900字范文 > 土壤理化性状 Soil physical and chemical properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤理化性状 Soil physical and chemical properties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-04 01:34:54


土壤理化性状 Soil physical and chemical properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤理化性状,Soil physical and chemical properties

1)Soil physical and chemical properties土壤理化性状

1.Effects of land use regimes on soil physical and chemical properties in the Longzhong part of Loess plateau土地利用方式对陇中黄土高原土壤理化性状的影响

2.The soil physical and chemical properties were studied in fertile soil applying wheat straw with high ratio of carbon and nitrogen under the condition of cultivating flue-cured tobacco in Yuxi Yunnan Province.在高肥力植烟土壤上研究施用C/N高的小麦秸秆对土壤理化性状的影响。

3.The author concluded the effects of straw mulching on soil physical and chemical properties,soil microorganism and environment in home and abroad.归纳了国内外学者关于秸秆还田对土壤理化性状、微生物及生态环境影响的研究,研究表明:相对秸秆焚烧,秸秆还田不但可以减少大气污染,更重要的是秸秆还田可以有效调节土壤水、肥、气、热,提高土壤孔隙度、提高水分渗透率、增加土壤水稳性团聚体含量、提高土壤有机质、提高土壤有效养分(N、P、K等)、提高土壤微生物生物量、增强各种土壤酶的活性,同时还可以有效降低各种重金属对土壤的污染;从经济效益来讲,还可以提高作物的产量。


1.Physicochemical Properties and Enzyme Activities of Rhizosphere Soil in Sonneratia apetala无瓣海桑根际土壤理化性状和土壤酶活性

2.The Influence of Planting Alfalfa on the Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil;种植紫花苜蓿对土壤理化性状的影响

3.A Study on Physical and Chemical Characteristics and on the Technology to improve the Soil from Rice Field“稻改茶”土壤理化性状与改良技术研究

4.Study on the Effect of Biology Liquid Bacteria Concentrate Soil Amendment Product on Greenhouse Tomato生物菌剂型土壤调理剂对温室番茄生长及土壤理化性状的影响

5.Studies on Soil Physical-chemical Properties and Enzymes Activities for Urban Parks and Roads Green-land in Shenzhen;深圳城市公园道路绿地土壤理化性状与土壤酶活性研究

6.Effects of Long-Term Continuous Cropping System of Cotton on Soil Physical-Chemical Properties and Activities of Soil Enzyme in Oasis in Xinjiang新疆绿洲棉花长期连作对土壤理化性状与土壤酶活性的影响

7.The Properties of Physics Chemistry and Microbial Characteristic of Soil of Different Green Land Types in Zheng Zhou City;郑州市不同绿地类型土壤理化性状与土壤微生物特征研究

8.Analysis of Soil Microbia Community Structure and Research on Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics in Sanjiang Region三江地区土壤微生物群落结构分析及土壤理化性状的研究

9.Effects of Returning Straws-to-field on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco, Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics;稻草还田对烤烟产质及土壤理化性状的影响

10.The Effect of Peat on Soil Property and Biology of Peach Tree;草炭对土壤理化性状及桃的生物效应的影响

11.The Effects of Oxbow Lake on the Grassland Soil"s Physical and Chemical Characteristics in the Gonger Drainage Area贡格尔流域牛轭湖对草地土壤理化性状的影响

12.Study on Physico-chemical Characteristics of Forest Soil on Taiyue Mountain in Shanxi Province山西太岳山地区森林土壤理化性状研究

13.Effects of skidding by suspended cable on the physical and chemical properties of soil of artificial forest cutting area人工林伐区索道集材对土壤理化性状的影响

14.Effects of rice-fish integrated ecosystem on physical and chemical properties of paddy soil稻-鱼复合生态系统对水田土壤理化性状的影响

15.Study on Spatial Differentiation of Edaphic Physicochemical Properties in Wuyi Mountain武夷山土壤理化性状空间分异规律研究

16.Study on Changes of Soil Physiochemical Property Under Converting Cropland to Forest in Datong of Qinghai Province青海大通退耕还林地土壤理化性状演变研究

17.Effects of land use regimes on soil physical and chemical properties in the Longzhong part of Loess plateau土地利用方式对陇中黄土高原土壤理化性状的影响

18.Effects of different cultivation on soil physi-chemical properties of upland red soils and maize yield不同耕作方式对红壤旱地土壤理化性状及玉米产量的影响


Physical and chemical characteristics of soil土壤理化性状

1.Effects of bio-organic fertilizer on the physical and chemical characteristics of soil in Cassava field;生物有机肥对木薯地土壤理化性状的影响

3)soil properties土壤理化性状

4)soil physical and chemical characters土壤理化性状

5)Soil Property土壤理化性状

1.Effect of Peat and Chicken Manure onSoil Property and Fruit Quality in Peach Garden;桃树施用草炭和鸡粪对土壤理化性状和果实品质的影响

2.This experiment is mainy study the effect of peat on soil property and biology of peach tree.本试验研究草炭对桃园土壤理化性状和桃树生物效应的影响,旨在为探讨利用草炭增强果园土壤肥力、提高桃果实品质等提供新的土壤管理模式。

6)soil physical-chemical properties土壤理化性状

1.There were four treatments in field conditions: Conventional tillage(CT)、Straw returning no-tillage(NT1)、All-pole straw returning no-tillage(NT2) and Straw returning and subsoiling no-tillage(NTS),and the effects onsoil physical-chemical properties and yield of winter wheat were studied under conservation tillage.在大田条件下设4个处理:传统耕作(CT)、还田免耕(NT1)、整秆覆盖免耕(NT2)、还田深松免耕(NTS),研究了保护性耕作模式对冬小麦产量及土壤理化性状的影响。


土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)turang shuifen yundong iiben土壤水分运动基本方程fangeheng见土壤水运动。
