学和心理学理论的思考,提出了适应时代进步和区域发展需要的小学科学教育专业课程设置。

6)elementary and secondary education中小学教育




