900字范文 > 间接滴灌 indirect drip irrigation英语短句 例句大全

间接滴灌 indirect drip irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-05 19:31:31


间接滴灌 indirect drip irrigation英语短句 例句大全

间接滴灌,indirect drip irrigation

1)indirect drip irrigation间接滴灌

1.The technique parameter model forindirect drip irrigation was built using water balance principle and steady-state principle of constant-head well permeameter.间接滴灌是以地表滴灌的方式铺设管道而实现地下滴灌灌水效果的新型节水灌溉技术。


1.Moisture Transform Rule and Production Mechanism of Subsurface Non-Pressure Irrigation and Indirect Drip Irrigation无压地下灌溉和间接滴灌水分运移规律与节水增产机制研究

2.Parameter model of water-conducting device specification for indirect subsurface drip irrigation间接地下滴灌导水装置规格参数模型

3.The Optimization of Drip Pipe Network in Different Shapes Field不同形状地块滴灌田间管网优化研究

4.A Study on Field Microclimate Characteristics of Processing Tomato with Drip Irrigation under Membranes膜下滴灌加工番茄田间小气候的特征

5.Experimental Research on Alfalfa Water Requirement Rules under Subsurface Drip Irrigation地下滴灌苜蓿田间需水规律试验研究

6.Research Soil Water Movement and Salt Transport of Drip Irrigation under Film on the Field;膜下滴灌条件下土壤水盐运移田间试验研究

7.The Study on the Character of Water and Salt Distribution in Soil under Field Drip Irrigation;田间滴灌条件下土壤水盐分布特征的试验研究

8.Studies on Regularity of Water Requirement with the Drip Irrigation under Mulch of Melon Growing in Field;膜下滴灌条件下甜瓜田间需水规律的研究

9.Field Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on Transport of Water and Nitrogen under Drip Irrigation in the Greenhouse;温室滴灌水氮运移田间试验及数值模拟

10.The Research of Irrigation Belt Emplacing on Sandland Potatoes;沙地马铃薯滴灌毛管布设方式田间试验研究

11.Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture under Mulched Drip Irrigation膜下滴灌田间土壤水分时空变异规律研究

12.Distribution features of field soil water and salt under the drip irrigation and evaporation田间滴灌入渗与蒸发条件下土壤水盐分布特征

13.Study on Soil Nutrient Space Variability in Cotton Field with Drip Irrigation in Oasis绿洲滴灌棉田土壤养分空间变异性研究

14.Field investigation and evaluation of drip line performance in subsurface drip irrigation system基于田间定位观测的地下滴灌毛管性能评价

15.Optimization of Drip Pipe Network in Difformity Fields不同形状地块滴灌田间管网的优化研究

16.Study on Rapid Determination of Total Sulphur Content in Kaolin by NaOH Indirect TitrationNaOH间接滴定法快速测定高岭土中全硫

17.Effects of drip irrigation mode on spatial distribution of soil water and nitrogen and winter wheat yield滴灌模式对农田土壤水氮空间分布及冬小麦产量的影响

18.Spatial distribution and accumulation pattern of soil salinity with long term drip irrigation under plastic mulching膜下长期滴灌土壤盐分的空间分布特征与累积效应


layout interval滴灌带间距

3)indirect titration间接滴定

4)indirect titrimetry间接滴定法

1.Determination of aluminium in ladle alumininm-caicinm packed wire feeding by EDTAindirect titrimetry;EDTA间接滴定法测定钢包喂铝钙包芯线中铝

5)drip irrigation滴灌

1.Experimental study on effect of pressure on capillary tube uniformity indrip irrigation at different slopes;不同坡度下压力对滴灌毛管均匀度的影响试验

2.Technique and application of the ring compensationdrip irrigation;环状补偿式滴灌技术及应用

3.Experimental research ondrip irrigation schedule for crops in arid area of Northwest China;西北干旱缺水区大田作物滴灌灌溉制度试验


1.Effect ofdrip-irrigation with salinity water on soil environment of the Trim Desert highway shelterbelt;咸水滴灌对沙漠公路防护林土壤环境的影响

2.The results showed that thedrip-irrigation is better than the ditch-irrigation and irrigation on-film for water saving by 15% and 40%,and yield increasing by 15% and 51%.在日光温室中采用滴灌、膜上灌和沟灌3种灌溉方式灌溉羊角辣椒,分析了3种灌溉方式下辣椒的最优灌溉方式,最终得到了羊角辣椒在滴灌情况下比膜上灌和沟灌节水达15%和40%,增产15%和51%,同时得到了温室中羊角辣椒在滴灌模式下的灌溉制度。

3.The research and development of the application ofdrip-irrigation in forestry were summarized and it was showed that the research and development of the application ofdrip-irrigation in forestry was mostly in non-wood product-forest and it was less in timber and nursery.综述了滴灌在林业上应用的研究与进展 ,指出滴灌在林业上主要应用于经济林培育中 ,在用材林、苗木培育上的应用较少。


