900字范文 > 供应连管理 supply chain management英语短句 例句大全

供应连管理 supply chain management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-16 00:07:30


供应连管理 supply chain management英语短句 例句大全

供应连管理,supply chain management

1)supply chain management供应连管理

2)supply management供应管理

1.When increasing income,reducing expenditure and raising performance become the key of the airline existence and development,the airline has to make use of the air material supply chain thought,with a modern purchase strategy and buying method to carry out the air material purchase andsupply management.当增收节支、提高效益成为航空公司生存和发展的关键时,航空公司可运用航材供应链保障思想,通过现代采购战略及采购策略去实施航材采购与供应管理。

2.The article expounds some personal ideas aiming for the importance about material purchasingsupply management in State-owned large enterprise.文章针对国有大中型企业进行物资采购供应管理的重要性,对如何加强企业物资采购供应管理,节 约采购成本进行初浅的探讨。

3.This paper studies the strategies and the methods systematically to reduce the excessive inventory in our enterprises from the following five aspectssupply management, production management, marketing, decision making and the enterprise integration.本文从供应管理、生产管理、营销管理、经营决策管理、企业整体协调等五个方面系统研究了我国企业降低超量库存的策略与方法。


1.International Purchasing and Supply Management Section国际采购和供应管理科

2.Study on Supply Management Goal and Relational Orientation of Suppliers;供应管理目标与供应商关系定位研究

3.On Suppliers Management in Material &Equipment Co.供应商管理——浅谈江铜材料设备公司供应管理

4.Applicaltion of supply-chain theory to materials supply management of hydropower projects;供应链理论在水电工程材料供应管理中的应用

5.Suppliers Management and VMI Application under SCM Strategy;供应链战略下的供应商管理及VMI应用

6.The management will provide food and drink.管理部门将供应饮食.

7.The Research of Supply Chain Management Based on Internet;基于Internet的供应链管理

8.Management of Supply Links Based on Extranet;基于Extranet的供应链管理

9.The Choose and Management of the Supplier among the Agile Supply Chain;基于敏捷供应链的供应商选择和管理

10.Research of Supplier Selection Based on Supply Chain Management;基于供应链管理的供应商选择的研究

11.Supply Chain Integration: SCM in Dell Company;供应链一体化——DELL公司的供应链管理

12.Study on Supplier Quality Control in SCM;供应链环境下的供应商质量管理研究

13.The Evaluation of Supplier Flexibility Under Supply Chain Management Model;供应链管理模式下的供应商柔性评价

14.New Research Area on Supply Chain--Construction Supply Chain Management;供应链研究的新领域——工程供应链管理

15.Supply Chain and Reverse Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Integration;供应链、逆向供应链管理与企业集成

16.Research on the Supplier Selection of SCM;供应链管理中供应商选择问题的研究

17.The Study of Supplier Selection under the Conditions of Supply Chain Management供应链管理条件下的供应商选择研究

18.Research on Supply Chain Management and Green Supply Chain Management of Construction Engineering Enterprise;建筑业供应链管理和绿色供应链管理的研究


supply management供应管理

1.When increasing income,reducing expenditure and raising performance become the key of the airline existence and development,the airline has to make use of the air material supply chain thought,with a modern purchase strategy and buying method to carry out the air material purchase andsupply management.当增收节支、提高效益成为航空公司生存和发展的关键时,航空公司可运用航材供应链保障思想,通过现代采购战略及采购策略去实施航材采购与供应管理。

2.The article expounds some personal ideas aiming for the importance about material purchasingsupply management in State-owned large enterprise.文章针对国有大中型企业进行物资采购供应管理的重要性,对如何加强企业物资采购供应管理,节 约采购成本进行初浅的探讨。

3.This paper studies the strategies and the methods systematically to reduce the excessive inventory in our enterprises from the following five aspectssupply management, production management, marketing, decision making and the enterprise integration.本文从供应管理、生产管理、营销管理、经营决策管理、企业整体协调等五个方面系统研究了我国企业降低超量库存的策略与方法。


1.SCM: Comparative Analysis and Measures between WISCO and Baosteel;供应链管理:武钢与宝钢的对比分析及措施

2.Logistics of Pharmaceutical Industry inSCM Environment;论供应链管理环境下的医药物流

3.Analysis onSCMIS Structure Oriented to Equipment Manufacturing Industry;面向装备制造业供应链管理信息系统结构分析

4)supplier management供应商管理

1.Knowledge management insupplier management processes;供应商管理过程中的知识管理

2.Study on Supplier Management of Mechanical and Electrical Manufacturers;机电制造类企业供应商管理研究

3.Study of Supplier Management in Foreign Trade Industry;外贸企业供应商管理研究

5)supply chain management (SCM)供应链管理

1.The strategies are to construct modern supply chain of agricultural products,to find supply chain management (SCM) patterns suitable for agricultural products,and to promote agricultural products logistics.在阐释农产品物流科学内涵和剖析农产品物流发展现状的基础上,构建其发展策略,即打造现代农产品供应链,积极探索农产品的供应链管理(SCM)模式,努力促进农产品物流的发展,以期实现农产品供需的无缝对接和最大限度地增加农民收入。

2.This paper discusses concepts of supply chain and the meanings of supply chain management (SCM), and then the current status and development tendency.首先阐述了供应链的概念,分析了供应链管理的含义,接着论述了供应链管理及其关键技术的研究现状,最后展望了供应链管理的发展趋势。

3.According to the characteristic of Internet/Intranet based supply chain management (SCM) modes,the three typical application situations,namely Intranet VPN(virtual private network),Remote Access VPN and Extranet VPN,are analyzed for the systems of VPN firstly in this paper.针对基于Internet/Intranet供应链管理模式的特点 ,分析了虚拟专用网 (VPN)系统的 3种典型应用环境 ,即IntranetVPN ,RemoteAccessVPN和ExtranetVPN 。

6)supply chain management供应链管理

1.Product mix model in Baosteelsupply chain management;宝钢供应链管理中的产品组合模型

2.A method for modeling problem domain objects based onsupply chain management;面向供应链管理的行业信息系统问题域对象建模

3.The Supply Chain Management in the Cooperating Electronic Commerce Environment;协同电子商务环境下的供应链管理


