900字范文 > 热带牧草 tropical forage英语短句 例句大全

热带牧草 tropical forage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-13 07:40:45


热带牧草 tropical forage英语短句 例句大全

热带牧草,tropical forage

1)tropical forage热带牧草

1.The evaluation of nutrition value of severaltropical forages in different areas of Hainan province;海南不同地区几种热带牧草的营养价值评定

2.Farmer Participatory Approach was practiced in developing oftropical forage in Hainan Province.介绍参与式方法在热带牧草推广中的应用及实践,分析当前参与式牧草技术的推广应用现状,为参与式理论与方法的发展提供实践参考。

3.The resu lts suggested that the seeds of all 7tropical forage species presented salt tol erance to a certain extent.11)7种热带牧草种子在0、2、4、6、8、10、12、14和16g/LNaCl溶液中的萌发进行了研究,分别观测盐溶液对种子相对发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数的影响。


1.Selection and Popularization of Tropical Pastures and Forage Crops热带牧草与饲料作物品种选育及推广

2.Study on Salt Tolerance in Stage of Seed Germination and Seedling of Tropical Forage;热带牧草种子萌发期及幼苗期耐盐性研究

3.Coffee, banana, oil palm, and a number of tropical grasses and legumes are among the crops that tolerate high Al saturation.咖啡、香蕉、油棕和许多热带牧草和豆科植物都属于高度耐铝植物。

4.The Construction of an Efficient Tissue Culture System for Paspalum Atratum & the Clone and Construction of AtGolS2 Drought-resistance Related Gene and pVKH-35S-AtGolS2 Expressing Vector;热带牧草黑籽雀稗再生体系建立及AtGolS2基因克隆和载体构建

5.Dynamic variation of the detergent fiber of 5 tropical leguminous forages during the growing period and their response to fertilization热带豆科牧草15个品质组成因子的相关性研究

6.tall tufted perennial tropical American grass naturalized as pasture and forage grass in southern United States.多年生丛生热带美洲高草,已经引入美国南部,用作牧草和饲料。

7.perennial tropical American grass used as pasture grass in arid areas of Gulf states.多年生热带美洲草,在墨西哥湾干旱各州用作牧草。

8.To put(livestock)out to feed.放牧把(牲畜)带出吃草

9.Relation Grade Analysis of Grey Theory of Introduced Excellent Forage of the Winter Free Farmland in the South of Yunnan Subtropics云南南亚热带冬闲田引种优良牧草的生产性能灰色关联度分析

10.Spatial heterogeneity of moisture and temperature in soil across the cropland-grassland boundary in Guyuan of north agro-pastoral transition zone,China北方农牧交错带沽源农田-草地界面土壤水热空间特征

11.Studies on the Correlations among 14 Nutritional Quality Factors of 5 Tropical Legumious Forages5个热带豆科牧草14个营养品质组成因子的相关性研究

12.The Strategic Sense of Development Grassland Industry in the Interlock Region of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;论农牧交错地带开发草业的战略意义

13.The Ecology-production Mode of the Interveining Regions of Meadow and Agricultural、Stock Raising Areas of Our Country;我国草地与农牧交错带生态——生产模式

14.a flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions.热带或亚热带地区的平坦草原。

15.tall rush of temperate regions.热带地区的高大灯心草。

16.herbs of tropical America.热带美洲一个草本属。

17.the luxuriant vegetation of tropical forest热带森林的茂盛草木

18.savanna woodland热带稀树〔干〕草原林地


tropical herbage热带牧草

1.There are maroy profitable microorganisms of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in thetropical herbages.热带牧草有大量自生固氮菌等有益微生物伴生,它们相得益彰、互相促

3)Tropical forages热带牧草

1.Preliminary study on screening the antifungal proteins from seeds of tropical forages;热带牧草种子抗真菌蛋白筛选初报

4)Subtropical herbage亚热带牧草

5)Tropical forages breeding热带牧草育种

6)Tropical leguminous forage热带豆科牧草

1.The investigation on detergent fiber of 5 tropical leguminous forages(S1~S5) with 3 fertilization levels(F_0~F_2) and 4 harvesting times(C1~C4) showed that:S4(C.对热研2号柱花草(S1)、圆叶决明CPI34721(S2)、圆叶决明CPI86134(S3)、圆叶决明ATF3248(S4)、羽叶决明ATF2217(S5)等5个热带豆科牧草洗涤性纤维的研究表明,中性洗涤纤维(NDF)以S4、S1最高(53。


热带和亚热带果树适宜于无霜冻或少发生霜冻的温暖地区生长的果树。主要分布在南纬30°至北纬30°之间。热带果树是常绿树,多数每年落叶一次,在季节改变时由新叶代替老叶。主要种类有椰子、香蕉、杧果、菠萝、棕枣、番木瓜、油梨、番荔枝、腰果等,对低温很敏感。亚热带果树中既有常绿的也有落叶的种类,生长在冬季比较寒冷但为期很短地区的,一般营养生长期较长。主要种类有柑橘、无花果、龙眼、荔枝、枇杷、杨梅、油橄榄、石榴等,其中有的稍耐霜冻。但二者的分类并不严格,各国的标准也不一致。由于引种驯化和育种工作的发展,现在不少果树的栽培分布已与自然分布或原产地有很大差别。如香蕉、菠萝等热带果树已在亚热带地区栽培生产,以致更难以严格区分。一般常将热带和亚热带果树相提并论。 这一大类果树在果树生产中有重要地位。如柑橘、香蕉、椰子的世界年产量仅次于温带果树的葡萄,经常分别居第 2、3、4位。果实除供生食外,也是制罐、蜜饯、香精油及其他加工工业的重要原料。中国的热带和亚热带果树的种质资源十分丰富,但除香蕉、菠萝和柑橘类少数几种果树外,其开发研究尚不及温带果树。
