900字范文 > 海南儋州 Danzhou Hainan英语短句 例句大全

海南儋州 Danzhou Hainan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-21 04:51:55


海南儋州 Danzhou Hainan英语短句 例句大全

海南儋州,Danzhou Hainan

1)Danzhou Hainan海南儋州


1.The Toning in Danzhou,Hainan Province and the Inheritance and Development of the National and Folk Instruments of the Li Nationality;海南儋州调声和黎族民间乐器的传承与发展

2.Characteristics of soil carbon and tatal nitrogen contents of rubber plantations at different age stages in Danzhou,Hainan island海南儋州不同林龄橡胶林土壤碳和全氮特征

3.The actuality of sugarcane industry in Danzhou city and the development countermeasure;海南省儋州市甘蔗糖业的现状与对策

4.Study on the Service of Open-shelf Librarians--Taking the Open Shelf of the Library of Danzhou Campus of Hainan University as the Example开架书库馆员服务工作研究──以海南大学儋州校区图书馆开架书库为例

5.Thoughts on Campus Material Culture Construction of SCUTA Campus in Danzhou;儋州院校区校园物质文化建设的思考

6.Research on rice plant type and yield to canopy light distribution relationship based on Danzhou area儋州水稻株型与产量及冠层光分布的关系研究

7.A Review of Su Guo: a Special Exiled Official during the Linghai Period;惠、儋瘴地上的特殊逐臣——岭海时期之苏过论

8.Official Career and Change of Sushi s Thoughts;问汝平生功业,黄州、惠州、儋州——仕宦经历与苏轼思想的转变

9.Hainan Lizu Miaozu Zizhizhou海南黎族苗族自治州

10.Leizhou Peninsula lies opposite Hainan Island.雷州半岛正对着海南岛。

11.In the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911), Hainan Island was known as Ya"Zhou or Land of Perpendicular Cliffs.清朝时,海南岛称“崖州”。

12.Distribution: Hong Kong Island, Lantau Island. Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, guizhou and Yunnan. Laos, Vietnam.地理分布:香港岛、屿山。海南、东、西、州和云南。老挝、南。

13.Seasonal Changes and Sufficiency or Lack of Minerals Elements in the Soil-Forage-Animal Ecosystem in Haixi and Hainan Area in Qinghai Province;青海海西、海南州不同季节矿物元素的盈缺分析

14.Behavior of Dissolved Arsenic in the Jiaozhou Bay、East China Sea and Part of South China Sea;胶州湾、东海及南海部分海区中溶解态砷的行为

15.Study on the Seasonal Change of Dry Matter Intake of the Grazing Sheep in Haixi and Hainan in the Qinghai Province;青海海西州海南州放牧绵羊牧草干物质采食量的季节变化

16.the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia.美国南部海岸边的平原,包括维吉尼亚州、北卡罗来纳州、南卡罗来纳州和乔治亚州等州的东部。

17.We traveled to Shanghai by Nanjing and Suzhou.我们经过南京和苏州旅行到了上海。

18.MARY: Maybe Shanghai, Nangjing, Wuxi and Hangzhou.玛丽:可能参观上海、南京、无锡和杭州。


Danzhou locals on Hainan Island海南岛儋州人

3)Danzhou tune of Hainan海南儋州调声

4)Danzhou City of Hainan Province海南省儋州市

5)An Introduction to Danzhou Tune of Hainan Province海南儋州调声初探



