900字范文 > 热补偿 thermal compensation英语短句 例句大全

热补偿 thermal compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 03:56:27


热补偿 thermal compensation英语短句 例句大全

热补偿,thermal compensation

1)thermal compensation热补偿

1.Design ofthermal compensation for hot runner in injection mould;注射模热流道的热补偿计算

2.General conditions forthermal compensation in optical systems;光学系统实现热补偿的通用条件

3.Based on the thermal expansion theory,through the analysis and comparison of the characteristics and the adaptation scope for variousthermal compensation methods,and combined with the production practice in alumina plant,the cause of the rupture occurred in expansion joint was analyzed.从管道的热膨胀理论出发,通过对各种热补偿方法结构特点、适用范围的对比分析,并结合氧化铝厂的生产实践,分析了膨胀节爆裂的原因,认为原设计采用波形膨胀节补偿热变形是不适宜的。


1.Some precision gages used a thermal compensator.有些精密仪器用了热补偿器。

2.A Theoretical Model of High Power VCSEL Based on the Thermal-offset-current一种基于热补偿电流的大功率VCSEL模型

3.A Study on Allowable Temperatine Variableand Heat Compensation of Thermodyhamic Pipeline;热力管路许用温度变量及热补偿问题的研究

4.Study and Fabrication of Athermalized Infrared Refractive/Diffractive Hybrid Optical System;被动热补偿型折衍混合红外光学系统的研制

5.sion compensation angular ball bearing热胀补偿向心球轴承

6.Westinghouse alloy西屋镍铜热磁补偿合金

7.A heat-loss-compensated aluminium absorbed dose calorimeter热损补偿型铝吸收剂量量热计的研制

8.power compensation differential scanning calormeter功率补偿差示扫描量热仪

9.Alloy wires of extension and compensating cables for thermocouplesGB/T4990-1995热电偶用补偿导线合金丝

10.Research on Thermal Errors Inspection and Compensation Techniques of NC Machine Tools;数控机床热误差检测及补偿技术研究

11.Research on Roll Eccentricity Compensation Algorithm and Simulation in Hot Rolling;热连轧轧辊偏心补偿算法及仿真研究

12.Analysis and Study for the Compensating System of Thermal Errors in Grinding;磨削热分析及其误差补偿系统的研究

13.Thermal Error Inspection and Research on Compensation Techniques of Machining Center;加工中心热误差检测与补偿技术研究

14.The Theory and Proving of the Compensatory Conduction Wires Applied in Thermocouples;热电偶使用补偿导线的理论及其证明

15.Application of Direct Non-compensation Burying in Central Heating Construction无补偿直埋在集中供热工程中的应用

16.Power Compensation Method in Different Scanning Calorimeter差示扫描量热仪中一种功率补偿方法

17.Thermal Analysis and Thermal Deformation Compensation for Ballscrew System of Machine Tools机床滚珠丝杠系统热特性分析及其热变形补偿

18.The reheat coil adjusts supply air temperature to offset building heat losses due to transmission.再热盘管调节送风温度,以补偿因传热造成的建筑热损失。


heat compensation热补偿

1.Deep decarburization,degas,desulphurization,dephosphorization,deoxidation,inclusion removal andheat compensation integration are the key technologies to realize the multifunction of RH.全面地总结了近RH精炼技术的发展,指出RH多功能化应是今后发展的主要趋势,其主要包括深脱碳、脱气、脱硫、脱磷、脱氧去除夹杂物和进行热补偿等5大功能,并提出研究开发多功能氧枪,将吹氧、喷粉和烘烤加热等技术集成一体是实现RH多功能化的技术关键。

2.Based on heat expansion theory of tubes,through the contrasting analysis of structure characters and application scopes of different kinds ofheat compensation methods,the reasons for the crack of the expansion joint are analyzed in this article with taking into account the production experience in alumina plant.本文从管道的热膨胀理论出发,通过对各种热补偿方法结构特点、适用范围的对比分析,并结合氧化铝厂的生产实践,分析了蒸汽进口膨胀节爆裂的原因,认为采用波形膨胀节补偿热变形是不适宜的。

3.The suggestion to optimize the design ofheat compensation for pipe system was put forward according to the result of the computing.利用该软件计算结果 ,可对现有或新设燃气输配管线热补偿设置提出优化或修正建议 ,亦可比较在输送不同燃气种类时温度场的分布情况 ,为设计人员正确设置热补偿装置提供依

3)compensation of thermal expansion热补偿

4)thermal compensation error热补偿量

5)heat supply compensation供热补偿

6)thermocouple compensation热偶补偿


