900字范文 > 婆媳关系 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law英语短句 例句大全

婆媳关系 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-28 20:54:52


婆媳关系 The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law英语短句 例句大全

婆媳关系,The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

1)The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law婆媳关系

1.In China, the topic about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law lasts forever because of their most frequent and trivial contradiction.在家庭伦理关系中,婆媳关系是非血缘非婚姻关系中最复杂、最微妙的一种。

2.In family relations, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law neither likes the intimate marriage relationship between couples nor the stable blood ties between mother and daughter.在家庭伦理关系中,婆媳关系既不像夫妻那样有着亲密的姻缘关系,又不像母女那样有着稳定的血缘纽带,是一种最复杂、最微妙、最难处的家庭成员关系。


1.Ethics Of Care and Investigation of Relationship between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law in Modern Family;现代家庭婆媳关系的理性探索与关怀

2.Folk narration on the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in Zhao Shuli s novels;论赵树理小说中婆媳关系的民间叙事

3.When the mother quarreled with her daughter-in-law, the son was caught between two fires.婆媳关系不好, 做丈夫的只能受着夹板气。

4.The Sex the Mothers and Daughters-in-law Relate Which by the Chinese Modern Literature in Narrates;论中国现代文学中婆媳关系的性别叙事

5.From Korean Sayings to Learn the Relationship between Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law in the Real Life in South Korea;从韩国俗语看韩国现实生活中的婆媳关系

6.Cogitation on the Difficulty in Filial Piety Construction--the Relationship Between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law对于孝文化建设之难点“婆媳关系”的思考

7.The Narrative Model of the Relation between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-lawin Modern Chinese Literature and its Cultural Significance;中国现代文学婆媳关系的叙事模式及其文化意味

8.On the Repudiation of Liu Lan-zhi--New opinions on the tragedy of The Bride of Jiao Zhong-qing从东汉以前婆媳关系看刘兰芝的被休——《孔雀东南飞》悲剧原因新探

9.We should properly handle relations between husband and wife, between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, between sisters-in-law and between parents and children.要处理好的,一是夫妻关系,二是婆媳关系,三是妯娌关系,四是父母子女关系等等。

10.Narration of the Relationship between Mother-In-Law and Daughter-In-Law and the Social Culture Connotation Reflected by It Since the New Time;新时期以来中国小说中婆媳关系的叙事及其所反映的社会文化内涵

11.She is a virtuous and kind daughter-in-law, getting along well with her husband"s brothers and sisters-in-law after marriage.她是个贤惠和善的媳妇, 嫁到夫家后, 把婆媳叔嫂关系处理得很融洽。

12.Meaning of the Relationship of Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law In Ba Jin s Works;论《寒夜》婆媳形象及其关系描写在巴金创作中的意义

13.`The ugly wife will visit her in-laws!"‘丑媳妇见公婆’!

14.On the Relationship of Tibetan Buddhism and the Local God "PoPo "in ZhouQu County论舟曲地方神“婆婆”与藏传佛教的关系

15.I have a hard time with my wife.我和我老婆关系不好。

16.When the daughter-in-law gives birth to a genuine, honest-to-goodness son, the mother-in-law has to make further concessions.到媳妇养了个真实不假的男孩子,婆婆更加让步。

17.The seats in the great hall all come in rotation; the daughter-in-law will some day be the mother-in-law堂屋椅子轮流坐媳妇也有做婆时

18.My husband"s mother is always trying to set him against me, probably because she"s jealous.也许出于嫉妒,我婆婆老是挑拨我和丈夫的关系。


Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law婆媳

3)image of daughter and mother-in-law婆媳形象

4)Respecting the mother-in-law and loving daughter-in-law尊婆爱媳

5)ethics of husband and wife婆媳伦理

6)"People may hide the worst side of their nature from casual friends, But they cannot hide it from those with whom they live "丑媳妇总要见公婆


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