900字范文 > 消费者物价指数 consumer price index英语短句 例句大全

消费者物价指数 consumer price index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-26 01:12:31


消费者物价指数 consumer price index英语短句 例句大全

消费者物价指数,consumer price index

1)consumer price index消费者物价指数

1.Making a survey of theconsumer price index(CPI)during 1995 and and the japonica rice price relation,it is discovered that both have the interaction relations,but the influence of the former to the latter is far bigger than the influence of the latter to the former;But in the rising time of japonica rice price,the mutual influence of both is then greatly strengthened.对1995—间消费者物价指数(CPI)与粳米价格关系的考察发现:两者之间存在互动关系,但前者对后者的影响要远大于后者对前者的影响;而在粳米价格上涨时期,两者之间的相互影响则大大加强。


1.The annual growth in the consumer price index (CPI) surged to 5.6 percent in July, the highest in a decade.七月份的消费者物价指数年比上涨5.6%,创十年来新高。

2.The highlight on Wed. will be the TIC or net foreign security purchases report for April.消费者物价指数将在周三发布,有望减轻通货膨胀压力。

3.The public announcement of the adjustment and consumer price index as indicated above shall be applied and interpreted mutatis mutandis to Paragraph 4, Article 5 of the Income Tax Act.其调整之公告方式及所称消费者物价指数,准用所得税法第五条第四项规定。

4.all-items index [Consumer Price Index]总指数〔消费物价指数〕

5.Consumer Price Index Classification System消费物价指数分类法

6.index-linked pension根据消费物价指数调整的退休金;根据消费物价指数调整的抚恤金

7.weighting system of the Consumer Price Index消费物价指数的权数模式

8.Inflation figures, Produce Price Index (PPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) will, in short, inform us of the changes in wholesale prices, cost of consumer (retail)goods and services respectively.通胀方面,生产物价指数和消费物价指数分别让我们知道物品和服务的批发和消费价格的变动。

9.Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index密歇根消费者信心指数

10.HSCPI [Hang Seng Consumer Price Index]恒生消费价格指数[

11.Consumer Price Index (CPI) by Category居民消费价格分类指数

12.The Research of Asset Price Fluctuation"s Influences on Consumer Price Index资产价格波动对消费物价指数的影响研究

13.April CPI is expected to moderate to a 0.4% MoM rate vs. a prior 0.7% reading.4月消费者价格指数预期达到0.4%(月率),前期为0.7%。

14.Application of Hedonic Quality Adjustment in Compiling Consumer Price Indices;不同质量调整法在消费者价格指数(CPI)中的应用

15.Agricultural inputs brand popularity index assessment model from consumers"view消费者视角的农资品牌知名度指数评价模型

16.Consumer price index,Producer price index,Finished consumer goods excl. food,Intermediate materials,Crude materials消费物价指数,生产价格指数,成品(不包括食品),中间材料,原材料

17.Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase.计算消费物价指数时,必须给汽油价格增长分配以较大的权数。

18.Fisher"s Price and Volume Indices费希尔价格和物量指数


CPI[英][,si: pi: "a?][美]["si "p? "a?]消费者物价指数

1.We research sales problem of products according change ofCPI based on extension data mining.运用可拓逻辑和可拓数据挖掘的理论知识,根据国家消费者物价指数的变换对产品销售数据的影响来研究可拓数据挖掘中传导知识的挖掘,为企业的决策者在目前的市场环境下提出更加合理的销售策略提供依据。

3)CPI[英][,si: pi: "a?][美]["si "p? "a?]消费者价格指数

4)CPI[英][,si: pi: "a?][美]["si "p? "a?]消费物价指数

1.The common indexes of measuring inflation rate include Gross Domestic Product Deflator(GDP Deflator),Consumer Price Index(CPI),Producer Price Index(PPI)and Retail Price Index,but there is great inflation rate differentiation caused by different price indexes,which bring about different impact on government policies,as well as common consumers expectation.常用的衡量通货膨胀率的指标有GDP折算指数(GDP Deflator)、消费物价指数(CPI)、生产物价指数(PPI)和零售物价指数,但不同的价格指数所算出来的通货膨胀率有较大差异,从而对政府政策的制定带来不同的影响,对老百姓的消费预期也带来差异较大的判断。

5)consumer prices index(CPI)消费物价指数(CPI)

6)Consumer Price Index消费品物价指数


