900字范文 > 弹力织物 stretch fabric英语短句 例句大全

弹力织物 stretch fabric英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-29 07:51:11


弹力织物 stretch fabric英语短句 例句大全

弹力织物,stretch fabric

1)stretch fabric弹力织物

1.Design and Production of End-in-end Stretch Fabric;异经弹力织物的设计与生产

2.The effect of processing parameters of elastic core-spun yarn on properties ofstretch fabric has been studied on cotton and worsted spinning system.文章介绍了毛粗纺氨纶包芯纱的捻系数和氨纶牵伸倍数对粗纺弹力织物强伸性和弹性的影响规律,并得出了适合毛粗纺弹力织物性能的毛/氨包芯纱工艺参数。


1.elastic fabric of vegetable textile fibres植物纺织纤维弹力织物

2.Wet processing of Coolplus/Richcel T 400 elastic mixture fabricCoolplus/Richcel T400交织弹力织物染整加工

3.elastic fabric of coarse animal hair or horse hair (excl.pile and chenille fabrics)动物粗毛或马毛弹力织物(不包括绒头织物或绳绒织物)

4.Wet processing of weft knitted elastic fabric from triangle nylon filament尼龙三角丝纬编弹力织物的染整加工

5.Wet processing of Coolplus/cotton XLA core-spun yarn elastic fabricCoolplus/XLA棉包芯纱弹力织物染整技术

6.Development and production of single jersey fancy elastic fabrics纬编单面变换组织弹力织物的开发与生产

7.Effect of polyurethane filament draft ratio on elastic fabric performance氨纶丝预牵伸倍数对弹力织物性能的影响

8.Development of fine tex and high density double-wrong-pick horizontal-stripe elastic fabric细特高密二重异纬横纹弹力织物的开发

9.textile fabric (excl. of glass fibres), narrow woven, elastic, containing by weight less than 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread机织窄幅弹力织物(不包括玻璃纤维布),含弹性纱或橡筋线重量低于5%

10.textile fabric (excl. of glass fibres), narrow, woven, elastic, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread织窄幅弹力织物(不包括玻璃纤维布),含弹性纱或橡筋线重量达5%或5%以上

11.fabric ,woven, elastic, consisting of paper yarn combined with rubber threads弹力机织织物,由与橡筋线合股的纸纱织成

12.test method for tension and elongation of elastic fabrics弹性织物张力及拉伸度试验法

13.elastic woven narrow cotton fabric, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread机织窄幅弹力棉织物,含弹性纱或橡筋线重量占5%或5%以上

14.narrow cotton faric, woven, elastic, containing by weight less than 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread机织窄幅弹力棉织物,含弹性纱或橡筋线重量低于5%

15.Study on the Relationship between the Processing Parameters and the Properties of the Cotton/Polyurethane Elastic Yarn and Elastic Fabric棉/氨弹力纱及其织物性能与工艺关系的研究

16.Wet processing of elastic tinsel cotton leno brocade全棉弹力嵌银丝提花纱罗织物染整工艺

17.Impact of Different Stitch Types on Spandex Fatigue and Runback of Elastic Warp Knitted Fabric不同线迹对经编弹力针织物疲劳与抽拔的影响

18.elastic fabric of silk, woven, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of silk waste (incl. noil silk)机织弹力丝织物,含蚕或废丝(包括紬线)重量达85%以上


Elastic Fabric弹力织物

1.Production of Bamboo PolyesterElastic Fabric;竹涤细号弹力织物的生产

2.Discussion on the Relative Questions on Design ofElastic Fabrics;弹力织物设计中有关问题的讨论

3.Precautionary Measures and Causes ofElastic Fabric Surface Crinkle in Spinning Process;弹力织物布面起绉的纺部原因及预防措施

3)elastic fabrics弹力织物

1.The paper analyzed the whitening finishing of cotton wovenelastic fabrics with acid resisted optical brightener.经整理后的弹力布折皱回复角,干弹从整理前的180°提高到275°,明显地改善了纯棉弹力织物的抗皱性,达到了良好的免烫效果。

4)elastical wool fabric弹力毛织物

1.The machining performances ofelastical wool fabrics;弹力毛织物面料的成衣加工性能

2.By means of KES system,this article measures the performances ofelastical wool fabrics, which including tensile properties,shearing properties,flexural properties,compressive properties,exteri- or properties and so on,and analyses the correlation between the mechanical performances and machining of elastieal wool fabrics by drawing “the machining control picture of sewing”.采用 KES 系统测试多种弹力毛织物面料的拉伸性能、剪切性能、弯曲性能、压缩性能、表面性能等,通过绘制“缝制加工控制图”分析弹力毛织物面料的力学性能与成衣加工性能的关系。

5)elastic woven fabric弹力梭织物

1.The stretchability ofelastic woven fabric along different directions using polyurethane/cotton core-spun yarns is tested.测试氨棉包芯纱弹力梭织物不同方向的拉伸性能。

6)elastic knitted fabric弹力针织物


弹力素药物名称:酶脂定英文名:Vasolastin别名: 弹力素;脉舒疏 ,酶脂定适应症: 用于治疗动脉粥样硬化、周围循环障碍及坏疽等。 用量用法: 肌注:每次2ml,隔日1次。 规格: 针剂:2ml(需冷藏)。 类别:调节血脂及抗动脉硬化药
