900字范文 > 经贸合作 economic and trade cooperation英语短句 例句大全

经贸合作 economic and trade cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-28 00:56:45


经贸合作 economic and trade cooperation英语短句 例句大全

经贸合作,economic and trade cooperation

1)economic and trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Adjustments on Cross-Straits Economic and Trade Cooperation under the World Economic Imbalance Constraint;世界经济失衡条件约束下两岸经贸合作的调整

2.Oneconomic and trade cooperation between Liaoning and North-Eastern Asian countries based on complementarities;从互补性看辽宁与东北亚国家的经贸合作

3.Strategic thinking about Liaoning-DPRKeconomic and trade cooperation;辽宁与朝鲜经贸合作的战略思考


1.Economics and Trade Cooperation Between China and Korea and the Construction of East Asian Free Trade Area;中韩经贸合作与东亚自由贸易区构建

2.Economic and trade cooperation is another focus of our collaboration.开展经贸合作是我们合作的重要内容。

3.The Construction of Economic Zone on The West Coast of the Taiwan Strait and Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Cooperation;海峡西岸经济区建设与两岸经贸合作

4.The Current Situation and Worry of Sino-Japanese Economy and Trade Corporation;中日经贸合作的近忧:“政冷”影响“经热”

5.Economy and Trade Cooperation between Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone and South Asia成渝经济区与南亚经贸合作战略探析

6.Emergence of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and its economic and trade cooperation with China海合会的发展及其与中国的经贸合作

7.Sino-African Economic and Trade Cooperation Develops Steadily;中非经贸合作稳步发展——中非经贸合作情况及展望

8.Sino-Russia trade cooperation and environment analysis of Russia external economy and trade collaboration;中俄经贸合作及俄罗斯对外经贸合作的环境分析

9.The Causes and Prospect of the Slow Development of Russo-Japanese Economic and Trade Cooperation;慢车道上的俄日经贸合作——俄日经贸合作发展缓慢的原因及前景

10.Deepen Sino-Indian Trade and Economic Cooperation Under the WTO Regime;在世界贸易组织框架下加强中印经贸合作

11.Yunnan-Myanmar Cooperation of Economy and Trade and the Construction of Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone;滇缅经贸合作与中国-东盟自由贸易区建设

12.We attach great importance to economic and trade cooperation with the United States.我们非常重视与美方的经贸合作。

13.Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation台州市对外贸易经济合作局(外经贸局)

14.(a) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ("MOFTEC")(a) 对外贸易经济合作部(“MOFTEC”)

15.Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation对外经济贸易合作部

16.Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部

17.Trade Committee [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development]贸易委员会〔经济合作及发展组织〕

18.Trade, Economic Cooperation and Integration Division贸易、经济合作和一体化司


economy and trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Three Northeast provinceseconomy and trade cooperation and prospect with North Korea;东北三省对朝鲜的经贸合作与展望

2.Prospect ofeconomy and trade cooperation between China and Russia in the new situation;新形势下中俄经贸合作前景展望

3.To promote the sustainable development ofeconomy and trade cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan provinces is of importance to set up the economic district of Fujian and Taiwan provinces, develop the prosperous zone for economy in the Taiwan Straits, and accelerate to unify the two sides of the .闽台两省隔台湾海峡相望 ,区位优越 ,自然环境和历史人文相似 ,经济互补性强 ,经贸合作历史悠久 ,加强闽台经贸合作 ,构建闽台经济区 ,建设台湾海峡经济繁荣带 ,对于促进两岸统一有重大意义。

3)Trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Mongolia economic recovery,trade cooperation between China and P.近几年来,蒙古经济复苏,中蒙经贸合作发展迅速,中国已成为蒙古第一大贸易伙伴和第一大投资国。

2.This article introduces Nepal s trade regulation system and investment regulation system, giving an account of China-Nepal trade situation along with factors influencing their trade cooperation.中尼之间经济具有较大的互补性,双边经贸合作存在较大的发展空间。

4)cooperation in economy and trade经贸合作

1.It introduces relative concepts of decision-making theory such as perception and learning into the study of China-UScooperation in economy and trade.本文突破经济人偏好不变的经典假设,将知觉与学习等决策理论的有关概念引入中美经贸合作研究,对当前中美经贸合作的认知误区进行了分析。

2.Beginning with an analysis of the peculiarity of Fujian-Taiwancooperation in economy and trade, the author makes a study on the challenge and the opportunity which will be brought by Fujian-Taiwan cooperation after WTO accession; and goes further into how will Fujian-Taiwancooperation in economy and trade be promoted to a higher level.在分析闽台经贸合作特点的基础上,研究了入世给闽台两地合作带来的挑战和机遇,对提高闽台经贸深层次合作问题进行了进一步的探讨。

3.This essay discusses the control system and counter measure of Sino-Japanesecooperation in economy and trade based on the achievements made inside and outside China ,using the theories and methods of international economy geography ,,the world economic geography .本文综合运用国际经贸地理、世界经济地理及区域经济地理学等学科理论和方法,在国内外已有研究的基础上,较系统地探讨了在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的趋势下,中国与日本经贸合作的调控机制与对策等相关问题,以促进中日经贸关系的发展。

5)economic trade cooperation经贸合作

1.Study on the development ofeconomic trade cooperation between Fujian Province and Southeast Asia;福建省与东南亚经贸合作发展研究

2.Therefore,we ought to build a cooperation mechanism for economy and trade between both sides of the Taiwan Straits,in order to promote the sustainable development of the cross-straiteconomic trade cooperation.目前,闽台经贸合作面临制度瓶颈等问题。

6)economic and trade cooperation circle经贸合作圈


