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色牢度 color fastness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 14:08:57


色牢度 color fastness英语短句 例句大全

色牢度,color fastness

1)color fastness色牢度

1.Improving thecolor fastness in dyeing of cellulosic fibers;提高纤维素纤维染色的色牢度

2.Choice of textile auxiliaries andcolor fastness of the textiles;印染助剂的选用与纺织品色牢度

3.Test and analysis ofcolor fastness of reactive dye;活性染料色牢度的测试分析


1.colour fastness to rubbing off耐擦净色牢度,耐磨擦色牢度;[涂层]耐磨色牢度

2.colour fastness to curing耐焙烘色牢度,耐焙固色牢度,耐干热定形色牢度

mercial fastness properties商业[通用]色牢度

4.colour fastness to alkaline milling耐碱性缩绒色牢度,耐碱性毡色牢度

5.colour fastness to chafing耐磨擦色牢度,耐磨损色牢度

6.colour fastnes to cold washing耐冷水洗涤色牢度,耐冷洗色牢度

7.Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to waterGB/T5713-1997纺织品色牢度试验耐水色牢度

8.colour fastness to salt water耐盐水色牢度,耐海水色牢度

9.colour fastness to lime soap耐碱皂色牢度,耐石灰皂洗色牢度

10.colour fastness to boiling off耐脱胶色牢度,耐精练色牢度

11.colour fastness to shampooing耐洗发剂色牢度,[地毯]耐洗剂色牢度

12.colour fastness to peroxide washing耐过氧化物水洗色牢度

13.colour fastnessto bleaching with peroxide耐过氧化物漂白色牢度

14.colour fastness to to carbonizing with aluminium chloride耐氯化铝炭化色牢度《毛》

15.colour fastness to chromium salt in dye bath耐染浴中铬盐色牢度

16.colour fastness to iron and copper in dye bath耐染浴中铁和铜色牢度

17.colour fastness to brightening耐增艳色牢度,耐艳化色牢度;耐上油处理色牢度;耐增柔处理色牢度《毛》

18.general principles of testing methods for colour fastness纺织品色牢度试验通则


colour fastness色牢度

1.The dyeing effect andcolour fastness on the knitted fabric are analyzed.对染色后的针织布进行染色效果、色牢度的测试分析。

2.The method for enhancingcolour fastness of deep dyed fabric with reactive dyes is further discussed from optimizing dyeing and fixing process.活性染料是目前印染行业使用的主要染料之一,但其固色率低、色牢度中等及三废等问题始终是人们关注的问题。

pared with the traditional dyeing methods, it renders the dyed fabric bettercolour fastness, deeper shade with less dosage and exhibits enhanced build-up of dyes.与传统的染色法相比,具有更好的色牢度,染料的提升力较高,用较少的量就可以达到较深的色泽,在达到相同效果的同时又节约了成本。


1.Dyeing of polyamide with ultra-high wetfastness;具有超高湿色牢度的聚酰胺染色

2.,exhaust,paddrycure,paddrypadsteam,and cold pad-batch,and their influence on build-up,(K/S) value,penetrating property and colorfastness were investigated.3种轧染工艺相比较,用轧—烘—轧—蒸工艺染色后织物的K/S值最大,轧—烘—焙工艺K/S值最小;用轧—烘—焙工艺染色的亚麻织物有明显环染现象,其它染色工艺的染透性良好;不同染色方法对亚麻织物的色牢度影响不大。

3.Be aimed at the deep colour polyester PU coating fabric,compared several kinds of dyeing auxiliaries and finishing technologies,got the best finishing effect,made the fabric has highfastness.针对深色涤纶PU涂层织物,通过比较多种染化料助剂和整理工艺,得到最优整理效果,赋予织物较优良的色牢度。


1.We can concluded that PTT fabric dying with disperse dyes has rather high dye update and shapely,andcolorfastness is wonderful.结果表明,所选用的E型分散染料在100℃,SE型分散染料在110℃、S型分散染料在120℃,染浴pH=4~5的条件下,不加其他试剂染PTT针织物,有高的上染率和好的匀染性,染色牢度也很好。

2.A number of suitable dyeing and finishing technologiesare adopted to solve a series of problems met in the low-temperature dyeing of multi-fiber elastic fabric, such ascolorfastness of polyester fiber, staining of s.文章就高性能指标的多组分纤维涤/粘/氨纶面料的染整技术进行了系统的研究,将染整新技术在涤/粘/氨纶复合纤维面料的染整过程中进行集成,主要解决多组分弹力织物低温染色中的涤纶染色牢度、氨纶沾色、高效还原清洗、活性染料固色技术、后固色整理以及增深效应等一系列问题。

3.Testing and estimate rate of dyeing, apparent depth of color, level-dyeing property ,wetting smoothness and softness,colorfastness, chemical stability and foam performance of six different wetting softeners, the results showed that WS、LC-1、BD-MEZ、CA、LD-3010 all can improve rate of dyeing; WS、LD-3010、PE250 can increase level-dyeing property in dyeing cotton with reactive dyes .从上染百分率、表观色深、匀染性、浴中平滑柔软性、色牢度、化学稳定性及泡沫性能等方面,对所研制的浴中柔软剂WS及5种同类产品进行了对比研究。

5)color fastness染色牢度

1.Influence of diffusibility of disperse dyes oncolor fastness;分散染料扩散性能对染色牢度的影响

2.Improvingcolor fastness of the reactive dyeings;提高棉织物活性染料染色牢度

3.Improvement ofcolor fastness of Lanaset acid dye by sol-gel method;溶胶-凝胶法提高兰纳洒脱染色牢度

6)colour fastness染色牢度

1.Studies on Improvement of Colour Fastness of the Deep Colour Worsted Fabrics;提高毛精纺呢绒深色染色牢度的工艺研究

2.Thecolour fastness of four kinds of vat dyes are compared based on the laboratory and bulk samplesand the influence of steaming oncolour fastness is analyzed.针对部分深蓝色还原染料染色牢度尤其是氯洗牢度差的问题,通过小样及大车试验对比了蓝FXW、深蓝VB、藏青RA、深蓝BO四种还原染料的染色牢度指标,分析了汽蒸工艺对染色牢度的影响,提出了提高氯洗牢度的措施,并进行了大车生产检验。

3.After comparing mandatory standard GB18401-(Fundamental Safety Technics Specification for National Textile Products) with all textile products" technics standards oncolour fastness, it is found out that most of the textile product standards do not fulfill the requirements, therefore highly attention must be paid.强制性标准GB18401-《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》已正式实施,该标准中要求染色牢度的考核指标,通过比较发现均比正在实施的纺织产品技术标准所要求的高。


