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雅安 Ya an英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-07 04:52:02


雅安 Ya an英语短句 例句大全

雅安,Ya an

1)Ya an雅安

1.A Study of Seedling Grading of Main Afforesting Tree Species inYa an City;雅安市主要造林树种苗木质量的分级研究

2.Research on the Sustainable Development of Eco-tourism inYa an City:Problems and Strategies;雅安市生态旅游可持续发展问题与对策研究

3.Early Tertiary strata in theYa an area, Sichuan;四川雅安地区早第三纪地层


1.Jerusha assured the young Hawaiian.耶鲁雅安慰年轻的夏威夷人。

2.The Investigation and Evaluation of the Urban Green System in Ya an City;雅安市城市绿地系统现状调查及评价

3.Study on the Potential Productivity of Yaan City in GIS Environment;基于GIS的雅安市土地生产潜力研究

4.An Investigation and Thinking of the Permanent System of the Party Congress of Ya an City of Sichuan Province;四川雅安党代会常任制的调查与思考

5.Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Arable Soils of Ya"an雅安市耕地土壤重金属健康风险评价

6.Indo-Aryan languages印度-雅利安诸语言

7.Jacob has given Annie a Brush.雅各布已抛弃了安妮

8.A member of any of the Indo-Aryan peoples.印度雅利安人任何一支印度雅利安人种的成员

9.Solomon was the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asa.所罗门生罗波安。罗波安生亚比雅。亚比雅生亚撒。

10.The dialect of Sahaptin spoken by the Yakima.雅基马语雅基马人所讲的沙哈普安语的方言

11.Paul gave Andrea a dozen red roses.保罗给了安德丽雅十二朵红玫瑰。

12.got all safe on Shore and walk"d afterwards on Foot to Yarmouth,全体安全上岸后,即步行至雅茅斯。

13.Maya architecture(中美洲印第安人的建筑) 玛雅建筑

14.246 BCE: India - The Aryan Hindus occupy Ceylon.印度——雅利安印度人占据了锡兰。

15.The Lord has more love for the doors of Zion than for all the tents of Jacob.他爱锡安的门,胜于爱雅各一切的住处。

16.SCHUTTE, Julian Jacob Ernst朱利安·雅可布·恩斯特·舒特

17.There were no more Aryan nomads in the history of Central Asia;中亚的历史上不再有雅利安游牧部落;

18.After Reading 《From Changan to Athens--Travel Notes about Art Archaeology at Home and Abroad》《从长安到雅典——中外美术考古游记》读后



1.A Survey of Freezing Injury of Bambusa pervariabilis × Dendrocala mopsis grandis inYaan;雅安市撑绿杂交竹冻害调查分析

3)Ya"an City雅安市

1.A Research on Assessment of Regional Ecosystem Services Value——WithYa"an City as an Example;区域生态系统服务功能价值评估研究——以雅安市为例

2.Water resources exploitation and protection inYa"an City of Sichuan Province雅安市水资源开发利用与保护对策探讨

4)Yaan urban area雅安市区

1.According to the analysis of air pollution factor(including SO_2,NO_x and fall dust)and rainfall in between 2001 and ,the result indicates that the acid rain ofYaan urban area belongs to sulfuric acid.对雅安市区2001~的大气污染因子(包括SO2、NOx和降尘)和降水进行了研究,结果表明,雅安市区酸雨属于硫酸型酸雨,其形成主要是因为上风方向的大气中SOx、NOx等污染物质含量超标,并随气流扩散到雅安市区上空,与“华西雨屏”特殊自然现象和雅安市山涧河谷盆地的特殊地形共同作用的结果。

5)Ya an雅安市

1.Construction ofYa an tourism WebGIS and examination of major problems encountered;雅安市旅游WebGIS的构建及其存在问题探讨

2.Study on the Spatial Distribution of Leisure and Recreation Industry inYa an City;雅安市休闲旅游产业空间布局研究

3.The Research on Coupling Development Relationship between Urbanization and Environment inYa an;雅安市城市化与环境耦合发展关系研究

6)Ya an City雅安市

1.Eco-economic evaluation of three counties ofYa an City;雅安市三县区的生态经济评价

2.Analysis on Land Use Change and Driving Factors in the Mountainous Areas Around Sichuan Province:A Case Study ofYa an City of Sichuan Province;盆周山区土地利用变化及其驱动因素分析——以四川省雅安市为例

3.Preliminary Analysis of Land Assets Operation in Rapid Urbanization inYa an City;快速城市化时期雅安市土地资产运营浅析


