900字范文 > 寒冷地区 cold area英语短句 例句大全

寒冷地区 cold area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-09 03:00:17


寒冷地区 cold area英语短句 例句大全

寒冷地区,cold area

1)cold area寒冷地区

1.Practice to adaptation on activated sludge incold area;寒冷地区活性污泥培养与驯化的实践

2.Assessment of sperm quality of men living incold area in our country by detecting sperm DNA;精子DNA检测评价我国寒冷地区男性的精子质量

3.Changing rules of temperature field for tunnel incold area;寒冷地区隧道温度场的变化规律


1.Wind environment designing on the low-density residence with high rising structure in cold zone寒冷地区高层低密度住区风环境设计

2.small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland.北美和格陵兰寒冷地区的一种小灌木。

3.All these were typical feature of housing in the frigid climate in the far north.这些都具有东北寒冷地区居室的特点。

4.The two-layer shading screen system suitable for cold areas.适合寒冷地区使用的“二层保幕系统”。

5.Study on the Thermal Environment for Room with Balcony Closed in the Cold Zone;寒冷地区带封闭阳台房间热环境研究

pared Study on the Methods of Highway Sub-grade Widening in Cold Areas;寒冷地区公路路基拓宽改建技术比选

7.The Energy-saving Design Parameters about Office Building in Cold Region;寒冷地区办公建筑节能设计参数研究

8.Extant Residence Buildings of the Cold Area Energy-Conservation Transformation;寒冷地区既有居住建筑节能改造研究

9.Performance Assessment about Building External Wall Thermal Insulation Technology in Cold Regions;寒冷地区建筑外墙保温技术性能评价

10.Study on Indoor Physical Environment of the Ground Floor Room of Residential Buildings in Cold Area;寒冷地区住宅底层室内物理环境研究

11.Application Research on Sulfur Extended Asphalt Modified(SEAM) in Frozen AreasSEAM沥青混合料在寒冷地区的应用研究

12.The Energy Efficiency Design Research of Building Envelope for Cold Regions寒冷地区建筑围护体系节能设计研究

13.Study on Disease Treatment Technologies of Highway Tunnel in Cold Area寒冷地区公路隧道病害处治技术研究

14.Influence of External Window on Energy Saving of Residential Building in Cold Region外窗对寒冷地区居住建筑节能的影响

15.Study on Road Performance of SBR Modified Asphalt in Cold RegionsSBR改性沥青在寒冷地区的路用性能

16.Research and Practice of Green Building Design in the Cold Region寒冷地区绿色住宅设计的探讨与实践


18.Transformation Effect of Exposed Wall of A Dwelling House in Frigid Areas寒冷地区住宅外墙节能改造效果分析


cold region寒冷地区

1.The relationship between condition and traffic accidents of urban road intersections in thecold region;寒冷地区城市道路交叉口条件与交通事故关系

2.Research on the distributive regularities of road traffic accidents incold region;寒冷地区道路交通事故分布规律研究

3.Ice-damage analysis for structures standing in water incold regions;寒冷地区水中建筑物冰害分析

3)cold regions寒冷地区

1.An explore on the feasibility of the east-and-west facing residential real estate market incold regions寒冷地区东西向住宅房产市场可行性探讨

2.Ultimately,the paper was aimed at providing pavement constructor with an efficient reference in northerncold regions.结合内蒙古通辽-下洼高速公路教来河大桥桥面铺装实体工程,简要介绍了桥面防水层的施工概况,总结了涂膜类防水材料的施工工艺,为北方寒冷地区公路桥面防水层施工提供一定的参考依据。

3.The paper chiefly studies the influence of external window on residential building energy consumption taking thecold regions as example from energy-saving.本文从节能的角度出发,以寒冷地区为例,主要研究外窗对居住建筑能耗的影响。

4)cold areas寒冷地区

1.Experimental study on construction of full-section RCC dam incold areas;寒冷地区全断面碾压混凝土坝的试验研究

2.Energy efficiency of combined solar collector for rural houses incold areas;寒冷地区农村组合式太阳房的节能性分析

3.Using stabilization ponds in Jining City as subject, feasibility of stabilization ponds with short residence time incold areas was emphatically studied.以集宁市某稳定塘为主要研究对象 ,着重研究了短停留时间稳定塘在寒冷地区应用的可行性、城市污水中主要污染物的去除规律、最佳工艺流程和设计技术参数、工程强化措施及最终塘出水的综合利用等问题 ,为寒冷地区城市污水的处理提供了实际工程可应用的参考资料。

5)cold district寒冷地区

1.Dadingzishan Navigation-Power Junction s lock is the first lock built at the same latitude of China scold districts.松花江大顶子山航电枢纽船闸,其人字闸门和检修闸门均为大型闸门,是我国同纬度寒冷地区第一座船闸,特别是需在流冰期运行、需在长达5个月低温期(最低温度可达-40)℃低温越冬,使钢结构的设计较南方非冰冻河流的船闸设计增加了一些技术难度,设计关键控制点多、难点多。

2.This paper analyses and compares the advantages and disadvantages between steam heating system with high temperature and pressure,and high temperature hot water heating system for main machine building of an operating power plant incold district.通过某实际运行的发电厂,比较与分析了在寒冷地区,主厂房采用高温高压蒸汽采暖系统与高温热水采暖系统的优缺点。

3.On the base of analyzing the situation of suburban houses in thecold district, some studies are done in the aspects of overall programming and shape coefficient, design scheme is put forward in order to achieve continuable development of suburban houses in thecold district.在对寒冷地区市郊住宅现状分析的基础上,对寒冷地区市郊住宅总体规划、 体型进行研究,提出寒冷地区市郊住宅节能设计方案,并对其进行分析评价,实现寒 冷地区市郊住宅建筑的可持续发展。

6)severe cold and cold regions严寒和寒冷地区

1.Based on average daily temperature data and socio-economic statistical data,such as urban population and per captia housing area in Jinlin Province,influence factor analysis of urban residential heating energy consumption insevere cold and cold regions in China,a case of Jilin Province,is conducted.以吉林省为例,在假设历年采暖建筑物标准室温为18℃和不同建筑物热工特性相同的前提下,认为在一定建筑设计标准下,直接影响严寒和寒冷地区城镇住宅采暖耗能的因子主要有采暖强度、城镇人口数、人均住宅建筑面积。


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
